


Eeeew , somebody here forgot that before native indians america was inhabited by Europeans

Wouldn't I be immigrating to Europe then?

Wow, really makes you think

I am now a Cruzlim

this again?
look at how well immigration turned out for the natives.

wtf I hate Americans now

I know OP doesn't really believe this image, but every time I see it, it makes me rage. People act as if "Native Americans" were a single entity and not a bunch of differing, competing, fighting tribes. They also had alliances set up with different European nations, it was a clusterfuck. And you can't really call it "immigration" when it's not an established country with immigration laws...Also, the morality of land ownership back then, was a lot different than it is now.

Finally it was not a genocide, most of the natives were killed by disease and not by european hands. I don't know why this isn't repeated more often, IMO this actually makes the natives look better, because the settlers had a hard enough time dealing with the few that were left.

This again? Immigation and illegal immigration are exactly the same thing. Injun man is right.

Click bait Sup Forums style

Kek a red nigger isn't smart enough to use the word splendid silly

Come home white man

Then: Migration of civilised whites to lands inhabited by stone age barbarians

Now: Migration of bronze aged barbarians to lands inhabited by civilised whites

Yep, totally the same thing OP

Yeah, immigration is bad. It's precisely why we shouldn't repeat the mistakes the Indians did.



Damn immigrants hooting and hollering while also burning our brothers. These meatniggers need to go back.


It, in all reality, causes the formation of thoughts.

People seem to forget that indians raped killed and stole from eachother before the whites came. In a way it was just progress. Now sure things could have been handled differently but still it was bound to happen. If the US had not developed and tried to assimilate the indians into IS culture, we could be like Africa with a shit ton of civil wars and war lords and tribes going at eachother etc


>Thinks white man is an illegal immigrant
>Completely forgets about that deal involving beads

My god, you're right.

If we are unable to control immigration modern americans will face the same fates as the aboriginal american peoples:

Populations decimated, turned into oppressed minorities with their cultures stamped out by the invaders.

that's a farmed tree, a product of human activity

My family didn't immigrate to the US. They emigrated from the UK. Big difference.

America bought the lands from the natives

I don't feel guilt for or give a fuck about the former plight of native americans. They were conquered.


So... a slave.


DANG.. really makes you think about things from a different point of view....


how do you immigrate to a country that doesn't exist yet?

We werent immigrants. We were conquerors. And we won.

indians were immigrants from asia




Look mom, I posted it again.


Were once


you couldn't even manage "INDIANS" with a picture of a poo-in-loo, really?

so desperate to be in "epic combo" that you forgot to make a fucking joke

Yea im part Cherokee and you lost. My ancestors on one side fucked and murdered my ancestors on the other. such is life. your ancestors should have fought harder.


Japan you must know I love you wonderingly