Rinky dink think think thread

Rinky dink think think thread

share your thinking thunks, 4chanman, sink your mind into the rind of our succulent brainjuice melting thought thinkings that will blow the dough out of your rind filled manmind, and caress the juices with rare thought provoking ideagasms that will shatter the illusion of ambiguity within your hollow world view, and open you to the thought of how life came to have wisdom and wilds of its own, in dubious chemical science and physics, where reactions cause the ambitious presentation of a thinking thought about the ponderings of life

linkydink your thinks

nobody's a nazi. it's a ruse. the internet has caused a glitch in the traditional media propaganda machine and they're trying to correct it by containing people in monitored sandboxes while developing tools to catch any wrongthink that slips through the cracks.

what if the cracks are themselves cracks in a wider timeline where the loops coincide and form a knot?

then the knot is slowly tightening to where you wake up 15 years later and realize, holy shit, you're not just "like" a slave. You're an actual slave to a communist regime and you've got to go stand in the bread lines and keep your mouth shut lest the secret police take special interest in you or your family.

Wow thats deep, and you can really see it too, all this political discourse from manminds who gave up the think, the think can save them, but how?

Think. Is there a chance 2 black hokes collided to make the big bang?
Where did the black holes come from?
Did the big bang even happen?
Is the universe even real?
You reading this text on Sup Forums. Did millions of years of evolution lead up to this point?
Are we real?
Think about it?
Are you real?

Is reality real, or is it just fantasy?

perhaps we're caught in an anomaly, no escape from discordia

We should open our minds, read of the world, and think

More likely to higher dimensional universes colliding are creating our lower dimensional universe, that's why its expanding exponentially.

The universe is real perspective only to those who can witness it.

I am real but I'm not sure you are.

can you know you are not the projection of a thought, the understanding of something greater, a simple imagination to help that entity interact with its psyche in an understandable way, given the illusion of self awareness

How about this.
Think of your city or town you live in.
Think about what it looked like 1000 years ago.
Probably was just anot her plain or forrest right?
Think of the ancient humans that lived here before you. Before modern humans.
Did they have laws? Rules?
No. Surviving was more important to them.
They had to do anything to survive.
Now think about your town or city again.
You can't survive without money.
Now you could get a regular 9 to 5 job. Slave your life away and follow all the laws and rules.
But think. Who made these rules?
You don't have to follow them. You just have to survive. And to survive you need money. Why waste your days and stress over bills and insurances? Fight for your money. What's theirs and yours.
Laws were created solely for the purpose of money. You pay when you break the law. So why not break the law by taking the resource needed for laws to be maintained. Fight for your survival.

That is exactly what I think I am actually.

Because taking what doesn't belong to you is immoral and diminishes the soul. Earning your existance to survive enriches your humanity and your soul.

Laws are a prison of the mind, the free thinker allows the open understanding of the perception surrounding him

Your christ imprisons your mind and disallows your thoughts, if you truly wish to think, let go of spiritual bindings, and embrace all that is

I think that the only moral response to being nuked is to take the hit and not fire back.

You arent very good at thinking

I didn't say smart. I didn't say fair. I didn't say reasonable. I said moral.

morality is a think thunk by people who wish to control the thinkydinks you sink your melty mind memes into

Can you rephrase that with less silly in it? I'm having trouble parsing it.

Morality was created by people to control you, form your own understanding of the world, and choose for yourself what is right or wrong

I am choosing for myself what is right and wrong.

Heard anyone else ever say that if we get nuked we should not fire back?

Because i've never heard that. During any conversation, in any movie, or any book on the subject.

wow, verbatim.

Everyone at CNN said it about trump and best korea

if the great thinks of america go out, they should be defended in force, or avenged if nessesary

I don't even have cable, muchless watch CNN. But i sincerely doubt they said that. More likely they said we should ignore any pathetic attacks from north korea, because they would be undoubtedly pathetic if they did attack.

you live under a rock, huh, the norks and yanks had a big pissing contest recently

No, i just don't watch mainstream news. Not trying to be hipster about it, it's just super super fuckin' boring.

>form your own understanding of the world, and choose for yourself what is right or wrong

i tried but they told me i was "a danger to myself and others". does that mean i'm doing it right?