He'll take you back to the past

He'll take you back to the past.....

Other urls found in this thread:


something something buffalo takes a diarrhea dump in your ear

to make you fuck his wife up the ass



Why do people say he's a cuck? Is it just for meme reasons or? he seems pretty based tbthwy


Is this John Green before he got internet famous?

Has he or the other guys (Mike, Bootsy) said anything about the elections? Are they based or cucks?

What's this all about? Is James a cuck now? Please say it ain't so.

>to let you fuck his wife in the ass

If AVG is a cuck I'm blowing my brains out.

It's angry videogame nerd

He posted a video on the new Ghostbusters movie and said he wasn't going to review it because it was a disservice to the original film

Angry libtards and feminists on Twitter started doxxing him and trying to leak his address, because clearly any criticism of the new Ghostbusters movie is obviously motivated by sexism and not the fact that it's a fucking piece of ass

That's a good sign, I would love to have AVG on the right side.

he is

like its a well known fact at this point

Guess who gets the girl


Fuck's sake it's a movie, it's not his actual wife or girlfriend, she's an actress, that is not being a cuck.

Yep I'm done. Finished.

The white guy of course and Jamal get arrested by the cops

Only a cuckold writes a black taking his girl in his own movie.


He wrote the movie
Also he is shilling for the Masons


We have some implications that his wife is a feminist.

Is the girl his wife or something? do they fuck in front of him? you cuck-obsessives are the real cucks


Okay he is then. That combined with writing in inferior genes muddying that poor girl's bloodline does make him a cuck

Trannies in women's bathrooms?! I'd rather have a frog crawl up my asshole and a tadpole swim up my piss stream into my dickhole than see those unholy abominations of nature strolling around female feces receptacles!

These disgusting degenerates deserve death! And not just a quick death either! No, they should have a rusty old metal hook shoved into those obnoxious orifices where their cocks used to be and dragged for miles through flaming hot dirty diapers filled with the tremendous turds of the children they can never have!

Yeah, that'll show 'em!

I checked 3 times during this thread to make sure I didnt accidentally click Sup Forums