Seeing as how diamond is the hardest known metal, why not use it to make bulletproof vests?

Seeing as how diamond is the hardest known metal, why not use it to make bulletproof vests?

nice meme.

Costs too much.

because it would be too expensive. And while it's hard and tough, it does not bend easily like bronze for example. It's not that good metal for vests.

I'm not sure why I'm responding to obvious b8, but diamond isn't even a metal

This pasta is stale

Another fucking illiterate hominid. Diamonds are HARD not strong. They easily break under a hammer.

Please stop reposting. Unless if you're doing a trap thread.

but it is metal. Next you are propably claiming that steel ain't metal. Fucking jew.

hammer made of harder metal? but there is NOT harder metal.

Your idiot, retard.

It's because the force SHATTERS it. It's a crystal not a uniform metallic surface. Crystals break and separate.

Its too heavy. 1g of diamond weighs something like 15g

How is 1 gram, 15 grams. I'm sorry are you confused or some shit?

user beat me to it

How much heat you must have, if you are going to melt diamonds?

Jet fuel can't melt diamond vests you retard.

1g x amount of karats, maybe?


Because its diamond and diamonds are heavy you dip

Carats aren't that big. It's like the size of a eraser on a pencil for 1 carat

Diamonds are the hardest metal. Everyone knows that.

>Seeing as how diamond is the hardest known metal, why not use it to make bulletproof vests?
As a chemist, it pains me to inform you that it's the lizard people that are suppressing our research into this field. Personally, I think that it's because they are on the take from the producers of kevlar...

Hard doesn't equal strong. That's a misconception. Diamonds aren't a metal either, because they have a crystal structure. It can shatter easily if you hit it hard enough

Diamonds might be hard but are easy to break. You can cut a diamon in half if you hit it at the right angle. See a real clever design for a bullet proof vest would use water to stop the bullet

Since diamond is very heavy (1 gram is 15 grams) why dont we just use gas diamonds. Its still hard (because its diamonds) but now becomes super light (because air is light, and diamonds would be air then)

Because diamond is also the heaviest metal. 15 kg of diamond would be like 20kg of lead.

The thing is that when a diamond is a gas. It is thousand of degrees and the particles don't interact like a solid and will act more like air.

Because like glass it would shatter. Hard doesn't matter, has to be both hard and impact resistant.

But water is real easy to get through. I csn just push a spoon through the tap water, i cant push a spoon through a diamond.


Precious gems

15 kg of diamond is the same as 15 kg of lead. Kg doesn't measure volume or density

Air isnt thousand of degrees when its gas, why should diamond be any different. And maybe thousand diamond degrees is only 20 human degrees

Yes but bullets loose their speed and force the instant they hit water. Have you not watched that myth busters?

If you coat each droplet of water with diamonds than it will prevent you from being able to spoon water while allowing water to stop bullet

Nah, diamond is more heavier than lead. A gram of lead might be 10 grams, but a gram of diamond is 15 grams

No, diamonds boil at thousand of degrees. The gas would spread out, making it unusable. It can only exist as a gas when it's really hot.

You're an idiot. Diamond is heavier than lead.

You'd have to have some sort of machine with you that burns the diamonds to gaseos form. Plus how you contain that?? Inspiring idea though.

Are you saying a spoon is more weapon than a bullet?

No, the DENSITY is higher. Like 5 gcm for lead and 3 gcm for diamond. Mass is always the same. It's the sizes and volumes that are different

What weighs more. I pound of feathers or lead?

you should have worn diamond hat, you got brain damage from mind-controlling alien microwaves that are making you think stupid

What if as a gas we use it to coat water like

Then why does a gram of diamond weigh more than a gram of lead you genius?

Lead. It falls much faster when you drop it

no. lead is the most heavy in the whole universe. That's why they use lead in machine gun bullets.

You are scientifically illiterate. You are getting confused

cause if the perp used diamond bullets it would cause a catastrophic explosion fucking first grade shit here boys

lead, because it's heviest metal in the universe. Why birds use feathers??? Because it's so light.

They weigh the same. But the diamond uses less space for the same weight. Making it more dense, more compact.

You are retarded, congratulations.

A pound is a pound. Pound of feathers, is the same as a pound of lead.

They both weigh ONE POUND.

>1 gram is 15 grams
As a physicist i can confirm this to be true. You see, the crystal structure of diamonds actually accelerate the individual carbon atoms to 0.9978c.

ur mum

oy vey shlomo! stop spreading lies. diamond is the HARDEST and STRONGEST metal known to man and jew. i get it, you don't want whitey to know cause you like to hedge your sheckel collection w/ precious rocks, but you're not fooling anyone here.

I thought titanium was the hardest metal? diamonds are actually very britle?

You don't think it has anything to do with lead being easy to work, do you?

if they weigh the same why are feathers so light? you dont see birds with lead wings

Im saying you are too dumb to understand this, go put your helmet on kelso

Well, have you ever seen a bullet scoop out an eyeball? Yeah, didn't think so.

I think you have no idea what you are talking about, sit back and let men of science figure out how we can make water coated diamond gas bulletproof vests

They are less dense, more space for the same weight.

holy shit you're dumb. have you ever held a pound of lead? shit is -way- heavier than feathers. damn dude were you dropped on your head or something? maybe you actually ate the lead. that would explain a lot.

And gravity acts more strongly on it, of course.

^this^. evolution literally proved this man right. its not like we stuff our pillows with lead, we use DOWN FEATHERS because they're so much lighter and fluffier.

>Seeing as how diamond is the hardest known metal, why not use it to make bulletproof vests?
I'm out. My IQ just dropped about 10 points reading this sentence.

>ate the lead
Agreed, that's the only way he could have made a pound of lead the same weight as a pound of feathers. He's such a charletten.

How does it feel to be in the negative?

Glad you're still breathing, I bet.

>thinking diamonds are not hardest metal
>they can withstand an impact of 10 gallons per feet

good job retard


I like how you trust your lizard overlords so much that you believe that the truth caused you to loss IQ points.

pretty sure just a small bag of them is around 20 million dollars

You sound like you need a quality fingerbox.

Here, have a Taylor fappening leak.

10 gallons of what?

Cannot be water per feet. Water slide right around it.


10 gallons of EMF force per square joule

You skip science in school slappy?

Jesus Christ.

because it isn't bulletproof.

diamond is too shiny for combat vests. you need a metal that has different shades of green in it for camouflage

Because energy from the bullet will most likely kill the man. Can't vest the whole body.

Field shield is a better solution

Then why dont we make vest made of water?

>Diamonds might be hard but are easy to break.

I hope people here are just in on the joke. Otherwise. Holy shit.

Then why do birds fly with feathers rather than lead or diamonds if 1kg feathers is the same as 1kg of lead or diamonds?

steel is an alloy

because diamond shards are more or as lethal as bullets

I think you are more dense motherfucker

Scrolled too far for this

Can't drop if it's already on ground zero

Being metal isn't a joke, asshole

Really nobody has posted this yet?

way to ruin the joke you cunt,


....the absolute madman