im gonna meet with the cool kids and do weed, i did a couple times before but didnt do shit i also dont smoke cigarettes so probably did something wrong

how do u smoke a joinnt properly? you suck in, hold it for a second and blow it out that's all? you don't actually swallow the smoke or inhale further at any time or somthing?

>give me a complete fucking step by step for what to do

torpedo tits

You're supposed to inhale an anally, you idiot

you suck the joint and then u suck even deeper u may have to cough but then ur doing it right

You suck the joint until you get cancer, that's the way the cool kids do it

suck it once to get smoek in your mouth then suck it again? what

Number one, don't say "do weed" in front of them

Fine fuck it I'll tell u

U smoke the joint, getting some smoke in Ur mouth/upper asophagou

Then u take the joint out and immediately suck in fresh air until u have a full breath (this makes the weed smoke get to Ur lungs)

Then u hold for as long as u fucking can, then exhale and try not to cough like a fucking idiot

If it's pure then it will be harsh on the lungs than if it's not pure - just a protip

inhale the smoke then inhale again so it gets to your lungs

what does harsh on lungs mean? i'm scared now, never had to cough before

alright so suck on it to get smoke in my mouth then open my mouth and inhale some oxygen then hold a few seconds and exhale the smoke?

how many faggots does it take to explain a faggot how to inhale?
apparently, a fucking lot

Harsh on lungs means that even I as a fuckijg stoner cough sometimes if I take a big pure hit - I like to mix joints with tobacco, which is less harsh imo

Yes dumbass, like I explained

"i like mix joints with tobacco"
you cheap fuck

alright thanks a lot Sup Forumsros will make a new thread later if i dont die bye

you can practice with normal cigarretes before hand if you dont want to embarass yourself

Just breath in like you normaly do and exhale it.
If you hold in the smoke it won't make you any more stoned than when you exhale it direct, it's only worse for your body

Bitch I'm from the Netherlands, u r gay fucker

Kijk, dit begint goed

please stream your first experience from the beginning

you can also practice with normal air if you're too retarded to smoke a cigarette

Suck the smoke to your mouth and then inhale so the smoke goes to your lungs and then keep it there for just a short time and exhale it out.

People who smoke disregarding their health are the real retards

>Caring about your health in 2k17

OP you inhale then exhale. You will cough a lot and it will burn. You get used to it and eventually don't feel it

suck smoke into mouth. wait 2sec. draw into lungs. breath out. dont go to fast wait and see what effect it has on you first

Go slow on your first time, if you have too much you will whitey and feel like you're dying, if this does happen just remember that it is impossible to overdose on weed and you will feel fine in 20 minutes.

If you do whitey mix a couple of spoonfulls of sugar into warm water and down it, you will feel better much faster.

good luck with the ass cancer when you reach 27