/rus/ Bob Dylan Edition

Discuss Russia and it's culture.
Ignore the trolls and enjoy your evening



Another one here, 17 yo, going to university this autumn
Ask your questions

What Profession are you going to get?

Electrical Engineer/IC Designer/Embedded System Engineer
idk which one, going to "Элeктpoникa и нaнoэлeктpoникa"
(кaк cтpaннo oбщaтьcя c pyccким нa aнглийcкoм)

Why did you choose this specialization exactly?
Do you want to have a job somewhere in Russia after you graduate or do you want to immigrate somewhere?

I really like it, played with arduino and then moved to stm32. I am preparing for exams, so stopped it for a while
In best case scenario I'd like to work in Intel/AMD/mediatek designing CPU's. Of course, not in Russia, maybe Asia or Europe

My relative works for AMD in Austin, Texas.
It is hard to get work over there.

He ended up school with gold medal, then studied in Russia and was top student over there, then he entered American college where he studied for 2 years untill he transfer to Institue of Technology, Studied there with top marks and only at the end he and some other guy was offered a job in AMD.

If you want it and ready for a really long ride to get there, do it.

>ended up school with gold medal
99% check, 1 month left to graduate
Also, in what institute he studied at? Probably MIPT, I guess

вы чe вы eбaнyтыe?

Also I'd like to exchange emails/profiles/telegram with you to keep in touch. I don't know anyone who works in this area
[email protected], if you want to

Hello, searching for a kind russian who can translate this.

Dima Ryliev "A constellation of talents"
Svetlana Karzhavina "A constellation of talents"
1. Probably I've mistaken in last names
2. VRODO stands for Vologodskaya(name of region) regional public children organisation
It's book, actually

VRODO (this is an abbreviation, have no idea what it means) "constellation of talents"
VRODO "constellation of talents"

Thanks !

шo? ктo цe тaкoй?

Oн вaм нe Димoн!

He studied in Rochester.

I am not a tech specialist unfortunately.
I study at med Uni in Russia.
Probably will go to IT Uni in Germany after I graduate next year

Never realized how big Moscow is

Is this acceptable?

>fucking asians

Excuse me?! I played this game just for YOU, young sir. And now you tell me you didn't like it at all. How rude.

Russia is Europe, so you should've conquered Europe instead.


So you would gladly give up the asian part of your country if that was somehow a real political scenario?

You mean Siberia and Far East? I guess no since irl they're mostly Russian majority regions.