As a german I want to apologize wholeheartedly to every jew



6 million Jews killed Hitler.

Pay monees now filthy opressor

no, hitler killed hitler

wait what
6 million jews is hitler?

Actually, Poles killed most Jews.

Autism killed humour.


Stop now.

Why aren't you sorry about killing all those Jews?

That's not necessary. Germany has done enough to atone for the Holocaust.

It's probably one of the safest countries in the world for Jews right now. It's important to remember history and ensure that nothing similar ever happens again to any group, not just Jews.

Poles boiled Jews alive in designated boiling showers.

Well said.

What about us, Slavs?

Thanks for your kind words.
It's true. The jewish community in germany is growing fast again.
It's a good sign


My grandfather was angrier at Slovak collaborants, his neighbours, than on Germans.

Slovakia never dealt properly with its role in the Holocaust and I'm afraid it's going to haunt us soon,

And the rest of us?

2 words: polish deathcamps

what about greece

>le germany had problems with jews xD
no you didn't sweetie
and hitler was autist

Genuine question, are the migrants effecting that? I know Muslims in France have been making life progressively worse for Jews in recent years.

oh wow

Maybe if you wear a Kippah and visit specific city parts with lots of migrants (Berlin,Frankfurt) but I think it doesn't affect regular life.
Also the security is very high for jewish institutions.
The german government tries to sensibilize Muslim german/migrants as well so in future there will be more understanding between different ethnic and religious groups. Hopefully.

islam isn't compatible with western values

What a shitty choice of colours.

>what is islamic golden age that begun the renaissance
literally happened in iberia

Islamic dominance over the Mediterranean hindered European economy. Most things that were scientifically progressive about the Arab/Persian world were often anti-Islamic, of Persian origin and not in Iberia. Iberia had faggy philsophers who are seen by modern Muslims are heretics and pantheists.

>are heretics

Thank you, appreciate the apology

You better apologize to Slavs you german shit we lost way more people than jews. keep that in mind you kraut bastard

okay, ustasha


Somehow Jews are more important than Slavs, homos, or retards

>What is Islamic golden age
The adoption of the values of aristotle & the filosfia that were eventually rejected by Alghazli and the Ash'arites, leading way to their disavowel of an objective reality and the spiraling of Islam into the closed minded, stagnant thought basis it has become?

I hate how every two bit intellectual brings up the Islamic golden age as if it's some sort of counter for Islam being incompatible. Yes, they once shared our values: and then they rejected them.

Who cares? Just fucking die already.

Didn't Europe do literally the same before going back to the enlightened side of history?


Apologize to French too

No? If anything, European adherance to the views of greek philisophers was more stifling.

Good. Now open your borders and take them in as citizens. Except you won't. You even prefer Arabs and Africans to Jews. Old habits die hard.


As a swede I want to apologize wholeheartedly to every german, finn, russian, dane, polack, estonian and latvian

As an Englishman i'd like to apologise on behalf of my country for starting WW2.

Is the evidence provided in this image true or false?

Forgive us, Israel.

It'a all true.

Never 4get.

For what? existing?

>Never Again


these kikes can start packing their shit and waltzing back to yurope all the while returning Palestinians their stolen clay.

>Khaled Meshaal presents a new document in which Hamas accepts 1967 borders without recognising state of Israel.

This is true I can confirm

Actually, Merkel apologized and said we did it.

Hopefully someday there can be forgiveness but the circumstances are difficult.

I'm sorry we lost, Ante.




Imperial war museum in London has an excellent Holocaust exhibit. You lads should all visit it.

I'm also going to be visiting Auschwitz this summer, can't wait.

I haven't visited London before but if I do someday I'll visit the said exhibit. Thanks for the tip.

I am 0.7% Jew pay money to my paypal

I have a lamp that was made out of my grandpa

Na ja
you always apologize only for western european or German citizen, including jews.

when are you going to show repentance for the war crimes/ invasion in these following areas?
>middle east
>Eastern Europa

Our government is trying to negotiate with the Namibian people. They want money and the government said that they will build infrastructure. They demand more than 120 billion and germany is willing to pay but only with some conditions.