Trips and i an hero on cam

trips and i an hero on cam
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dont do it fgt

do it you ass

Don't do it man find God.

But why? Are you terminally ill or just depressed?

he is god, maybe



God doesn't exist. Checkmate.


I reverse google imaged it and Tineyed it and nothing comes up, OP is a ghost in the matrix


Wait do what? What am i looking at?

go fourth brother

I am bored

Don't do it. You look too much like the God Emperor.

You were created to cosplay Death from DarkSiders don't die user...

See ya faggot

Wait send all games and steam money and be sure to have Skyrim with both DLC's http ://



Do it fagot

You look like Fabios anorexic brother. Put some gym work in and you are golden

Do it faggot

Bro, I'm telling you, you have to fight a dude named Horus in like 28,000 years or so. Win this time.

trips of death inbound


Don't an hero, just become a trap. You have hair for it.

...Dude no you're handsome as shit, don't waste that.
your hair is also fucking rad


Dont do it man, we have the same underwear

If you do it I will too!
>Do it bitch

>Healthy body
>7-8/10 attractiveness without effort
>Beautiful hair
>Living in a first world country
>Good facial hair
Wtf user Don't do it
Friendship is overrated BTW
Maybe try to be religious Christianity or Islam...

Well if he choose Islam he's just going to be a shit head who should kill himself. Just believe in you. and cats, and olive snack bar

I'm not here to discuss religion I recommended Islam because if you actually find a trustworthy mosque(Not the extremist type) to convert in they will provide support in all aspects of life and can even marry you a nice girl if they trust that you won't hurt her or disrespect her...

End of discussion If you want to believe the propaganda about Islam Idgaf

Jesus Loves you

I'm feeling lucky

Have had 2 dubbz so far....


Just cut your fucking hair you god damn loser. You'd probably get complements n' shit. and lose what appears to be a chain wallet ya scrub.

get the fuck out sand monkey, shit he'll probs kill himself faster. DUMB FUCKING FAGGOT

You should Dance like Britney Spears in this video

Do this in front of people until you die or pass out rinse and repeat.

write a book, nigger

Jesus guy, you're as skinny as I used to be.

Go to the gym. I had a harder time because my chest is concave, so it's difficult for me to show chest muscle. Hit the gym. Be better.