Did the Muslims in your middle school class have to attend religion classes?

Did the Muslims in your middle school class have to attend religion classes?

The Muslims in my class got to cover their ears with soundproof headphones and listen to music during the first couple of religion classes and then their Muslim parents got angry and complained to the principal and after that they never had to attend ever again. They got to go home early every time we had religion class.

You still have religion class ?
I only had mythology classes when I went to College

No, we only had Catholic and Protestant options for my religion classes. This was like 15 years ago and now they're gone

Yeah, but our teacher only taught us the shitty parts of the bible. She only read the shitposts that were written by Jewish shills from biblical times. Like adam and eve and creationism and all that illogical shit.

I was an orphanfag and grew up in a church. No muzzies anywhere, kind of would have defeated the whole Christian thing.

I went to Catholic school despite being Muslim. Scored 95+ in religion and teacher got offended that Muslims did better than Catholics in that class. I have a ring with the Lord's prayer and respect the religion. Even have a bible in my bedroom.

I went to a private Christian school. Solves the Muslim problem from the get-go.

>Muslims in your middle school class
thank god we were colonized by kebab removers

I got exempt from the religion class because I'm an atheist and when it was the last class of the day they letted me go home early. When it wasn't I could do whatever I wanted inside the classroom as long as I didn't disrupt the class, so I played Pokémon in religion class.

We had one Muslim kid in my class who did Religious Studies. We studied Islam for the first half of the year so I assume there was no problem. Anyway we started to criticise Islam (my RS teacher was a based old dude) and the kid literally started to cry one day. After that he never came to any lessons.

Turns out his parents got mad and pulled him out because being told your religion was ripped off from Christianity and Judaism then spread by the sword was just too much for little Abdul.

That kid was a faggot anyway who often got beaten up by the white and Sikh kids. The Sikhs put hot-dogs in his clothes once during P.E so he had to go the rest of the day wearing his P.E kit.
Hilarious, last I heard he had grown a nasty Muslim beard and fucked off to Turkey not to be seen again. I'd put solid money that he joined ISIS in Syria

>We studied Islam for the first half of the year
My fucking sides

Never saw any muslims in my 15 years at school so i don't know

I didn't have any muslim in my middle school.

From preschool all the way up through high school i only had 3 non Swedes in the school. A christian Lebanese chick, a guy from mexico and some half Asian kid from a mail order bride from Thailand. No muslims and no africans.

You are literally the Muslim from my middle school. Keep refusing to assimilate

> mandatory middle school religion class
> in the United Fucking States
> implying

We don't have religion classes because our country is based on laws and institutions instead of malnourished medieval fellows bonking each other over the head with swords

>I got exempt from the religion class because I'm an atheist and when it was the last class of the day they letted me go home early.
What kind of shit school did you go to? Religion class wasn't about being indocrinated into a religion, it was about learning about different about different religions and their impact on other cultures.

Its like not needing to learn about the french revolution because you're Swedish.

Why do your parents send you to a catholic school if ur Muslim? Or are they not really hardcore Muslims?

Your government form isn't too bad except for the Judeo-Masonic secularism stuff


That's not actually in the national curriculum here, I went to a private school. Funny thing is that's what started my red-pilling so swings and roundabouts really

this kid looks like he got more pussy before 3rd grade than ill get in my entire life

I was the only musllim kid in my entire K-12 and nope