Why the hate Sup Forums?

Why the hate Sup Forums?

It wasn't that bad. I just looked at it as if Ryuk visited America to find a keeper, because with Light, the name is where the similarities end.

As a spin-off movie it's decent. Don't get why everybody is crying about it.

>inb4 wahh wahh but they made L an emotional nigger

that shit was terrible, they didnt even include the bus scene where L gets the detective killed smh 0/10

I didn't like his acting, or how they made his character. I guess I didn't enjoy the American twist. They make him seem like a pussy, then trying to be cool saying mother fucker and stuff which was cringy. I think with a different actor it would have been more enjoyed IMO. I did like black L a lot though, and didn't mind his out of character rage. Ryuk was the best, Willem nailed it, but I'm sure that's to be expected from him.

Shit was really bad.

The original creators said they liked it.

Nobody can win with things like this

Keep it in it's original form with an English dub - Most people won't watch it
Make an Americanized remake - Whitewashing racists!!!
Keep the cast and story the same - They didn't add anything new to the story, pointless remake.
Change the story - It was nothing like the source material.

Faggots will never be happy even if they like remakes/reboots, it's their one chance to release their inner hipster and go in to detail about how they knew about the OG source.

this. spot on.

It played like a shitty B movie. It's like it wasn't taken seriously at all. There are a few scenes that are so ridiculous that it's impossible to not cringe or pull out your phone.
Personal Bias, I don't like the characters. Light in the Anime was a sociopathic Genius with a god complex. Light in this remake was a nothing more then a dweeby highschooler.

I don't care about "white washing" or something retarded like that, but, this prove, again, than America don't know how to handle anime at all.

They focus solely in trying to hard to make a blockbuster and easy of understood to the point of blatant stupidity. The original one had very strong characters and plot, a brain vs brain war, with several plot twist and counters, murika death note is about a emo, a afro detective and a bitch.

They will fuck it up like they fucked up ghost in the shell


Dubs of truth

It was okay, L felt out if place, he was the only one animu acting and it felt like the only person who was also doing that was Mia for a few scenes.
Ryuk was really the only highlight tho.

I'll just leave this here

>evil cuck whitey gets the filthy whore
>smart nignog saving the world


Ghost in the Shell was only fucked up because it lacked any real sub plots, they drew out the one main story line over the course of the entire movie, which made it get boring for large bits of it.

Visually it was amazing, I feel with some sub plots thrown in to juice up the story as a whole it would have been really good. It's not often I say this, but the movie should have been an hour longer.

Eh, I enjoyed it for what it was. It's not the original but I never expected it to be. Simple, fun and not too retarded.

even without the anime, its still a shitty movie, the characters are undeveloped and it really tries to cram too much info such a short run time
they tried to take the original story and condense it but it lost all the interesting parts along the way
also it was wildly unfaithful and might as well be a different story altogether, fuck death note

I think it was a pretty good movie

you could make a good movie. that would satisfy a lot more people.

FYI even normie critics who have no attachment to the original hated this trainwreck.

I enjoyed it. I like living in a world where this exists. I like the preacher TV's series too, so pick the bones out of that.

plus there's many points where the set doesnt make any narrative sense to add on to the damage

I agree on disagree, bro. Both GITS movies runs almost a hour and a half, and they are almost master pieces. You don't need hours of screen time if you know how to handle narrative, symbolism and music. Most of the narrative in both movies don't even have any kind of dialogue on it. Is all almost the right combination of music, symbols and feelings. They worked in the same league as 2001: A Space Odyssey.

> not too retarded.

maybe compared to you.

just examining L (and all the characters have problems like this):

>learns that light is definitely kira
>but don't arrest him cause "HURRR I PLAY FOR CHECKMATE DUR DUR DUR"
>makes an unsolicited comment about how HE DOESN'T CARRY GUNS because THUR DISTRACTIN DUR DUR. Statement feels pointless and retarded but turns out its foreshadowing for the later scene...

>Watari dies
>for some reason, despite the severe mental conditioning established in the movie, he loses his shit
>decides that's a good time to arrest light even though that doesn't add any new evidence
>grabs retarded gun that has neon lights for no reason
>drives around like a maniac, again for no reason
>parkours like a faggot who doesn't sit around staring at screens eating candy all day
>goes through a 10 minute villianesque dialogue to Light, giving plenty of time for deus-ex dishwasher to smack him in the head.

then later

>randomly remembers an offhand comment by light about a calculus book
>goes to his house THAT WAS TORN APART BY THE POLICE and finds the piece of the death note with all fbi agents names in it that somehow the cops missed
>decides randomly to use it himself instead of using the FUCKING CHECKMATE HE FOUND

that's like half the movie with one character. I could do the same for the other 3 too.

Naw but this is total shit.
Its not even good.

Why the fuck is L emotional and crying?
Why the fuck does Light tell some hot cheerleader about the deathnote?
Where the fuck was the intrigue?
Where the god damn hell was the game of cat-and-mouse?
Why the fuck does L "Win"? Originally both L and Light die, supposed to symbolize the duality of their feelings. Evil for Good = Evil, vs Evil for Good = Good.

Light Turner was some yellow-tipped fedora scrawny bitch.
Light Yagami was a model student, popular, and extremely smart.

What the fuck was with the montage scene showing Kira grow power? like Thats fucking fast.

What the fuck happened to heart-attacks?
Why the focus on blood/gore/violence?

This movie fucking sucked. It was like the Breakfast Club meets Final Destination. It was garbage.

The Japanese Live Actions are better than this, and thats really fucking bad (Cause they are absolute trash as well)

Absolutely nothing wrong with ghost in the shell. Wasn't even white washed. The "shell" is fake. So technically she's not even white. Also character was Asian. Movie was almost identical. And very good :^) yes I've seen most of the ghost in the shell movies

Apart from the fact that the story, the characters, the overall philosophy, the character arks, their motivations and reactions have nothing to do with the original material and yet they still call it "Ghost in the shell", there's "absolutely nothing wrong" with it you fucking nigger.

Only americans will defend this garbage.

Looks like Peter Parker in spiderman 3

Ill pay the rent when you fix the damn door.

Something like that

It was like they took Death Note's concept and then intentionally removed everything that made it interesting.
See Especially that contrived ending, that was trying to have their cake and eat it too. And when Sherlock has the audience it does, you can't say people wouldn't be interested in the cat-and-mouse, so why the hell would you not focus on that? That's what made the cold, unfeeling conflict between L and Light awesome, not random action set pieces and DRAMATIZED EMOTIONS.

Plus, Light gets fucking outsmarted by some random high school girl, how do you root for a character like that?


Not all change is good change.

For example, in Death Note, Light was super smart and charming, but also a bit psychopathic. This was an intentional character trait that together with the story made you question your morals.
Here they made him a typical emo kid heroboy with a romantic interest as is so cliche of American TV.

Changing the environment or race of the characters isn't a problem here because it played no central role to the appeal of the story.

>Light gets fucking outsmarted by some random high school girl

How? He killed her...

I liked it enough. My main dislike was Light and L we're not intellectual equals or even close. Decent spin off. Definitely inspired by not based off of Death Note

I didnt understand why they had to change the characters personalities. Light couldve been a wall street broker for all I care as long as he kept the same personality

Because he writes a stupidly contrived "get out of jail free" card at the very end, rather than personally outsmarting her like he does in the anime. He essentially just wrote down "I win" in the Note.

>wall street broker
>with the same personality he had in the OG source

So, basically Patrick Bateman?

Not exactly. Light is wouldnt murder homeless guys and fuck prostitutes. And he wouldnt lose his mind, at least not until much later

A less nihilistic one, but yeah. Light has a goal/ideal in mind beyond just getting his rocks off with random murder.

>They worked in the same league as 2001: A Space Odyssey.
So in the origincal GitS it didnt work at all? 2001 was fucking terrible, and if you think otherwise there's something wrong with you.


Okay there really isn't a case for whitewashing here. If you look at light from the anime that motherfucker is white. I think this was done to appeal to a wider audience, his facial features support this as well he has average hair by anime standards, an average nose, mouth and facial structure. This kind of thing is done a lot in Japanese media a famous example is Harry from silent hill. Nothing unique about Jim so the viewer could self insert or use Harry (or light) as a proxy to experence the world.

I'm not defending the movie I'm attacking the ducks who claim whitewashing on everything.

All in all they could have changed a few things and had a successful movie. For example lights mother getting killed would have been a good change that would make sense for his character development and the story.

Light being a ducking retard does not make any sense. But beyond that what pissed me off the most is that L acted on his emotions, getting emotional I can understand but acting on them? Wtf. I can't believe that the greatest detective in the world would ever act on an emotional response no matter how strong it was.

I wasn't saying that Death Note was white washed, I was just listing the usual complaints in general when foreign material is given a Western reboot.

If you can't handle 2001, then there's something wrong with you, and that is the reason why hollywood needs to downgrade anime

Most of the character motivations were similar, and you have to take into account that the movie also mixes in parts of ARISE. It skimps on some parts and somewhat assumes you can connect the dots if you've seen the original and ARISE. It definitely could have been better but it wasnt as bad as reviewers would like you to think.

Also, a large number of Japanese people covet western eyes, to many of them the casting scarjo was actually preferred. The "white washing" thing is something only seen by white people who WANT to feel guilty about it and no one else.

>If you can't handle 2001, then there's something wrong with you, and that is the reason why hollywood needs to downgrade anime
I can handle it, and i generally like Kubrik but he went way over the top with 2001 to the point it felt like he was slapping you with his cock about it. You could do more with substantially less.

Honestly, some of the most legendary shit of all time.

Retard ass Japanese xenophobic shit brains ruin everything because of their insecurities.

JRPGs will never do well because faggots don't understand that having them on something other than the Japanese console, PS4, will do them much good.

They take a shit on the real first Hollywood 100s million dollar investment, Ghost in the Shell, because they don't understand that Hollywood actors sell Hollywood movies.

Now you can even get a lovely little nod to anime on Netflix without these jackass xenophobic assholes ruining EVERYTHING.

Go look on Gamespot forums with half a brain and understand the mentality of these faggots. They will do nothing but shit on Xbox One for the rest of their lives because they're die hard xenophobic retards that refuse to buy anything other than the Japanese console.

This is the exact same population, the exact same mentality that comes with any attempt to bring anime, JRPG, ANYTHING JAPANESE to a western audience.

Either they don't want their shit to succeed, or they are too retarded to realize the harm the do to themselves and everyone else around them.

Dead on, all of this and more bothered me, Dafoe playing ryuk was the best part and even that seemed dumb and rushed.

Yeah sorry man I didn't mean that at you. I know that wasn't your intention, I was venting about faggots that complain about it when it's not even happening. And they refuse to see the good in it. For example scarlett Johnson in more skin tight outfits. See guys good in all things


Do you not understand small takes from the original anime to make it more blockbuster movie friendly!?
Personally I think they kept the legacy intact plenty, maybe took a few artistic choices with the source material, but that's their prerogative to do so, and honestly I think they did an amazing job.

The reason they can't win things like this is solely because xenophobic Japanese tendencies and the propensity of their fanboys to perpetuate them throughout forums across the internet.
Japanese fucks get their shit straight and start ACTUALLY supporting their own shit, than everything is okie dokie.

You play like a faggot that shit on the experience before they started the movie.

I understand that they were trying to make it their own thing but a lot of major plot holes and huge important pieces of left out information ruined it. If I watched that with no knowledge of death note I would be confused as fuck

You should watch the live action Attack on Titan.

You'll realize Japan doesn't know what to do with anime lulz

Spotted the sperg lord

I think that prissy anime bitches like you ruin your experience before you start the movie.

If you really want your anime to be accepted and appreciated, you retards do a TERRIBLE job of supporting it. Just let people fucking enjoy the shit before you fill up forums giving them a million reason not to huh?

Spotted the meme fiend.

This pile of shit is the poster movie for how Hollywood ruins every anime it gets its hands on. Every fucking thing about it.

Touche, my bro XD


I gave it a shot, I watched it fully through, even though it was pretty good for the first 1/3 and then I started noticing the shortcuts and poor acting. I watch lots of movies and always feel compelled to grade them fairly, and I'd give this a solid 4/10

This is a poster child for the weeaboo/japanime faggot that ruins lovely experience for everyone because of their retard ass xenophobic tendencies.

Weaboo's are the second worst customers.
-Ghost in the Shell
-Dragonball Evolution
"Absolutely disgusting"
-Avatar the Last Airbender

-Attack on Titan
-Full Metal Alchamist

If it's not in Asian favor, or if there is one person in it, even if it's accurate to the source material they bitch and whine and moan and circle jerk till nap time.

What would you have given it BEFORE YOU EVEN START THE MOVIE though tard?

I don't care if he's black. Is L as emotional as he seems in the trailer? Is Light as stupid as he seems in the trailer? The remote battle of intellect has always been the main draw for me


It was trash
Don't get me wrong the last 20 episodes of the anime was trash

HUH, what do you know, life's not like an anime.
People are cringy and not 2D in character

You have a point an I respect that. I found 2001 very symbolic and I my impression is Kubrik did it on purpose. Yes, he surely was to much over the top on it, but I used it for the sake of explanation: You don't need lots of screen time or philosophical dialogue if you can handle symbols and music to transmit your message

Hard to grade a movie before I've watched it.

>Why the fuck does L "Win"?
Because black (because Hollywood).
This was nothing more than a ploy using a popular anime to further spread the message that white people are weak and fucked up, and that the black man is superior (in this case morally).

I watched death note for the first time last month in anticipation for the movie, it had me hyped because the trailer looked so good. It's not like I'm critiquing it because I'm a die hard fan, I'm critiquing it because it was trash.

Light is low key genius, it's only really alluded to with his final draw in the Death Note. He's a wuss at first, gets pushed to stand up for something when his girls in trouble, then he finds his momentum as it progresses.

L is everything in this. He pretty much holds the absolute understanding of the entire concept of Death Note, without ever reading it, to himself.

i hope they give the white american characters asian japanaese names it will be so cool

Not if your a retard anime fan, watching a live action adaptation apparently.

You have issues.

>turd hurd Hollywood jews shoved a big black dick in muh mouth and told me it was a creamy log and I went along with it because I'm insecure and cucked and don't want to be considered a weeb or a deplorable

Then how do you not explain the movie being shit on by non-weeb critics? Only hardcore weebs sweat the small details like "L is black, boo hoo", but the adaptation as a whole is just a half-assed effort that misses the point of the story it's adapting. Just like GitS. We need adaptations by people who have some kind of vision going in and aren't just cashing in on recognizable properties or you end up with nonstop Ghostbusters.

If he were morally superior he it wouldn't have implied he could have used the death note at the end of the movie. Obviously we don't have any sound proof you fucking cuck.

>You have issues.
Do I now? Prove/point out how I'm wrong.

Look at all the erratic irrational fuck shit coming from retard ass anime faggot fanboys honestly.

>greatest genius detective in the world
Decided not to watch right there. I can suspend disbelief regarding a book that kills people, but that SJW shit is just too over the top.

The only issue I ever have with adaptations is when the personalities of known characters are changed. Change the setting, add/remove characters, change the story - as long as the new content is of quality I can accept it. But once you try to turn a known character into someone else, you've lost me.

For instance, I think a series of Dragon Ball movies that don't include or reference any of the Z Fighters would be incredible - On some random planet in the same multi-verse a martial artist learns to use abilities similar to what we've seen in DB but with a completely unique story line.


You would see, if you shut your fucking mouth and let them enjoy it, positive reactions.

This is the same story with every JRPG that comes out on anything other than playstation.

It's like these retards refuse to support something unless it's specifically pandering to them.

There's a single black character bro. You for some reason have some kind of problem with it.
I think that dude was amazing, maybe the the biggest part of the movie. Would be not able to wait for the sequel if you retards didn't shit all over it and ruin it for everyone.

Sorry I can't let a DBE reference go like this - this is the movie where, in the beginning, Goku makes a pointless, unfunny, intended-fanservice joke about how bullets cannot hurt him and is later injured and almost killed when he is shot with a handgun. There was so fucking much wrong with this movie that had nothing to do with how well it was adapted.

>L: so we know that he needs a name and face to kill

Yea this movie is shit

People always cry bullshit when they're expecting a translation and get an adaptation.

>Weeb fans sperging over details somehow affect mainstream critic's reviews/enjoyment
What kind of argument is that? You can't prove that's true at all. Explain something like Game of Thrones being critically acclaimed despite book nerds flipping their shit and shitting on the show over every detail change then.

Face it, the reviewers hate it because it's just mediocre/bad and yelling at people on Sup Forums won't change that.

Do you not understand that 90% of being a critic it understanding actual fans reaction to the stuff and comparing it to their own understanding of the stuff?
What these critics need to realize is they're not dealing with mature understanding and opinions of these things, rather, juvenile, xenophobic, garbage opinions of things, that really shouldn't be taken into consideration when evaluating the absolute value of something.

>I just looked at it as if Ryuk visited America to find a keeper, because with Light, the name is where the similarities end.

Literally the same thing I did. Considering, 1) the anime had hours and hours to work with, and 2) the budget for Ryuk's two actors and CGI production alone is stupid in comparison to the original anime's cost efficiency, and 3) Netflix is clearly treating it as another early experiment in how to "adapt" different media into Netflix Originals, I'm not disappointed with how it turned out.

Sure, it was stupid naming L, Light, and "Mia" so similarly while essentially breaking their characters necks and having a semi-imbecile shove his hand up their ass to puppetteer them, but eh, they could've fucked it up a lot worse and it was still objectively watchable in it's own right.

3/5, good enough. If Netflix does better "next time" I'm fine with it, if not, eh, Usenet and Plex is a thing.

man, if you actually believe that

Game of Thrones is widely accepted by a lot more people than just the avid book readers now.
The same can't be said about anime, manga, and JRPGs. Those are still largely in the closet with weeaboo faggot retard xenophobic morons.
Those Japanese this need to be hailed by their Japanese fans. Hailed by their English speaking counterparts. Then finally hailed by the critics.
We're stuck on square one because YOURE FUCKING RETARDED.

Those Japanese things*

If you were the original creator would you say otherwise?

If my opinion was otherwise, probably.

mad gore over acting it did it's job.

if you have never watched the anime its decent but nothing higher i love the anime and this is just shit its literally the opposite what made deathnote good

There are plenty of instances of authors publicly stating that they hated the movie versions of their work.


Yeah that could have been poorly done, like his head comes clean off and rolls around with a stupid tongue-sticking-out-blank-gaze on it, but that head explosion was nice, I liked the violence in it a lot

I heard the amount of scheming is toned way the fuck down? Based on that it's not my cup of tea.

pic unrelated