I finally realized something tonight. If died no one would miss me. Not a single fuck would be given. Im pushing 40

I finally realized something tonight. If died no one would miss me. Not a single fuck would be given. Im pushing 40.

I messaged everyone i could think of. And no response. Single. Divorced. Kids but a failed. Im thinking

Im going to kill myself. No one would find me for a few weeks.

Maybe being on Sup Forums at almost 40 isn't the best idea ever

Well if it's any consolation that makes two of us. I'm pushing thirty. Parents dead
Sibling dead. Etc

Proably but you know even if someone would care, after your death in like Month People stop care

Do it then.


M8 don't kill yourself. Just give up on what in life brings you down and do some crazy ass shit.

who cares? live for yourself user, don't need to die because surely someone will care

Don't do it bro,you still have time to make a life, 40 isn't the end. Just do something you've never done before so you stop getting the same results. Maybe try to go to church or something. For real, life is precious don't throw it away. Try something different man.

So. Wanna post pic?

Fuck off. Why the fuck would you care if anyone would care? You're 40, you're single. You still have a life ahead of you. Quit your job, travel, fuck whores around the world, get into fights. Live. Stop moping and stop wanting attention. Go out and live your fucking life. Might as well die doing something awesome if you're gonna kill yourself.

now you can do whatever you want

The worst thing I could hear when I'm feeling suicidal is fucking "don't do it". I get so fucking pissed it makes me really want to kill myself. I'm sure u guis think ur doing ppl a favor saying that but ur more than likely doing the opposite

Brone. No job. Kids gone. Homeless as of monday. A vet. Just tired of fighting life.



fuck people. your born alone and die alone. Only worry about your self....

Took you a while to figure that out? Not too bright or just delusional?

Everyone realizes that around 40.
I just did, and everyone older than me I mentioned it to confirmed they went through it as well. Even the guys with kids, which was surprising. Everyone just sees others as being more connected to other people than them, and assumes they're the odd loner, when actually, we're born alone, and die alone, and try as we might to fool ourselves along the way that we're not living alone, everyone is always alone, all the time.

Cue that Bobcat Goldthwait/Robin Williams movie line where he points out that being alone isn't the shitty part, that's just life, but being with people who make you feel alone, that's the actual very worst shit of all.

get some hot sauce and pour it over your cock, please post a pic

maybe being alive till 40 is the worst idea ever

fuck that being alive is what rocks. being dead is game over man!

Remove toxic people from your life, get a hair cut, buy a pizza...

THEN....get some hot sauce and pour it over your cock and take a pic and post it on here, its isnt rocket science.....

Yeah I was a vet too. I just eventually had to let all the past be the past, and realize I'm not that person anymore, I have nothing in common with that person, not motives, not values, not that persons knowledge or wisdom or ignorance. Now once a year I quit whatever job I'm in, pack my shit, hit the happy trail, move to a new town, get a cheap apartment, find easy work, and see what it's like living there for a while.

Freedom and constant travel. That's the best shit there is in this life I've found.

Yeah seems that way, until you're 40 and you're in better shape than you were in at 25, and you're finally starting to be capable of understanding what it means to take intelligent risks. Life doesn't start getting good til late-30s, & early 40s. ...if you're a man.

Women don't fare well past about 32 most of the time.

don't romanticize the past of old friends move forword...you'll find new people, every person meets and loses people every 5 - 7 years.

Then they also pour hot sauce over their cock and post a pic on Sup Forums...Im telling you hot sauce is the best

OP, read about Stoicism. Figure out what's under your control and what's not. You're concentrating too much on what's external to you.

Great, OP. You're free to do anything. No committment, no obligation, no restriction. Cash out some money and go travel somewhere your passport is considered sexy.


I have kids. But .....im tired of fighting to see them. No job. No aspects of anything. Cant even support myself. Sex offender from 2001. Just turned 38. Going to live on the street. No one will hire me. Just done with life. Tired of fighting. Struggling. Being accepted.

I once had friends.........AH I cant do this POUR HOT SAUCE ON YOUR COCK AND TAKE A PIC!

Also read about Epicureanism and learn what is important and what is not, and maximize ataraxia.

>i carry hot sauce with me everywhere
Shutup hillary, nobody believes you have black friends.

Well its all good. I just finished a 12 pack and took 40 sleeping pills. I dont think ill wake up. So thank you for the advice. I appreciate it. Im just waiting to fall asleep.

get a cat, my cat is always with me....I named him Poop-factory.

Its not a great as a human, but at least they dont lie, cheat or try to harm you.

HOT SAUCE ON COCK NAO! you'll forget about this if you do that! its ancient black magic from India

see you after your 3 day coma

I hope not

well that was stupid. HOW the fuck am I going to get my pic now?!

mods save the day!

Should i really post a lic of my dick with hotsauce before i go


if you think about it.... you got a second chance user. Go fuck some hookers or something. start a business.

Goodnight. I cant stay awake anymore.

If you really dont find the strength to live on try to enjoy the smallbthings, cus maybe your reallity is fucked. Dying alone might be scary but eventually you might find pleasure on your space and aome of your activities if you try. And then suddenly you will meet people like friends orbeven girl, try to dont fuck it up

Actually if u are gonna die try doing sonething awesome for yourself like quitting your job, making a scene and then go say fuck you to people who were bad to you or are a pain in the ass to deal with. Maybe ypu feel hood after that and then do another amazing thing before dying, and then another, and another, until you eventually you think you might want to live just a little bit more