If I took this from my store would I be able to change the price of items I buy?

If I took this from my store would I be able to change the price of items I buy?

It's the little gun thing that ppl use to scan stuff.

i believe that's called felony larceny my dude

Don't think so

No all it does is check prices and print labels

And check stock count. Worth like 3 grand though

Darn. Are you sure?

Lol ok.

i guess you could somehow hack it and then smuggle it into the store and swap with the one they use but...i mean fuck im high its theoretically possible but not irl no no way

Nope. Have these at work. You cam make lists, check prices, check previous prices, transfer things from one store to the next, take inventory but not change prices. Also we always referred to this as a prism at my store.


No the price is set regionally and is then downloaded to the phone.. you can just scan the item and print tags. You. Could in theory check yourself out and give a price reduction but over a certain price you need manager privileges. Also youd need the password and username. Those also have GPS in them just an fyi

> gps

Thx for the warning

You cant check yourself out with these. But you are right most of them require a password and login information. As for gps i donno. Who would actually fucking take on...oh

>stick items in trash bag
>take out to dumpster
>retrieve after store closed
>inventory doesn't match up
>"some nigger must have shoplifted them"

Do you work at a big 5?

Except at my store they had cameras facing the dumpster. Always put merch in break room trash. When you clock out retrieve merch from trash. Got away with so much shit thanks to a smelly burger king paper bag.

Lol my company said that shit too. But if were to be real, are you fucking kidding me?! I can get an apple that does all that shit for under $500. Thats where all your payroll is going

If you have to ask that question, you are not smart enough to pull this off. Walk away.

Nah, son, that's not worth shit to you.

I work with AS400 scanners every day in a Cabela's warehouse. I'm not saying that it's the same everywhere, but I can't change the price on merch. That's run by managers and corp

but can it run doom?

No. Those units are for inventory management. The only merchandising function they serve is for ticket batches.

Price changes are generally done over a terminal behind a VPN or closed network, depending on the size of the organisation.

TLDR; You're a fucking idiot who stole what is now a paper weight.

My store is absolute garbage. I've stolen so much shit from it.


>friend brings you cheap item and expensive item to ring up
>scan cheap item, put expensive in bag
>scan cheap item again, put in bag

I didn't take it. I DID however take a bunch of 50% off stickers and im going to use them at another branch.