Fuck this dirty playing nigger

fuck this dirty playing nigger

yea that dudes a piece of shit, ref should've called that hit

>ref should've called that hit
american ref, favoring the american

Fuck you. you goddamned TRump supporting piecse of shit!>!>!>!>>!>!

lynch him!

Is that Mayweather? He look a lot diffent since weigh in

Quit acting like every black person is an infallible angel

mayweather ref, mayweather associate

eh, the last hit wasnt clean, but he wasnt aiming for it, and he fucked that other guy up moments before

fuck those dirty camera horny corona girls in the background!!

he was winning you faggot

idk. literal human billboards with permanent fake smiles. disgusting

Fucken nigger being a nigger

it's unfair to say he aimed to hit him in the back of the head. I wasn't rooting for Davis, but Fonseca did turn his head at the wrong time.

he wasnt gunning for the back of the head. fuck off.


What do you excpect monkeys play dirty. He said he's young it was a mistake yet he's a professional and champion. And the other fighter was being honest. God I fucking hate niggers

NIGGER acting like a NIGGER
wow im shocked :o /sarcasm

OP here, at least that fagget is not such a big nigger like the irish nigger. hope mayweather knocks him out tbqh

was fonseca's fault for staying down thinking the ref was gonna do something

he was talking about not weighing in when he said that


stay mad. winner is a winner. grow up and see how life really be my man


He was dressed like a cunt too!

Still unfair advantage dirty ape

give me the fucking link


>product placement everywhere as if it's a Sony made Adam Sandler movie

fuck the nigger that just played, also fuck the irish nigger about to play

Watching the fight feelsgoodman

you're dumb

wow nice post you irish potato

fuk you stupid dumb reject chicken mcnobody

top fucking kek you potato brain is broken huh?

Davis is one ignorant nigger.


irish nigger getting btfo

yes ass bitch