Hey Sup Forums, what are your thoughts on fat shaming and does it help?

Hey Sup Forums, what are your thoughts on fat shaming and does it help?

Let's start a discussion.

Fuck off fatty

I'm not fat, I'm just asking what are people's thoughts and maybe experiences with fat shaming

>does it help?
Look at boogie2988. Obviously not.
Personally, I don't have any problem with fat people. Be who you are, what you're comfortable with. The problem I have are A) fat people who have to constantly CRY TO THE FUCKING WORLD about their being fat and how they supposedly can't do anything about it (boogie), and B) fat women who think I should be attracted to them regardless of how many hundreds of pounds they weigh. As I said, I don't have a problem with people being overweight or fat, but I don't personally find it physically attractive in the opposite sex.

No reason to fat shame a person without a reason. But if some fatass starts something with you then why not.

I wanna have sex with big people and cant mostly because pieces of crap like you dont let them be confident. You and your kind are a cockblock to me. Gas the fat shamers.

Help who? The fat person? No.

Its true if you know about nuance and nit being a dick

Well said. If you don't like me commenting on your size then you're obviously not comfortable with it. I will say this though, fat girls will go to great lengths to please in bed.

Social norms dictate behaviour, if you don't abide it's considered antisocial behaviour

So therefore if we got fatshaming to be a thing, theoretically there would be less fat people, or at least in public

Also, once you condone fat shaming, you open the door for everything else anyone else deems as "unhealthy."
Fat shaming
Diet shaming (as in what you eat)
Lifestyle shaming
Opinion shaming
Dangerous recreational activities shaming
et cetera
Fat shaming is fucking stupid. It's also not realistic. I eat fast food at least 50% of the week, and when I make something here it's not exactly health food, but because I have a nuclear metabolism, you'd never know it.

Leave alone the kids and people that are just fat and ok, but shame the fuck out of anyone that tries to convince society that being fuck is beautiful, sexy, good.

Snowball argument

shaming increases anxiety and fat people frequently have poor coping mechanisms, overeating. So it creates a feedback loop and isn't helpful.

All it does is make the shamers feel better about themselves and feel justified because they can pretend they're helping.

I don't have a problem with people saying to have pride and self esteem regardless of your size, but the whole "well I'm a REAL woman, let me know when you wanna stop dating women who look like teen boys" bullshit is just ugly landwhales covering their own personal insecurity.
If you want to eat or live a certain way, and are fine with being fat, so be it. I don't have a problem with it.
But if you want other people to be attracted to you, and they aren't (for whatever reason), then either change or accept it.

When you're fat the shame comes from within. Not from other people.

Fat shaming is a thing, and it doesn't result in less fat people, it just results in people that are still fat but now feel bad about themselves for it.

>Snowball argument
So that means it's not true?
I love how people like you always have these debate/argument "rules" that some other asshole gave to you as being absolute. You don't discuss, you play a game, according to your side's guidelines and rules.
It's the same as the "well you can't make your point without getting ANGRY or using profanity so you're WRONG" bullshit.
Let me guess: liberal?

I'm fat. I love food. It's one of my vices. I'm a hedonistic guy, I love food, fucking, drinking, whatever feels good. It's not my genetics. I've lost weight before, I could do it again, it's not that I'm not able to. I know being fat isn't good for you. I just don't really care. I enjoy life, it is what it is.

I don't cry to people not to shame me. Try to shame me if you want. I give zero fucks. I don't try to pretend fat people are healthy, or beautiful.

Nothing wrong with being fat, in my opinion, doesn't make you a bad person or anything. It is wrong, however, to live in denial and try to promote an unhealthy lifestyle. If people want to make an informed choice to be unhealthy, more power to them, but don't try to normalize bad behavior.

No it wouldn't. People deal with things in different ways. Some people get motivated from feeling bad about themselves, some people just get depressed. You're not going to change that, it's how people's brains work. Everyone is different.

Many people who are fat are fat because they're emotional eaters. If you shame them, they're going to feel like shit, feel even more isolated than they already do, and eat even more.

If you think shaming people is going to cure their vices or addictions, you very simply don't understand human psychology.

Keep lying to yourself and soon we will have one less lazy fatshit in this world.

To be honest, they're not even really trying to help. They're mostly just shitty fucking people who like hurting other people and try to justify it by telling themselves that they're doing it for these people's own good. Reality is, they're just assholes.

friend of mine fucking hates obese people. He always states how unhealthy they are and how they have no will over their actions. Its interesting how one can easily take his reasons to hate on XY and project them on other groups... lets say people who smoke or people who drink too much alcohol or people who are stressed out alot often due to their jobs. I cofronted him about that and told him that he was smoking himself. "its not the same"

I think actively being rude is just stupid but I want to weigh in on the stuff people are calling "fat shaming" recently. Suggesting that someone drop a few pounds, being concerned for a friend's health, preferring a healthy partner or employee, and being healthy yourself are not "fat shaming." These fatass crybabies just want to feel normal without putting in the work. Like I said, going out of your way to be mean is pointless and a waste of your own time. That being said though, mean people will exist and if fatties don't like being called fat, they should do something about it.

people already try to shame you for literally any and every thing, just to see if you'll bite. stop caring.

Hey, get as mad as you want. Kick and scream and froth at the mouth, but I have an awesome life and give zero fucks. You, on the other hand, seem awfully angry. I feel bad for you, really I do, you can't have any kind of decent life.

Of course it's not. Their Vic's is never the same as everyone else's. They're the one person in history who's figured out how to do it in a healthy way.

If you are a lazy fat piece of shit and it's killing you, I believe I shouldn't be an enabler of such disgusting behavior. I'm gonna call you're slob ass out on it. Maybe have a little fun with it too

>But don't try to normalize bad behavior
That's the best statement that's come out of this damn thread.

Smoking is different tho.

I don't really give a shit about fat shaming but it triggers me when people make fun of fat people in the gym

Do you make fun of homeless people at a job fair?

Yeah I never understood that, I guess it's funny to see someone else trying and struggling to better themselves. But in fairness I have seen fatties do a work out at the gym and then bring doughnuts

Here's my take on it:

As a former drunk and drug addict, I see fat people in a similar vain. They have an addiction to food and it's destroying their health. Is the addiction their fault? No - but it's their responsibility to do something about it. Beating a food addiction and losing weight is clearly comparable in difficulty to beating a booze/drug addiction.

Does "fat shaming" help? No - in the same way screaming at a drug addict/alcoholic doesn't help them quit. Support and therapy work better.

The problem I have with "anti" fat-shaming, however, is that it seems to be about accepting fat people as they are, and even encouraging them to stay that way. Would we do this for drunks and drug addicts? Eve drunks and drug addicts who don't commit crime to support their habit are still destroying their bodies, and we would not hesitate to tell them that and encourage them to quit. I don't see how being fat is any different in this regard.

underrated post

I don't think we should shame people for being fat, but they shouldn't get offended when told (not taunted) they need to do something about it. A little thick is okay, but obesity (especially when it becomes morbid obesity) is not okay.

it doesn't help, but i get really fucking triggered when i see people saying "accept me for who I am" blah blah. ill accept you for a fat fuck, but that doesnt mean i have to be attracted to you, or even like you. it just really irritates me when people draw attention to it, and then want you to be cool with the fact that they are not only fat, but drawing attention to it. fat shaming is only acceptable when the fat person genuinely thinks they are OK just the way they are IMHO. if the person is self conscious about it, by all means, dont be a fucking dick, but jesus christ this culture has to accept everybody, there are many things you don't want to be proud of, and being fat is one of them

We'll, the other thing to consider with fat people, is they're addicted to a drug they need to use in order to survive. You can't just not eat anymore. So it's like trying to quite heroin, but you need you use heroin a couple times every day or you'll die.

That's not that accurate of a comparison. Most obese people (dare i say all) use food (specifically food that's high in fat and sugar) to combat stress and negative emotions. They turn to unhealthy food and binge eating as a coping mechanism against negative emotions the same way addicts use drugs to do the same. It's not about being abstinent from food - it's about correcting the addictive behavior and eating healthy food at scheduled times rather than binging on unhealthy food specifically to release dopamine.

If it comes from someone you care about then it can definitely wake you up. Because you care about their opinion and know that they aren't just trying to hurt you. If it's from a stranger then, it's just them being a dick.

Basically what you're saying is baby steps towards the goal in mind.

But there is also other way to see that, because it is easier for them to control their addiction because they get a controlled amount of their drug and don't have to quit it all at once

no fat shaming epidemic exists
the claim is a behavioral grooming exercise

I think the best to say to a person you've been harsh on about their lifestyle is "Don't take it personally, just take it seriously".

If that's what works for the individual, absolutely. There's not only one way to beat an addiction.

Umm in simpler terms please?

Well if they get dangerously fat do you have the fucking stones in your bloody gullet to tell them that what they're doing is killing them? Because you just seem like an enabler, and some fat fetish loser at that.