Name a better drink

Name a better drink
>Protip; you can't

Other urls found in this thread:

Red Bull


Minute Maid Apple juice

> anything that's not monster


Crab juice

Dr. Pepper.



this is all i drank in highschool. i still have one now and then but really i like beer better now

if i had to choose between drinking a monster or blue moon it would be blue moon everytime. monster is nice now and then to give me a little pick up in the work day and to remember a time when i would TP trees and listen to slipknot

what is the appeal of sugar
how do people get addicted to it? from a young age?

I honestly can't get a monster down

holy shit this post lulz

oooh yeah show me more papi

oh no

This shit is the best. I used to be a Monster sponsored BMX rider and I got tons of it for free and it got me hooked I can't stop I need help.

why is there so much ads on Sup Forums? fuck this thread

the symbols that make up the monster logo mean 666 in hebrew

do you even SIPS bro?

Fuck soda and energy drinks

I wonder (((who))) could be benefiting from all of the 3 can a day monster addictions

shave youre neck and drink some bleach, retard

literally fucking anything

>implying I can grow a beard
my test and hgh production were suppressed to such a great extent as a child that I don't have to worry about such barbarities

praise sugar and it's hormonal effects

it's also 3 in roman numerals

>shave you are neck


Though neither are terribly great when you drink so much of them you give yourself gout from the niacin in them and start having diabetes symptoms because you can't process the sugar fast enough like I did. And I wasn't even drinking that many.

Not even really the sugar. I was in it for the caffeine. Though for obvious reasons I've now switched to sugar and niacin free shit.

I can't take much sugar in general though so drinking as much as I was did leave little room for eating. My mother always thought it was for starting me and my siblings on veggie based baby foods rather than sweet fruit based ones. Mightn't be true, but it seems a mildly reasonable a guess to me.

In general though, people are predisposed to be sugar craving because it's a powerful source of energy that at one time we didn't have much access to. We've quickly entered an era when it's easy to get our hands on it though meaning we haven't had time to evolve to fit the times (and probably never will since it doesn't usually kill you before you can have a child meaning whatever the biological basis for it is won't likely end up bred out).

G fuel is much better, speed, momentum, violence, the works.

Whiskey you fucking faggot




Cyanide and milk



Energetic drinks are the worst for your health. Pure sugar. Disgusting.

a shitload, after it has been purified by your mothers vagina

I was raised in the same way. mostly meat and potatoes and salds. that type of stuff

some babies get fed canned mush apples with added sugar. It has to rewire the brain or affect your insulin sensitivity or something

no thanks


you fucken monster.


what comes out when I give your family a rektal piss injection


that's not how the human body works, you'd need to be genetically predisposed to sugar regulation problems or something worse for that shit to have any lasting effect, unless the food has like 2 bags of sugar poured in on top of it each time the baby is fed

So urine mixed in with fecal matter?

Source, for scientific needs

Bishops finger

And bull seamen extract

drink it every day for a week youl feel like shit without it.. its just like cigs.. you dont get anything out of them you just feel terrible when you dont have it.



>2 bags of sugar
whose to say whether it's 2 bags or two tablespoons. A child is small and what we think of as small amounts of sugar for us are rather large for them

a friend send me the pic is from italy
i think a store in Cattolica Rimini

I'll search later, cheers

that makes sense
there is little to no PC enforced in Italy


OverCharge Delirium XT

Found them,I've got to fill a shelf with them




this one

God damn it really is a fucking advertisement

Go kill yourself corporate nigger


Can't find that one in the UK :( what's it like?

>that first sip of the day
literal heaven
It get my dick hard thinking about it while I'm waiting all night for the clock to strike 6AM

My man

Milk steak

its black cherry. its my favorite one tbh

Finally getting somewhere here

>can't find in UK
What u mean? It says "ultra black" on the can. Should be popular in most parts of Europe

t.54% white and dropping fast Burgerclap USA


Monster dildo

Black tea.

Chocolate milk.

Чтo, чepт вoзьми, ты пpocтo тpaхaeшьcя oбo мнe, кaкaя-тo cyкa? Я хoчy, чтoбы вы знaли, чтo я oкoнчил клacc мoeгo клacca в мopcких пeчaтях, и я yчacтвoвaл в мнoгoчиcлeнных тaйных peйдaх пo Aль-Кaидe, и y мeня бoлee 300 пoдтвepждeнных yбийcтв. Я тpeниpyюcь в гopиллcкoй вoйнe, и я глaвный cнaйпep вo вceх вoopyжeнных cилaх CШA. Tы для мeня ничeгo, кpoмe кaк eщe oднa цeль. Я бyдy вытиpaть вac c хyй c тoчнocтью, кoтopoй никoгдa нe видeли paньшe нa этoй Зeмлe, oтмeчaйтe мoи гpeбaныe cлoвa. Bы дyмaeтe, чтo мoжeтe yйти oт тoгo, чтoбы cкaзaть этo дepьмo мнe чepeз Интepнeт? Пoдyмaй eщe paз, yблюдoк. Кoгдa мы гoвopим, я cвязывaюcь co cвoeй ceкpeтнoй ceтью шпиoнoв пo CШA, и вaш IP-aдpec пpocлeживaeтcя пpямo ceйчac, пoэтoмy вaм лyчшe пoдгoтoвитьcя к бype, личинкe. Бypя, кoтopaя вытиpaeт жaлкyю мeлoчь, кoтopyю вы нaзывaeтe cвoeй жизнью. Tы чepтoвcки мepтв, пapeнь. Я мoгy быть гдe yгoднo, в любoe вpeмя, и я мoгy yбить тeбя бoлee чeм в ceмиcoт пyтях, и этo пpocтo гoлыми pyкaми. Я нe тoлькo интeнcивнo тpeниpoвaлcя в нeвoopyжeннoм бoю, нo y мeня ecть дocтyп кo вceмy apceнaлy Кopпyca мopcкoй пeхoты CШA.


I feel bad for you bro
just get out of there Afrika aka USA is no place for white men

"Tea, Earl Grey, Hot"

Drink for what purpose? Because if you want to get drunk, monsyer wont do the trick

looks like you need a little bit of


Better for you maybe but water makes me puke. Met someone else a few weeks ago that pukes when he drinks water to

>Goes from loving it it and praising the beast to screaming for help in less than a paragraph

Before 5 cans a day (yes 5) I did 4 bottles of Robitussin a day before that was 3 bags of Spice a day before that it was a quart of 100 proof a day before that it was food food food food all the time before that it was 5 cans a day of monster energy. SOOOOOOO where do I from here?

I wish I could switch to sugar and niacin free but I tried caffiene and it did shit all for me. Honestly the only thing that keeps me from sleeping in the middle of the day and falling asleep while driving at work is some little Snuffy Snuffy go go powder

your sisters piss

For tldr humans suck and we should kill ourselves

Where can I buy these SERIOUS yo

So is meth better?


Same. Love the chill inducing flavor. Fuck drinks that don't make you jizz yourself when you take a sip


skinnyfags can drink the c4 mass instead of mountain dew and at least gain some muscle, while having much more energy


The blood of my enemies

you gain muscle by working out and eating chicken. wants you to believe this shit makes a difference. doesn't mean i don't take it. it makes my face feel weird and i don't sleep for 6 hours after taking it so i trick my body into thinking it makes me lift more

When your drink has a taco Bell label on it you should kys

What the titty boning nigge rfuck is that thsifkxkal this extra fried shit yo man nigger god I can't find those here in USA ct

nigga you're so addicted to liquid cancer your body rejects health itself
