Why isn't it OK to kill Nazis?

Why isn't it OK to kill Nazis?

We killed Nazis before. If it didn't take, we should commence to killing them again.

They're not real people; they don't feel pain or fear like real people.

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Nice bait.

It's illegal to murder people. It is legal to be a nazi.

I'm pretty sure there's a law in America forbidden the creation of a Nazi Party. I know for a fact it's illegal in Germany

It was in a war you retard.

Donald Trump is your president. Get used to it, champ. That's how democracy works.

You live in a free country user.

That means people here are free to express ideas and beliefs In a peaceful way.

But if the start killing people then yeah you can totally fuck them up.

To bad you fucking libshits don't believe in gun rights.

>Why isn't it OK to kill Nazis?
"Nazi" as in neo-Nazi's, the "alt-right", or members of The National Socialist German Workers' Party?

Forming a Nazi party is not the same thing as being a Nazi

that's right.

we even indoctrinated our children to mass murder them in all FPS of ww2.

you know it's only a matter of time before the final solution to the nazi problem is in place.

pretty good bait. wont get me fag.

There's no such thing as the "alt-right" jackass, there is only the alt-left

Why isn't it OK to kill yourself?

OPs killed themselves before. If it didn't take, OPs should commence to kill themselves again.

OPs are not real people; they don't feel pain or fear like real people.

Donald Trump isnt a nazi. White pride were retarded enough to give him support thinking they'd move forward with their agenda. 45 conned them, they got him elected now DT disposed of them.

What does it feel to be a nazi and retarded? only to be fucked over by DT.

>Trump is president.
Then what are these idiots complaining about and driving across State lines to attend "rallies" for?

>being this retarded

FACT: the term "Nazi" actually stands for "National Socialism", differing from "International Socialism" (Communism) only by its insistence on national identity mingled with racism. Just another flavor of the poisonous brew of Socialism. Definitely not Rightist.

>Fake news huur duur

Counter protesting the liberals who are unhappy without Trump. Also Trump emboldens the white supremacists.

>we did it before

why isn't it ok to enslave blacks again?

>Why can't I kill people based on what they're saying?

Unless you're being attacked or threatened, you can't kill people, friend. If you think it should be different, you're retarded.


well there the traditional right like Kasich, McCain, Bush. then there's the ALTernate Right led by Bannon, Trump, Hannity, the far right.

Then explain why Neo-Nazis attended a rally called "Unite the Right".
I'll wait.

"alt right" was a term coined by the DNC to describe non-democrats, does not describe anyone or a group of people that are tangible.

Why isn't it ok to kill communists?
Because you would get a life sentence in prison for killing some scrawny dyed-hair dyke commie piece of trash

By that logic the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is very democratic. There's a reason all the socialists in the Nazi party were arrested or killed by Hitler's side.

FACT: Authoritarian fiscally conservative republican extremists identify as Nazis and walk around with Nazi flags.

Well maybe there could be some sort of relegation of guns, control of their possession. To prevent criminals from having them.

If you think the alt right doesn't exist, but that the alt left does, then you're genuinely a fucking moron, my man.
Doesn't matter who coined the term or for what reason, what it represents right now is the white nationalist/neo-nazi movement that was seen in Charlottesville

Are there still people who haven't seen Schindler's list?
The movie makes a pretty good case of how the Nazis aligned themselves with industrials to line up their pockets.

its because nobody in this fucking world knows what the political spectrum is anymore

>alt-left doesn't exist

What do you call Antifa? Or BLM? Or any other violent far-leftist fringe group? If Liberals use "alt right" to define far-right groups, then why is it unfair to use "alt left" to describe far-left groups?

criminal = people already disobeying the law
solution = pass more laws

I'm not claiming the alt left doesn't exist you fucking mongoloid, I'm claiming they both do.

Neo-nazis in america only care about nazi shit for its racial purity focus, and either don't care or are too stupid to tell that nazism is every bit the authoritarian socialism that communism usually ends up being. Hitler and Stalin really weren't that different from each other all things considered, but we usually seem to give Stalin a pass because of WW2.

So you're just gonna give up and let criminals run rampant? Oh well they're already breaking the law, might as let them have their fun!

Why not enforce the new laws?

there are no nazi's anymore, just militant christians which you may mislabel as "bad christians".

All we want to do is rape


Im pretty sure you're a fucking idiot, Hans,

This aint' Germany

The Nazis are an anti American group called Antifa

That has nothing to do with the fact that National Socialism is a leftist ideaology.

>That's how democracy works.

alt right describe people in politics like bannon, trump, hannity.

antifa is a reactonary group whose only purpose is to destroy fascists. they dont have a political message.

BLM is against discrimination from authorities toward black people. again a specific agenda not communism for all, like an alt left would imply.

you're just too retarded to know this. I dont blame you. you're probably the result of incest.

Oh look its antifa chanting No USA at ALL
might as well be chanting death to America

Why isn't it OK to kill niggers?

We killed niggers before. If it didn't take, we should commence to killing them again.

They're not real people; they don't feel pain or fear like real people.

ba dum tish

Nigger, you are proposing doing the polar opposite of what these people believe in. You think you are doing right, but in the end, you are just as guilty as they are. The old saying, two wrongs don't make a right applies here.


The anti-fascists are the fascists? Interesting, please offer some evidence. And I don't think one of them wearing an anti-Israel shirt means anything, plenty of hardcore right wingers hate Jews.

What something derives as has nothing to do with what it is now. The swastika was originally a symbol of peace in Eastern culture, that doesn't mean it is now.
Just the same that the term socialism doesn't apply to neo nazi's, be it because they're ignorant to the origins of the Nazi Party in Germany, or that they chose to ditch the socialism bit.

hahahaha my sides

poor attempt at baiting. 1/10 for making me reply

It's illogical for instance the "two wrongs fallacy" or "guilt by association fallacy"...

Because those are two completely different things?

"alt right" was invented by democratic think tanks to describe bannon, trump, and hannity, they do not self-identify as "alt right"

On the other hand, there are plenty of antifa/BLM faggots who embrace the title "alt left"

here have MSNBC calling them facists

Sure maybe antifa nad BLM were those things once at heart, but you can't really argue that they're not violent hate groups now.

I'm up for killing some Socialists

skip to 106 to hear then call out anftia for acting like facists


>Why isn't it OK to kill Nazis?
Killing people over a difference of political opinion makes you the villain.
>We killed Nazis before.
Read what George Patton wrote about that.
>If it didn't take, we should commence to killing them again.
No we should kill the (((tribe))) for pushing us into that bloody and unnecessary war through economic terrorism.
>They're not real people; they don't feel pain or fear like real people.
That's bullshit

why not enforce the current laws before trying to get more of them

For the same reason it is not ok to beat niggers and make them pick cotton today, you stupid fucking moron


that's not true we dont embrace alt left term. we're patriots defending america from an historic enemy like the nazis.

We should make a new batch of agent orange for the communist left. Spray it on the avacados and they will starve after a month.

Yeah right, I saw lots of people last year identifying as alt right, now suddenly they don't exist anymore or it was fake


i dont know about blm but antifa are full of patriots


it's a picture on the internet so it must be true



Because they're not criminals until they do something illegal with a gun since guns are legal. By then someone's already dead or something. But if guns were illegal (or really hard to get)...

full of ignorant 18yr olds and petty arsonists


Keep drinking the rewritten history coolaid


well now that trump is at the helm arresting him would be no problem,

because the pleb ass hats are not real nazis.

killing one of these would be like killing a chicken and calling it a dinosaur.

it's not the same. these dipshits are a small part of a big problem, so i wont feel empathy for them, but people who act violently must accept the consequences of their actions.

what im saying is, these wannabes are not worth the effort. waring is bad, hate is bad, education is good, compassion is good.

but all that said, less of these cucks in the world, the better. figuratively kill them. or go after a bigger target, whatever, do what you want i'm not your real dad.


Mussolini is the founder of fascism, how retarded do you have to be to post this shit?

Patriots who support the suppression of free speech?

When antifa shut down a Milo speech at Berkeley because, on the OFFICIAL antifa website it was praised. How can one claim to be a patriot, yet praise violence that makes a person unable to practice free speech?

For one, the people you libtards are targeting aren't Nazi's. Nazi's don't exist anymore. As for the question itself if you really have to ask why it isn't okay to go around killing people willy-nilly then you are as fucking stupid as ANTIFA makes you look.

FACT: the Ku Klux Klan was originally the fighting arm of the Democratic Party in the Southern United States after the American Civil War. The Klan and the Democrats parted company when the Democrats switched from pandering to poor whites to pandering to poor minorities


It's not bait, they're trying to "occupy" Sup Forums.




Socialism and ascism are not mutually exclusive. The nazis were literally a socialist party.

>They're not real people; they don't feel pain or fear like real people
Are you talking about niggers?

Communism is a form of anarchism

No, it is not. Anarchists support communism. Communism requires a government with SWEEPING AND ABSOLUTE POWER to institute. It IS NOT anarchy. It IS NOT A form of anarchy. "distribution of wealth by force" is NOT a form of "no law"

wow thank you. now i know that as long as i don't use a gun i'll never be considered a criminal.
as if passing laws will prevent crooks from getting guns.

The problem isn't that nazis aren't bad. Nazis are indisputably bad.
What's bad is when people who aren't nazis get labeled as such. They may dispute being a nazi, but why would you listen to them? They're fucking nazis


Better question is WHEN will it be ok to kill antifags? I have a ton of old ammo to use up!

The ultimate goal of Communism is the dissolution of government to a lawless society. That is the very definition of anarchy.

Communism is a stateless classless society, that is the definition of anarchism.