Dangerous Tuberculosis spreading at alarming rate in Germany

Daily reminder, that you should stay away from refugees and crowded places.


t. medical employee

Documentation (German):

> 12 May 2016
> Refugees infected with tuberculosis in hotel

> 2 May 2016
> Tuberculosis is trending in German hospitals

> 27 April 2016
> Child at kinder garden infected with tuberculosis

> 26 April 2016
> Significantly more cases of tuberculosis in Leverkusen


Other urls found in this thread:


We're probably breeding resistant strains en mass too because those morons don't go through will the full treatment because they have shit for brains.

Same in London, we had virtually eradicated Tb until new-labour took over in the 90's

Getting exotic diseases from the migrants, kind of like when Europeans came to the Americas. Who could of failed to see this coming.

>could of

Yeah, right ...


That's 1 of 5


Minnesota, populated by dumbass Swedes, they can't live without their Somali pets. Not suprised.

>22 percent

holy shit

we are having the same problem here, scabies as well
Fucking niggers

Isn't his news in your country? I told you, that you can't trust your government.

Michael Savage was talking on the issue the last day, full show here

Lol food envy.
> Welcome to Germany, here is free food and medicine
> Nigerian boi wants more

Its just as planned. Dont confuse stupidity for planned replacement.

this is what people always need to be reminded of

they carry all kind of diseases with them

Damn right I'm mad.

So this is the fall of Europe. If you let in a few refugees, there wouldn't really be a problem. But at the rate you're letting them in now, you're in danger for widespread disease that will completely kill off whites in Europe.

It will then only be a matter of time before you're completely conquered and then America is next. Fuck you Europe.

germany never deserved any this shit


so.. this is the power of enrichment...

Everytime I talk with liberals that seem nice people but with their naive and dangerous ideas I get sick to my stomach.

I met a dude at work that was coming from Germany and he said that nothing really bad was happening. Sure immigrants were idle in the streets but they'll eventually find jobs and integrate.

I wanted to murder that guy on the spot.

Not long ago I was talking to my friends exactly about this. They looked at me like I was wearing a tinfoil hat.
The risk of contracting exotic diseases is even higher since they opened up the LSA in Bochum. Previously, the migrants were not allowed to live in shelters, if they weren't negatively tested for stuff like TBC. But that's a thing of the past now, and there is no information for the public out there that makes them aware of the risks.

>More sick people
>More doctors
>More tax monies and less unemployment
>No negative effects, only good things!

22% of them were + for early TB in 2014? I never heard this. Certainly it has gotten worse.

Not in Finland where the amount of medical students is controlled by the union to inflate salaries. More disease means the public sector gets clogged up with third-world trash. Not everyone can afford to use private doctors aside from cases where you just need to go to the doctor once to get a quick diagnosis and medicine. If the health issue is something that requires long-term treatment and checkups, a lot of people simply can't afford to go to the private sector.

It's bizarre when politicians here think we need to bring in doctors from abroad and then use it as an argument for immigration as if we didn't have enough people here capable of being medical doctors. The deficit in MDs is nothing but a societal scam. We could easily have more native Finnish doctors, but the union won't allow that because more competition for jobs means lower prices and salaries.

In what city did you study ?

How do you know it isn't ethnic Germans with TB? Why are you blaming refugees again?


>Tuberculosis has seen a re-emergence in Europe and is concentrated among migrants. Migrants arriving from North Africa (NA) and sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) carry higher rates of hepatitis C and B than the local EU population. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) impact of NA migrants to Europe is very low but a hallmark of the HIV epidemic is the penetration and circulation of non-B strains, recombinant forms and HIV-drug-resistant profiles through SSA migrants using NA as a transit point into Europe. Leishmaniasis is a re-emerging zoonotic disease prevalent to Southern Europe although not specifically isolated in migrant groups. Although not endemic in NA countries, malaria represent S: a risk in terms of re-emergence in Europe through transitory migrants arriving from SSA with the destination to Europe.

> High migrant flux into European countries has resulted in changing patterns of communicable disease and collectively requires a continuous surveillance.

Same shit happening in the U.S. with all the illegal Mexicans. Diseases that were wiped out for over a hundred years in the entire country making a comeback. I mean, fuck, all the European immigrants that came to the U.S. went through a rigorous process where they were checked for filthy Old World diseases and if they had any they were immediately quarantined. It's amazing how leftist cucks are letting this happen.

tuberculosis is nasty. keep your family safe

>diseases virtually eradicated in the west come back because of Merkel.
Fucking Germans when do they stop ruining Europe.

Screw you I didn't want any of this and hate the cunt

It's a zombie pandemic, faggot. The government is hiding it. How blue pilled can you be?

Lel, costs for the first dude from Somalia of approx. 10.000-12.000 Euros a month, easily 200k Euros in 18 months of treatment. Hoo-fucking-ray.

>zombie pandemic
What are you, 14?

>you're in danger for widespread disease that will completely kill off whites in Europe.

Dude, it's tuberculosis, we can treat it. Unless you health is already in the shitter you are not gonna die.

The only thing we would need to do is distribute the meds in a sensible way rather than going full retard like last year when you couldn't get any refreshments for your vaccs anymore because they used all of them on illegals.

Do not forget, that it's because of the illegals that new born Kevins and Lauras are pumped up with vaccs, 200% more than 1990

Possibly, but there has also been continual increases in healthcare and medicine, that could also explain that increase.

improvements(increases) would be a better word.

>they used all vaccins on illegals
>he thinks that was unintentional

No on but a tiny core of die-hard globalists wanted this.

A large part has always been opposed but said nothing about it because it would mean social suicide.
Another large part was not too happy about it but willing to tolerate them because "muh poor war refugees".
A small part waved for them at the train stations because they were fucking morons and had absolutely no idea what that behavior would entail.

Short reminder that in 2000 the CDU/CSU actually wanted to abolish the right to asylum and during the last election made no mention of planning to go full retard. Someone who is actually interested in politics could see something like this happening, but lets be honest, how many people actually do inform themselves about politics daily? If I asked a random guy on the street he probably couldn't even list more than maybe 3-4 ministers.

Wow, michael savage literally just talked about this on his show last night, the potential dangers of bringing in immigrants who arent checked for diseases lile T.B.


Well played lads.



You all gonna die.

But of course you'll get your vaccine last, because you already have so much white privilege. Surely, you'll let those poor, starving Syrians get first priority for the vaccines. You're not racist, are you?

Of course it was intentional.

On the one hand, it had to be done to keep this shit in check before every shelter turns into a Nurgle cult.
On the other hand the industry producing them certainly had no problems with emptying the storage and upping the production, so you can be sure that some money changed pockets to make sure that more vaccines than necessary were used.

Chill nigga they be doctaz n sheeit.

Really makes you think.

It's already happening, see

Actually, I will get them first because I have a decent job and thus a private health insurance. The ones who do need to worry about this are the middle and lower class who cannot afford to skip from the mandatory into the private system.

White privilege saving my ass again!

>The average cost of treating a person with TB disease increases with greater resistance. Direct costs (in 2014 U.S. dollars) average from $17,000 to treat drug-susceptible TB to $482,000 to treat the most drug-resistant form of the disease (XDR TB).

That's ALOT of money.

no i'm 16 actually why

Sounds like a blessing in disguise

The tuberculosis vaccination is not recommended since 1998, due to the fatal side effects

Well of course they have sicknes, they are all doctors and medical ingineers, you get exposed in that line of work !
I'm sure they'll find a cure in no time !

This desu, could be just tanned germans for what we know

$17,000 are monthly costs, tuberculosis treatment lasts between 6 and 18 months.

PS: Tuberculosis treatment is part of the minimum essential coverage of Obama Care

It's pocket change compared to the amount we are already wasting on them.

Every one of those fuckers who claims to be an unaccompanied minor gets psychological treatment because muh barrel bomb trauma, which costs us 60 000€ per year. And there are a lot more of them than drug-resistant TB patients.

I mostly meant the meds. If there's actually a bigger outbreak those will quickly run out, too, but with a private insurance you can be sure that some will be left for you. Because our fucked up healthcare system always has some spare slot for private patients, even when everyone else is dying in the gutter.

Problem with tuberculosis is that you have a latent form: basicly the bacterias are dormant in your lungs and you cant contaminate other people but your testing will be positive.

and a patent form where you will have symptoms and you can spread the disease in an alarming rate if people get in contact with expectorations and are not vaccinated against it

so if you live near a refugee camp dont get in contact wth the one coughing!

advise from a medic student and sry for my bad english

oh and by the way is the vaccin against tuberculosis not obligatory in germany?

How did it come to this, Germany?

No one is screening for infections diseases on any one of the million+++ migrants that arrived in Germany. And your women and having our free hugs and french kisses.

What could possibly go wrong?

Yea, it's really a damned shame. I could live comfortably and modestly for quite while with that cash. But what have I ever done..

> are not vaccinated against it

I repeat, the tuberculosis vaccination is not recommended since 1998, due to the fatal side effects. Basically all children born after 1998 are not vaccinated against TB here.

>oh and by the way is the vaccin against tuberculosis not obligatory in germany?

Because the disease was essentially non-existent up until recently, so the often quite severe downsides of the vaccination against it weren't worth it.

literally rats

white guilt

Because I assume that like here, it was mostly eradicated there. Now that it is mounting a resurgence, those risks of the vaccine, go down in comparison to TB.

Ok so its basicly the same as here
We only highly recomend the people living in Paris to get vaccinated against tuberculosis dont have to explain why I suppose.

But if I remeber correcly in the refugee camp we had in nord pas de calais they were screened for some diseases including tuberculosis , are there no screening at all of the refugees in your country?

>are there no screening at all of the refugees in your country?
Man, they don't even know how many people are in these camps or if they are registered at all.

Maybe they are screening in some camps but it is definitely not done systematically.

I hope each and everyone responsible for this comes down with some really shit disease. They have put the lives of millions at risk for no reason at all.

What good does it do if they are screened after entering the country?

Why aren't you doing your part and burning them to the ground?

Pretty reckless indeed!
The refugees is one problem but you can at least prevent the spreading of some major diseases to the local population jesus.
And good luck trying to ge those guys in confinement for 6 weeks in a hospital (mandatory for tuberculosis)

so this is what they meant by chemical weapons

I never got vaccinated does this mean I'm going to die?

Screenings are not mandatory, and the only accurate test is the bronchoscopy, which is expensive as you may know. The stupid niggers tend to pay somebody else to spit on their tests, to avoid closed accommodation in a hospital (quarantine).

Tuberculosis is not very highly transmitable you will have to get in contact multiple time and on a quiet a long duration to be contaminated so basicly the people at risk are the ones living in the vicinity of a refugee camp or the one working there. So if you screen them you can potentialy evitate contamination on the long run.
Not to mention that by someon healthy you have around 70_80% chance your body will fight the bacteria effectivly and will lie dormant in your ody so no symptoms at all but you will to treat them anyway to prevent the bacteria to come back in case of immunological disorders

my english is terrible....

>And good luck trying to ge those guys in confinement for 6 weeks in a hospital (mandatory for tuberculosis)

I already heard stories about one guy being put into quarantine and being told that under no circumstances is he allowed to leave - but they aren't allowed to just chain them to their beds so the guy left the station anyway and was later found in the cafeteria. The whole system is so fucked up because it was build on the assumption that everyone living in this country is a functional human capable of logic thought.
There are absolutely no safety mechanisms in place for people who either don't give a shit or are stuck on the mental stage of a 5yo. Or both.

TB vaccination is mandatory here in the UK.

Have a large scar on my arm thanks to it. We all do.

For the Queen

Thats just the Twin Cities and Duluth

If you're mostly healthy it shouldn't kill you.
It's OK I understand. Better than my French. The problem is that once they are in the camp in Calais, they are essentially just a large breeding area for those diseases. I would assume it makes it more likely to get a higher % of that group that is infected with the disease. It wouldn't be a problem if they planned on getting rid of them, but that doesn't seem to be the case. They will either receive very expensive treatment on your dime, or they will be let out into the public with the disease.

Yes bronchoscopy is the final verdict but screenaing is done with IDR intradermo reaction against the BCG wich costs nothing. so you will only have to do a bronchoscopy on the ones positive and presenting symptoms and i think that preventing the transmission of such potential dangerous disease outbalances the cost

Disregard that. They've stopped doing it.

Oh well.

What are you, some kind of Hitler? Next you'll say we should delouse the Jews.

They stopped because the west was able to mostly eradicate the disease. That will change if this trend continues.

The worst thing is how many people are in favor of the government spreading the illegals over every single town to avoid "the formation of ghettos".

Essentially they are first incubating a ton of disgusting shit and then ensure that everyone gets in contact with it.

Yeah I know I worked in a respiratory diease ward for some months and had countless similar experiences with one guy we found in the supermarket without a respiratory mask doing some grocery shopping....

Eh, it made sense to stop it. You don't continue putting up mouse traps after you eradicated every single one in a 10 mile radius either.

> had countless similar experiences with one guy we found in the supermarket without a respiratory mask doing some grocery shopping....

I got the same experiences mate (I'm OP)

>import shitskins that don't know how to go to the toilet properly, how to behave or how to have sex with anything that isnt a goat so you have to specificaly train them to rape your own women
>wonder why diseases are spreading
Whats the point of even posting this? either grow some balls and open up the real "camps" or die in the human feces flood


It was a high school rite of passage.

I'd prefer if we are still doing it desu, given the amount of international travel going on.

The issue here, like we've seen in the US regarding certain treatments like vaccines, is that peoples custom's and religion often forbids them to receive such medical treatment. They will refuse, either out of ignorance of science or through dedication to religion, and go out into the public. We had the scare with Ebola that is a good view of what that can look like. The problem here is that the left will predictably place their customs and values over science, and put everyone at risk.

>not vetting random faggots entering your country for diseases and overall value to the benefit of your country

Yea, only after being a newfag, was I ever called a Hitler-esque globalist.

Don't look now. Here comes zika!

Do you want to get the virus permanently by natural means or do you want to get shot up with the virus permanently? Don't worry, we'll "adapt"

Pretty much yeah in France there is also some trend here recently to not get you children vaccinated wich is completly idiotic.
I would really like those people to get back a 100 years in time and to get infected by those diseases we eradicated thx to vaccins and then they should tell me if it doesnt outweight the possible side effects


who the fuck would want to live in minnesota?

You are letting your delusions cloud your interpretation of my point of view.

So you can vote for foam party rubio, apparently

Excuse me I self-identify as a rough wooden bench. I'll call the cops if you don't cease this hate speech.

The mistake wasn't that we didn't check them, the mistake was that we even let some random faggots enter our country.

Do you enjoy pushing fragments of yourself into peoples arses?

Bacterial multi-culture