Would you?

Would you?

Sure, I'd love to play the Legacy of Goku games again

Dumb animeposter

i want that log




Again? It's not funny. Everyone hates your guts.

A is for asshole, the poster of logs


B is for bitch

C is for cuntfart (and I mean op)

D is for douchebag and his fucking forced meme


E is for electricity required to juice him

F is for fuckhead (creamy)


G is for garbage, which is what op posts

G is for grow up

H is for horrid faggot posts


I is for idiot posting log pics


J is for jerkoff (op and Andy Sixx)


K is for kill the fucker posting these threads


L is for logboy; off with his head.

M is for murder, what I'd like to do to op


N is for nigger

O is for oral


P is for penis (op's delight)

Q is for queerbait (looking @ you op)

R is for retard (op, is that you?)

S is for Sixx (some faggot Jew)


T is for tedious, op's specialty

U is for universal ban (what I want for op)

V is for very sick of op's fucking threads

W is for weary which is what I am of op

X is for SiXX

Who is he? Kinda hot!

Y is for Y u no wantogs

Z is for zangus.