Is astral projection total bs?

is astral projection total bs?

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It really is. People just dreaming and seeing what they want to see.

No, just look up videos of people's experiences on YouTube. It's too documented in past and on present to be made up. It's very dangerous though as when you split soul from body and go to the astral plane, this is where spirits manifest themselves. They could be good spirits but there are demons too. They look for fear so if you see one and shit yourself, they feed on this energy. Think of the astral plane as a sort of purgatory. Those spirits whom are not it heaven will be there. And if you frequently split soul from body, when you go back you may well leave some of your soul behind.

Basically the plot of Insidious

>It's too documented in past and on present to be made up
That's not how it works faggot.

People be half asleep, half dream of seeing themselves sleeping since it's on their mind... OMG ASTRAL PROJECTION, I'M PSYCHIC #OUTOFBODYEXPERIENCE

Search shadow people my lad

this is what i kinda figured

>shadow people
Just more bullshit.

No. It is amazing like lucid dreams or smoking dmt. We dont need technology to be something or go somewhere we can do with our spirit. People who are ahead of us try lead us away from spiritual awakening. They present you their solutions. You dont need them. Once you become your best version of yourself be aware of spiritual life you will easly achive thous things.

>very dangerous
no it's not, if you remember one thing..
If you're lost or scared or just want to get back to your body,
think about your feet
your astral body doesn't have feet and thinking about them will immediately bring you back to your physical body
that's why that movie about the kid lost astrally projecting really pissed me off. His bitch teacher should have known this.
Anyone who knows anything about astral projection knows this.

Spirits are bullshit too.

Your ball earth is bs. Hows your flight on spining rock you monkeyman? ;) You belive that you are monkey on rock and spirits are bs? xD

I've had a lot of dreams of flying around and above my town, but those dreams are inaccurate.

They're an enjoyable dream, but not real. Astral projection is bs.

Key is be calm in any way may that be outher body experience or lucid dreams or dmt.

Read comments

way to English

k. Still bullshit.

Astral Projection is real. Almost every super power has a "Remote Viewing" program were people are brought in to "sense" or "see" things from a great distance with their minds. This is astral projection


>Astral Projection is real.
No, it isn't.
>Almost every super power has a "Remote Viewing" program
No. The U.S. used to have one but discontinued it because it was a waste of money. It's bullshit.


don't need to pretend to be retarded for a bite, user.

i think it could be real.

At first i thought Lucid Dreaming was bs until i had a REAL lucid dream.

What i mean by real is lucid dream is, ive had dreams where i thought i was awake in my dream (i was dreaming about being awake in my dream)

but until recently i acualy had a REAL Lucid dream, i was consciously aware that i was in a dream and i knew exactly what i wanted to do and did it, it was hard and i had to think hard to make it happen but it did.

I've been told ive come close to astral projecting, where my mind was awake but then suddenly my body started getting this extremely strong vibration. i was told thats the process in where it starts. i freaked out and tried really hard to stop it and i did it felt like i broke a barrier when i moved my arm

it's called dreaming, user.

i cannot confirm that your soul actually leaves the body. But i assure you that it's possible to at least ''imagine'' conciously getting out of your body and walk around. I know it because it happened to me

I can feel how scared you are mate, it's okay. Just swear your allegiance to Christ and you'll be good

You think i am reterd? How about you. You think you fly trough infinite space. You live on ball where buildings are upside down. You are worst here. You dont do any research just repeat what news or your stupid school parents made you think. I know it hurts know that anyone lie to you. You dont talk here you ego acts.

The only thing I'm scared of is that people who believe this trash actually exist in the world and are allowed to make decisions.

Im not here to offend anyone. Saying stupid doesnt matter they are that way but that they repeat some bs which has no proof


It actually exist. Scienceists made us think that this spirits called as aliens live in space on other planets. Truth is thst there are no planets. Stars are just lights and thous beings are in other called "dimensions". Science dont want you try astral projection or otber things so thst ruins their model which we are presented. This is why lsd, dmt, marihuana, shrooms are illegal. In ancient cultures they used this things and they spiritualy went to otherbplaces and met other beings but that hapens only in outher body expiriences. It has no connection with our life on this plane.

This x1000000. The government are pushing the agenda that aliens exist but in reality they're fallen demons that are soon to come for us in the end times.

Keep delusional snowflake, let's see how far gets you


No, it only happens in your brain

Remember 9 11 it was big thing. Next will be fake alien invasion with holograms. Look at city in clouds in china. Thus is what will happen. We will need all unite cause of that bs. Noone will think what it is really. You eill just dance by their script. Wake up there are no aliens.

Stay away from satanism. All of the "spiritual"/new age stuff is satanism. Become Catholic

ITT: everything i haven't personally experienced doesn't exist

Yes it happens in brain and there are no other lifes whst they claim on plane where we live. Spiritual signs exist. Try meditstion and other things. Ofcourse you wont cause it will take long time.

It's just a lucid dream. It's fun but there's nothing supernatural about it.


astral projection is new age hippie bullshit

you mean lucid dreams

Im not here to make you think that way but research. Try debunk me withhout including multi mdeia sources which will give answer which you are looking for. Once you research and let your ego away you will find truth.

nice try, satan

It doesn't exist in the way people want it to exist, it certainly exist inside them because they experienced

I agree that Roman Catholic Church is somewhat in a bad state today, but it's still the only true religion.

>Try debunk me
try to prove it first without saying "make your research" this is the worst you can say when discussing with someone, because it translates as "I really don't know, but I belive it because others have say so"

2 Corinthians 11:14
No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

How about science? You rralise it is religion? All what they say is truth. We dint need proof that it is how we present it. You better keep distance away from thous priests who sucks newborn kid dicks.

I don't think you know whay science nor religion really means, also the catholic church have scientific laboratories

I just writed all before. You just need show where i am wrong. I know science presents things to all of us but it is all bs. You trust them even it is all lie. I dont make you belive me like you belive them. I just say do you independent research. I gave you answers. You can ask me i will answer but i dont say that you need think that i am 100% right.

Religion is tought process for you which you need repeat. You are not christion. You dont belive god. You belive science presented non proof theories. You consider what they say that it is truth.

I'm not 100% sure it's not real.

I've had dreams of other places that I have never been to, yet were so incredibly lifelike and detailed I don't know how my mind could have built them. It felt like I was remote viewing / astral projecting or whatever.

the mind is a curious thing.

It is real, I even was able to change time. People telling you astral projection brings you to another plane are plane stupid. You stay here, but no longer limited to time and space. Problem was I had no mater any longer and was in the middle of space. Once you overcome that problem that you never can visit earth and the thought to breath, it becomes really cool.

Absolute bullshit. People so confident in the belief of the soul that they can't fathom their brain can trick them.

The government know we exist and could easily silence us so be careful.

This isn't even bs and I wasn't even able to video it but a light just hovered across the sea in front of me but I couldn't make out what it was as it's night. Someone just called out "look it's a UFO". This happened just now as I read your reply. Probably just a coincidence but strange

They do all that. UFO craft. Plane with round base. Perfect flying disc. They use holograms to. Sound technologies to. In NYC in shops they shot something in humans ear and they hear voice buy this. Noone hears that just he. Alien pics from area 51 just modified humas or animals. They experiment with people and animals all the time.

I once had a dream i was floating around my house, and I couldn't wake up until I floated back to my own body, everything felt physically real though.

But no, I don't believe ACTUAL astral projection exists.

Sry about alien posts. I just show that spiritual life and aliens are common. They remake spitritual life into space and aliens which are total nonsense.

Got a question about magical shit? YouTube James Randi. He's a septic who doesn't filter the truth and accepts anything as long as solid evidence is supplied.

You're welcome.

You died, man. You are lucky ghosts didn't collect your projection. Buy some orgonit, it keeps your important parts in your body.

If you really want know what was that really or achive that you need change your lifestyle. Meditstion is great but i bet you wont do that. It will take to much time for you.

>Try and debunk me
Nope. Burden of proof is in the one making the claim. Give actual solid proof other than 'ppl studied it' followed by some as article on it

They arent wrong but they mix truth with bs at same time.

No you're retarded, you just have deluded thoughts because you want your fantasies to be real. It was a lucid dream.
Could you say that again in clearer english please?

Keep enjoy and think what they want you to. If it really dont bother you why should you even waste time. Go to your school or work. Slave for dolar or listen to nonsense. I wont tell you what you need to do. You know best.


Have you ever tried orgonit? It is awesome and so many people made the same experience. The mass is never wrong.

I cant write right shit filter change and mispell words.
>> If you really want know what was that or achive that you need change your lifestyle. Meditation is great way to start but i bet you wont do that. It will take to much time for you.

Astral projection is just a very vivid lucid dream.

Out of all sources, youtube comments are the most reliable.

It is reallity mixed with imagination. If you can fly up and go to other planets that is just imagination. Nothing close to reality.

>Slave for dolar
Good to see believers are also on the dole.

>Hurr durr they said it so it must be true. Keep believing otherwise wage slave
James Randi attacks this hurr durr doesn't affect you idea. Search James Randi Sylvia Browne and you'll see how bullshit psychic shit affect people negatively. Or you can stay an ignorant dip shit poisoning the gene pool

That would be a lucid dream, yes.

nope do it all the time, legit imagine virtual reality but in dreams

i've fucked bitches raw g spot full sensory with this

ignorant reactions don't deserve any responses, no matter the inferance

>The mass is never wrong
this statment is wrong

I used to believe in this but now I am an skeptic, in general.

who fucking knows man the universe is fucking big you can`t even imagine it

kek, what?

I've seen CIA intel hub with this, This is the key to unfucking your mind from all the brainwashing that you've been brought through as the means of living in modern privilege

This is not how you threath other human beings. You just stay with one argument. Ofcourse it wasnt this way before someone changed that.

>is vr glasses + drone with 360° camera total bs?
We made it real.

>I've seen CIA intel hub with this
you are in the black list now

lucid dreamed, but then i had full feelings and it was just like i was there and the first thing on my mind was getting some sex, so a bitch came to me and it felt like a real pussy when i put my dick in.

stay in a peace sign user

>That pic
Is that legit? It's fantastic if true, would appreciate backstory

oh gotcha, yea I have had wet dreams too, they are cool, a bit messy but they feel great

cowardice existential loop at it full potential..

lol my nigga
couldn't differentiate it from reaility

Just found it on the internet somewhere, don´t know anything about the backstory though...


To a sober mind . Yes . Stop being sober . Go accept any drink from any stranger at any establishment. Feel the projection in the air

it's called a joke, there is not sense of humor in your spiritual realm or what?

do salvia

Yes. It's called "having an imagination"

Literally what the fuck are you on about. Arguments require 2 sides. The point is either side is trying to convince the other that they're right.