Faces of Sup Forums

Faces of Sup Forums

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I wouldn't have sex with your face, BUT I think you're considered a handsome dude.

Ey, thanks m8. You look pretty decent yourself, bit of a johnny depp thing going on


7 nogs out of 10 nigs, would pop caps with

A poorly aged one if so! Appreciate it tho!

0/10 would burn your house down if you moved on my block.
6/10 for being right side up.

lol, fucking exif data is the bane of my existence

holy shit qt 3.14

Quit posting that ho

Lookin' dashing my man


While shitting


Dont judge pls

Vito? Weren't you whacked by Phil Leotardo?

Leotardo, that's my fuckin' legacy.

Bunch of fucking cucks here reeeeee




Positively gentlemanly







Fuck these new captchas tho




lol what a shit tattoo


1000 chad's per square inch



take your finger off the trigger, nigger

be nice pls its me on the left

What does that mean?

It didn't have the norwegian O letter.
Means cute. Since you had the norwegian flag and all.

ITT feces of bee

Can't believe Ed Sheeran browses Sup Forums

I don't know why that didn't occur to me, takk

I thought it was some acronym





Vis tissen.

that's maddie ziegler lmao

is that an Attila Chaos flag?

Nei, butt

Haha! Trodde ikke du kom til å levere.
Ti av ti ville kost.

the ass was fat



Voff voff!
Hvor i landet bor du?

Sorry bud you gotta be 18 to post here, I'm turning your up over to the feds



10/10 if we were rating how much you love your mom

West Coast USA >.>

>mfw I look like someone hit random when making an oblivion character

Why do you think I love my mom any more than the average person?

Åja! Nyt livet på andre siden av Atlanterhavet, vesle sotnos.



Hele familien min er fra Bergen skjont


Så du har aldri bodd i Norge?
Kan du snakke norsk?

It's a wholesome love, everyone should love their mom 10/10 you perv

ur all ugly as shit

you rebbit motherfucker are the worst thing on my Sup Forums...any true user would never okay a thread like this. so cringely


Jeg har ikke forlatt USA siden jeg var veldig liten.
Nei, jeg skriver bare tilfeldige bokstaver og på en eller annen måte kan du forstå meg

7/10 would ask to see your tits like a gentleman

My first time doing this pls go easy on me

Haha! Du kunne jo ha brukt Google Translate eller noe.

im a boy though user


RIP user, rested in the pieces

10/10 would ask to see boi pussy like a gentleman


Hva tar du meg for? a newfag?


Det var nesten for godt til å være sant.

vha mener du?

Be nice

Can I play football on your forehead?


that's just.... sad



that's nobody

ayyy... FUCK!


You look like my aunt


whats wrong with this picture? Filter or my eyes dying? Why is the lighting fucked?

Is this you?