Am I the only one that hates superhero movies?

Am I the only one that hates superhero movies?

It seems that I'm am the only person on the entire internet that can't stand superheroes?

dont necessary hate them but i don't like 'em either

i just never watch movies, it happens from time to time tho

I hate them 2 fam

All that shit fucking sucks, and only little kids and immature adults eat that shit up. Unfortunately those idiots make up the majority of the population.

I enjoy batman from time to time because its not about strength, but about outsmarting the opponent who seems to outmatch you. Not like that shitty "make the earth spin in reverse" bullshit

Yeahhhh everybody likes capeshits

Superheroe hater reporting in

they're gay as fuck, all of them, every single one. i hate hollywood movies in general, it's not about the characters, its about the actors. it's not about the scripts it's about the actors. it's just "Oh look at Jennifer Lawrence in 15 different films and Chris Pratt in some of those 15 films but also in others"

its annoying, i like watching foreign movies, italian, some times french, seriously italy has some great films like La Grande Belleza

Welcome newfaggots

ok when are you killing yourself

Most of them are enjoyable though if you accept it as simple minded entertainment, also you should keep in mind that they're directed at children. If you don't enjoy it you might have grown out of the target audience.

I'm with you. I'll up it one, I hate all comic book related movies.

Used to like them, first iron man, captain america, and first avenger's movie.

Then they all the shit started coming out nonstop and it got annoying.

Batman trilogy was alright, Dark Knight was pretty good.
Everything else was garbage.

they're fucking trash that only appeals to normie retards

Damn Op you are such a rebel, a very special kind of snowflake congrats.

5 bucks say you watch ecchi anime.

my friend always tries to get me into superheros shit but i just dont see the appeal in those types of movies, then again i am a retarded faggot

I liked Logan but yeah they fucking suck after 2 or 3


hollywood is a business. superheros movies are great for merchandising, which is a huge factor now when a movie decides to green light a project. think of how much merchandise a studio can move over the lifetime of a superhero series? it will either equal the movie box office, or in many case surpass it.

Same. All superhero movies suck except the watchmen.

you're not alone. they are fucking retarded and only retards could enjoy them. you are probably a fucking retard too, but at least you don't like superhero movies.

Na man.. I hate them as well

I fucking hate them too. You're not alone. They're cheap, unfunny, cheesy and people somehow feel geek and cool for liking them

Watchmen sucked ass too

yes and you are a cunt because of it

its the jew way to prevent the masses to rise. every one is waiting for the hollywood hero to rescue them when shit goes to shit around them