Mfw Trump is actually a liberal

>mfw Trump is actually a liberal
>mfw people actually fell for his blatant pandering and never bothered to research his actual pre-campaign positions
>mfw conservatives in for a rude awakening in the general

So is Sup Forums gonna turn liberal too? I mean you guys prioritize memes before anything else, if the meme candidate swings left surely you guys will too.

He's as liberal as a classical liberal in 2016, which is what many paleo-conservatives consider themselves to be.

Nobody cares what insults the neo-cons have for the man.

Trump is a fucking shill, don't know why everyone loves him so much. When he becomes president he's going to be just like all the others.

>OP figures out once and for all why I plan on voting for Trump
And it only took you a year!

That's a new record.

Even if he's a liberal, he's still a useful idiot.

you're the one who's a shill

>you cant change your beliefs ever

That's why I'm voting for him. I don't want a hard right winger like Ted Cruz who will make church mandatory twice a week or you get the death penalty. I'm a moderate and I like and vote for moderates.

Nobody even knows who the fuck you are.

Why would anyone be spending time trying to figure out what you personally think.

We were liberal all along you dumb fuck. Trump is going to bring us legit socialist foreign trade policy, that's more than any democrat can promise

Except he's gonna support higher taxes and single-payer health care. That's not a "classical liberal".

It took him all of five minutes to back away from his original tax proposal once he knew the GOP nomination was in the bag. Same with the Muslim "ban", now it's more like a "suggestion" that can be negotiated, kek. We'll see more of that flip-flopping as the election continues. Trump is gonna outflank Hillary on the left, and Hillary is gonna try to pander to the Republican establishment and their rich donors. This is a total paradigm shift.

>a person changing all their positions once they become a politician is not at all suspect and you can totally trust them

Poor naive leafy.

Christ, you're a fucking moron.

>only Hillary can change positions

Oh Hillary is a total snake too. But in the opposite direction.

You can be a classic lib and support higher taxes. The founders left the power to create taxes and tariffs in the hands of congress.

The best parts of his original proposal are still there IMO.

We'll see about single-payer healthcare. The most he says about healthcare is that he wants insurers to be able to compete across state lines, and that obamacare has to go, which it does.

The muslim ban was always a suggestion. The only policy he has in that arena is to keep us safe, and that is one of his suggestions. It gives us an idea of what route he might take.

Let's not forget that he had to distinguish himself in a field of 15 candidates, so going a bit further right was needed. As a wheeler and dealer, he'll have to reform a bit to appeal to the other half of the voter market, while retaining what he's accumulated so far.

He wont make everyone %100 happy, but that's business.

Then go vote for bernie you cuck

This. The far right got associated with religious zeal. Fuck that. I don't give the slightest shit about gays or abortion or banning evolution in public school or preserving "under God" from the cold war, or shoving 20 commandments down people's throats, or forcing kids to pray.

Fix immigration! Fix the economy! Preserve my constitutional rights in a reasonable and safe manner. End anchor-babies. For god's sake liberals should be getting erect, with Trump they could win on a lot of things they care about with practically no resistance. Trump supporters don't give a single fuck about trans bathrooms. Sure it's degenerate but they were around before. We simply have more pressing matters to attend to, like not going extinct. Trump is a free pass on half that shit and the left calls him Hitler but thought Ted Cruz was cool??? Ted had a pastor run around screaming to kill the gays. Jesus Christ, think of how terrifying it would be if Christians had a national leader embrace old testament Biblical law. Dueteronomy 13 and 17 command them to kill nonbelievers. Lets not encourage this line of thought no? Cruz is a maniac and he would be totally preoccupied with harassing gays while the immigrants shift Texas and Florida blue forrever. Conservatism would be dead.

The only position with longterm permanent affects is the issue of demographics and therefore immigration.

Conservatives have failed me, if Trump was a commie but promised to kick the mexicans out I still would be voting for him.


Trump is pretty center-oriented, but not liberal. He's authoritarian, but actually positioned in the center except when it comes to immigration.

Keep wishing, Javier

You seem to be a few months behind on shilling tactics. "Trump is actually a liberal" was supposed to help Ted Cruz or any of the other Republican candidates. Now that it's come to the general election, what do you think your shilling is gonna do? Convince people to vote for Hillary by talking trash about liberal values?

You summed it up perfectly. Trump supporters (for the most part) don't care about those single voter social issues. I couldnt care less about those things. I care about bringing our manufacturing back, having nice infrastructure, localized education, a strong military that doesn't nation build, and above almost all immigration, we must stop the influx of immigration or else a demographic change will be done and irreversible and a cultural change and political change. If Donald Trump does not win this election then there will not be another chance for a Republican to win.

>>mfw people actually fell for his blatant pandering
Trump panders the fucking least. He is not PC and makes controversial statements. Also pandering is necessary to get elected, every politician does it

>Panders the least
>Need to pander to get nominated