Oppose Putin in Russia

>Oppose Putin in Russia
>Lose an eye

Russia everyone. Lovely people, amazing country

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well he still has one eye left at least

>Oppose government in Mexico
>Lose both eyes, head, limbs, family, friends, dog

wtf I love twoface now!

This is some serious yin-yang stuff here.
> red on bottom = pessimist
> red on top = optimist

>oppose government in denmark

> oppose orbán in hungary
> be called communist globalist liberal bolshevik traitor soros agent by white trash and retired old people

Why aren't you protesting?

>oppose government in Finland
>lose ability to breathe

oppose hillary
end up with trump

Russia is the most fucked up country i've ever seen in my entire life.

He still has both of his eyes?

Look out the window. Besides putin is the first decent ruler russia has since over a century. Notable highlights include tsar nicholas the cuck, stalin the madman and yeltsin the drunk.

Yeah, but the one which was hit by the green dye has likely become blind.

>getting blinded by some paint

Why are liberals so weak?

Navalny is not liberal

>Why are liberals so weak?
> cautions that it can cause eye damage and ophthalmic chemical burns, at least in the typical formulations produced for medical use
why are you so ignorant?

Yes he is

Did he do it himself?

>Oppose govermnent in Czechia
>Goverment joins you




He's OK you stupid fucks

>Oppose government in USA
>get shot by AGM Hellfire

>be called

whoa they went way too far

Yeah right, I too remember when Obama brutally exacuted all those alt-righters. No, wait...

Stupid brainwashed ruskie.

>alt right rural retards
>oppose government
sure retard


>not understanding and obvious joke
Drop the proxy kiddo, no Kartvelian is as autistic as you.

Nice joke.