Come, Sup Forums. Listen to my tale of a burdensome past, and its redemptive present

Come, Sup Forums. Listen to my tale of a burdensome past, and its redemptive present.

>I was bullied a lot starting from elementary school until late middle school
>The reason was that my classmates were incompetent and took it all out on me because I was an achiever
>Middle school came and so did the bullying. I was bullied for detaching myself from the other kids, and my achiever habits had never really left me
>I had bottled up all the negativity in me that came with the bullying until I have had finally decided that enough was enough.
>Through my circle of social outcast friends that never really cared about going to school I had learned and practiced street fighting until I had fully gotten the hand of it

>Eventually, my family had decided that it was about time we move to another state
>It was every bit as unpleasant as it sounds to say goodbye to my old friends - they were pretty much the only ones I hanged out with after repaying them with small acts of kindness
>I had treasured my fair share of memories with them - the times we had fun fighting just to train me, the tears we wept together and the laughs we blew over stupid shit. Yeah, I remembered it all even to this very day
>They always told me to "keep fighting, dream big and I'll get there". Those were their words that I always had remembered

>So, yeah. New state; new school; new problems
>High school came. I got pretty focused on my academic pioneering, but never had I forgotten about the gist of street fighting
>Bullying also returned, but I knew what to do. I'd let them deal the first blow before I strike back with full fury
>I've gotten in so much trouble with bullies that I was about to be expelled from high school. I remembered all the meetings with the principal, my parents, and other angered parents and they were talking about how I should be sent to jail for beating up """innocent children who did nothing wrong"""

is that it or is there more?

>My parents had eventually found out of my hooliganism and had the right mind to talk to me about it before I could've had ended up in a youth detention center
>I had vowed to them I am to never lay any finger on anyone ever again even if it's about something right. Swift physical retribution was their proving point on the situation, so it had been a hard pill for me to swallow - but I clearly had managed
>Before I graduated from high school, my half-Asian history teacher mentioned to me some principles about East Asian martial arts practices in which the fighters only fight not to hurt the opponent; but to defend himself from them
>With all the necessary reparations done, I graduated from high school. My grades were above the standard passing rate, so it was easy for me to manage in finding the right campus

>I had entered the world of college and I had hoped for the best.
>The first few weeks and the pressure of academia had given me a slump; a chance given to the rest to rise.
>Some failed quizzes and tests were resolved by drinking. That was the first time one minor slump made me feel so hopeless.
>One day, a couple of days before the first semester's midterm examinations, I met one Japanese girl who had always spent time studying in the libraries. We'll call her Sayuri.

Forgive me, Sup Forums. It will take me some time to continue laying down my story - but for what I will promise you, it will be finished.


>was picked on all through school for being suspected fag
>trained 4 years karate, 2 years MMA, 2 months British Jiu-Jitsu which is a modified form of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
>but strictly follow the teachings of the code of bushido that violence should be a last resort always, and it hadn't gotten bad yet
>highschool rolls by
>things start escalating
>friend tries assaulting me when he finds out I'm actually gay, it isn't just a prank
>tells some other guys at school
>go out to have a smoke
>get kicked on my ass, blindsided from the bushes by friend
>guys come running up to me
>prop up one leg and do a hip thrust with a left leg extension, a fitness training exercise
>hit one square in the nuts
>screams a bit and falls over
>get up from ground defence position (crab walk) and assume fighting stance
>right into one guys right hook which hits my shoulder
>wince and windmill arm, grab his by the wrist while he's pulling back
>extend his arm, punch his elbow, he cries out
>punch his ribs, get tackled by someone
>one guy holds me down two guys hold my arms
>wiggle around for millimeters of roomm, kick out both legs 90 degrees up and down and use momentum for extra leverage
>guy on my chest doesn't move, just hits me a bit but he can't punch
>one guy hits my cheekbone, he can't punch though so it hurts but he also hurt his hand a little
>notice guys holding arms don't know what the fuck they are doing
>they relax a little and i take advantage
>I spinaround under chest man so he's bumming my ass and just go into dog stance, which is basically starter pushup position, guys get knocked off me
>decide fuck having a cigarette and just run in the school
>kick the door into one of the dudes hands while he tries to stop it from closing, probably broke it
>at this point the office has called the cops so they take us to the office
>three dudes end up going to jeuvie cuz they already had been given warnings about fighting
>no one fucked with me again


>She's simply beautiful; and a nice person - even to this very day. You wouldn't see any typical moped-up-college-bitch personality in her.
>Every day, after classes - we had started a habit on meeting each other at the library to get to know each other, and study.
>I had found out that her family just recently moved to the States; and that she and her family were from Sapporo and that they migrated in hopes of prosperity
>Sayuri has an ungodly terrible skill with spoken English. But that wasn't a barrier between us. I had remembered studying spoken Japanese as a hobby in high school and befriending her was a chance I took to improve it

>Our meetings at the library had continued. We studied often, and that was the major factor on my recovery from the academic slump
>I started to get to know her well - she had complained to me about her woes of the new world around her: no one practically speaks to her because she's Japanese with an abysmal spoken English, and she was finding it difficult to find ways around the city
>Her academic performance is also affected by that - any essay-based tests or class reportings, she's doomed to fail. I was always kind at heart - so I offered to teach her English
>Weeks and more weeks passed, and she was learning rather swiftly. We started to hang out more often and spend time with one another - she tends to wait for me after my class and I tend to have done the same as she did. She was recovering from her own English problems as well. I was also studying Japanese again at that time as a hobby and our conversations helped a lot.

>Little did we know, the bonds between me and Sayuri had gotten deeper
>Some time when the freshman's second semester had ended, she had the courage to introduce me to her parents. I remember being so nervous when she took me to her doorstep
>Sayuri's dad was a bit unwelcoming, but her mother was very gentle and kind. I was served some nice Sapporo green tea and it was very good.

working since 15, got kicked out at 17, completed junior and senior year in a foster home, reliant on my brother and a high schoolers wage. started heavy drug use, started overdoses, started therapy, broke up with my love of 4 years at 22, started dealing drugs, started promiscuity, moved states, clinical anxiety, manic depressive of 10 years, moving back home in 10 days to get my own condo and to keep doing work. single by choice, focused, and happy. =] not a story to be judged as good or bad. its just my story that makes me who i am.

Kinda same but I am a weak fag. Teach me how to survive. I live in a much worse place than you.

that sucks user, you have my sympathy.

if you can, go to a martial arts club to learn the discipline, explain that you want to learn self defence because you get picked on alot, they love training people who need the training and it helps them understand what to teach you sometimes.

you have to remember that when they come at you with words they are looking for a reaction, when they come at you with fists they are looking for more than that. if you can make their words hurt less than their fists by remembering their opinions don't define you, it can get easier.

I didn't have enough room in the post to explain the extent fully, but before that altercation i had been burned by a dude at the smoker's corner. I hadn't wanted to fight at that point, it was what I meant when things escalated. so sometimes action is better than inaction but it depends on the situation.


look kid, that's like me calling you straight.

what's the point.


Trump has gay friends, grasp harder.


I could already tell you were autistic, thanks for admitting it though.



no it's literally just me talking to a dude and some random dumping his reaction image folder to derail a thread.

don't contribute let it die.


do you have a reaction image that doesn't make you come off as gayer than me?





OP are you gonna finish your story or what?

nope. troll wins. sorry.

don't you have dad's dick to suck? get back on that bed boy!

and I better see that ass lubed up and in the air or I'm gonna rawdog you till you're bleeding worse than your sister!

You just love to bite the bait. so now we all know why this thread has died. youre not too smart are ya mate. Might wanna focus more on that elementary grade book and less on yer ambidextrous karate yoga. Need to work up to 6th grade comprehension at least.
