Ok guys, getting my wisdom teeth out today and just found out I'm only getting Ibuprofen for the pain...

Ok guys, getting my wisdom teeth out today and just found out I'm only getting Ibuprofen for the pain. Wtf is this crap why is it so hard to get pain meds these days. Any other anons been through this?

All I got for my wisdom teeth removal was ibuprophens, other pain mess are really easy to become addicted to. Stop being a fucking pussy it doesn't even hurt that bad

When i had my wisdom teeth out, the ibu's helped more than the hydros did for the pain. That was 15 some odd years ago though

Post where you are from so we can mock you.


I read a fucking story about how some fuck became addicted to opiods after a wisdom teeth removal. such utter garbage i can manage my own life im just sick of doctors lying to my face and telling me that "ibuprofen is better"

You fucking pussy, I've had 3 of my 4 wisdom teeth taken and I had fuck all meds for after.

The fuck is wrong with people these days - wetbacked wasters

They gave me oxy

>these days
Stop talking shit you obviously have no idea about

Had a wisdom tooth pulled last Thursday.
Dr said he would call in prescription if it hurt.
Didn't want to wait a day so I asked right after it was out. He told me to wait to see how it feels.

Call the next day 6 times and nobody would answer the phone. It was a Friday and they were closed for the weekend

No pills. Fuck that dr

Wrong. They could give him tramadol.
I bet you're one of those shills that thinks the "war on drugs" was a good thing.

honestly it pisses me off that i cant be trusted with real pain medication

Most dentists do this now because the true "root" cause of most post dental work related pain is inflammation and ibuprofen is apparently the best at dealing with that.

I just got them out yesterday. They perscribed me some opioids I think. Honestlly, it doesn't hurt that much especially when I use ice packs.
Don't worry too much. It's not that bad.

Ibu is the best thing for it, dude. They're anti-inflammatory, which is exactly what you want post-op for that kind of procedure. You might want to pair it with percs or something, in small doses, but in terms of legitimate medical practice Ibu is the best thing for it.

Don't confuse genuinely useful medication with fun medication -- if you're drug-seeking, then just find a source and buy whatever you're after.

This is all a bunch of bullshit.

My dad just had quadruple bypass - they sawed his chest open like he was a lobster. Dude doesn't even drink wine or beer - but doctors can't give him Oxy "because some people abuse drugs".

We treat adults like children in the USA because of a minority of assholes who can't control their addictions??

Acting like a pussy needs to tighten up saying stupid fucking nonsense YOU WILL NEVER AMOUNT TO SHIT PUSSY BITCH

I had all 4 taken out back in highschool, although I cant remember what meds I got. first one I took I passed the fuck out and slept 15 hours then my mom hid the rest from then on. I guess I got the good stuff.

Idk if it's by state(assuming you're in the US) but in mine a law passed where the best they can give you is Tylenol 3 with codine

I've taken tramadol before and it was great for my epididymitis. this has the dea written all over it tbh


>why is it so hard to get pain meds these days.
Have you watched the news in the last 5 years? There is an opiode epidemic going on.

Best of luck to you OP. I know some people have problems with pain, but I got zero drugs for it in 1998 when I had my wisdom teeth removed. And I was at home even able to eat crunchy stuff like doritos that same night.

Honestly it depends on how your wisdom teeth are if the are compacted and thwy have to dig a lot.like it had done for mine out. Ibu juat wasnt enough shit was swole and hurt like a bitch for 3 days. Im not a pussy either ive torn both acl's broke both wristes left arm right leg shattered.left elbow both hands and only.took pain meds a few various times for all that. I def took the percs and ibuprofen after the teeth came out

>pain relief medication
kek I hate the shit

I prefer my mental state to be normal. Pain from headaches or common procedures is temporary anyway. I'm good with regular store bought NSAIDs.

For terminal shit, I get it though.

>gets headache as child
>told to drink some water and stop staring at the TV
All the while you faggots were handed 3 600mg tabs of Ibuprofen or a half pill of your mothers oxy prescription, no wonder drug use is a billion percent in murica

wahhh gimme my pills

all you need is jack daniels , works better than any drug

Welcome to socialized healthcare

>pain meds
youre joking right?

had the same problem
my mom had some left from her surgeray (broke her leg 12times) she got 800mg ibuprofen
i took those + smoked in the first 3 days like 10g

nigga just got his wisdom teeth removed, preventing future problems and years of pain, but still complaining that he didnt get his drugs for minor pain the next few days

kek, children

Just get high on ibuprofen. Its a nice high and its basically harmless, that's why they give it. Have fun.

Enjoy having ibuprofen and liquid food for breakfast lunch and dinner for a week user.

You're not very bright, are you?

>such utter garbage, I can manage my life
>throws tantrum because doctor didn't give you your junkie pills

Ibuprofen is the GOLD standard for pain, for a good reason. Oxy doesn't help pain. It makes you retarded and less likely to realize you're in pain. Suck it up, smoke a joint and quit complaining that you're not getting those pills you promised you would sell to your buddy.

What is there to joke about? Medication is a part of healthcare.

Honestly that's what I'm probably going to do.

Easy to become addicted to if your a weak souled pussy degenerate. Kill yourself you pussy ass media feeding sheep. The ones you get for wisdom teeth are not gunna get you addicted you moron. Shows how much you dont know.

How's that kidney failure coming along, bud?

How old are you user? Do you have any idea what my life is like? Maybe I'd like to get a little high for a bit and block out the pain.

Kratom is so much better than tramadol. I have to take 150mg of tramadol to get any effect

You... you fool. I have no words.

Yeah, with the way you type, I'm sure you're a stand up citizen.

OP here. They gave me 800s as well. fucking idiotic. Some asshat at the university health center I went to tried to give me ibu for my epididymitis once my tramadol ran out, nearly lost my shit

Fuck off. No one cares "tough guy"

They hand ibuprofen out in the military like candy. They call I vitamin M (Motrin)

So you ARE drug seeking. This is exactly why you didn't get your candy. Doctors aren't stupid and can probably tell by your fucked up mug that you're just looking for a "good time" at the expense of taxpayers, because I know good and fucking well someone like you doesn't have he money to pay.

medication sure is healthcare

the kind that keeps your heart pressure in balance or kills off bacteria in your body at least

They will use needles and possibly laughing gas during the procedure so that's not all bad. The ibuprofen is for the pain afterwards. Take a big cocktail of acetimenophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin if you're a bitch about it. My dentist is cheap af and only uses a Q-tip with some weak numbing agent whenever I get drilling or pulls done. I can feel everything.

Uh, yeah. Drug seeker. That's why you don't get shit anymore. When you "freak out" over pills, you get flagged in a database as a drug seeker and you are less likely to receive pills. Good on doctors for turning your degenerate ass away.

Shit. Took 3.5 grams a day in the Navy. Unless you have a bone sticking out you get motrin. Compound fracture you may get a light duty chit and a percoset.

I am drug seeking as I am an oral surgery patient. I have very good private health insurance thats better than any state shit you can afford you degenerate

I never actually freaked out. Went back to my coursework as usual. Do you even know what epididymitis is or are you just projecting here user?

had the same problem
my mom had some left from her surgeray (broke her leg 12times) she got 800mg ibuprofen
i took those + smoked in the first 3 days like 10g

>I have very good private health insurance thats better than any state shit you can afford you degenerate

"My dad works at microsoft faggot ill ban you if you dont stop killing me"

>good private healthcare
Is that why you got denied your meds, manchild? How about you just cut the shit and do heroin so you can overdose and stop wasting resources?

I only cry internally when the big boys don't give me my sugarpills


>Having to get your wisdom teeth out at all

Do you have previous drug issues?

Hey I have (had?) this.
I started wearing briefs. Nothing else.

But hey, if you need to get high im not judging

You call him a Pussy and you can't handle basic drugs?

None. Great student in college rn

HAHAHAHA when I had mine taken out my dentist gave me a scrip for 60 vicoden. that was a FUN week

Tramadol does nothing for dental pain. I had a decent supply of the stuff i used to get high once in a while and took some when i had an abcess while i waited for my dental appointment which was 2 days away. Absolute waste of pharamceuticals. Couldn't even enjoy the high because the pain was still there.

what would you have done user

how did ibu help?

Stop being such a pussy. When I had all my wisdom teeth extracted the doctor gave me a prescription for 40 Vicodin or something like that, I took the slip and tore it up because I had no need for that shit. NSAIDs were entirely sufficient, no need to get opioids involved. Man up.

Then it's time you get the fuck up and be a fucking man. Had wisdoms out in hs and didn't take anything for it. Stop trying to get drugs to look cool in front of your friends. You colossal faggot

cant handle the good shit i see
its okay neither can my mom

you dont have friends do you

I fucking knew it, what are you, all of 19? Couple of Advil and your be fine squirt. Careful you don't stay out too late past your bedtime

positive vibes oldfag
at least I can stay up late

Anytime i'v had pain from tooth ache etc, ibu always works. Doesn't take the pain away entirely but it makes it manageable

pretty sure I could "handle it" (whatever that means), I'm just not interested. and anyway, I was never in enough pain from my wisdom teeth extractions to warrant anything stronger than ibuprofen.

ibu also damages your liver
as someone who used to get migraines i can appreciate it, but i know it only does so much

just saying im not leeching off society here
just trying to get some pain meds

I was speaking from experience. I had my wisdom teeth removed and tramadol did wonders.

I wasn't 'denied' meds. I was never prescribed them because americans can't be trusted with pain killers now. how fucking sad

Not been a huge faggot and cried about it?
Probably would have accepted that Oxy isn't the right pill and got on with life instead of being a drug seeking faggot because I don't have any voids I'm trying to fill with bullshit and weakness.

yes my aryan genes have drawbacks
3rd reich would have had this shit figured out

Appreciated. I too was only speaking from experience and i found that eating x6 50mg tramadol capsules did nothing for my pain.

this makes sense
tramadol has worked for me before
idgaf about 'dull pain'
its the intense shit that gets to me

>i can handle it
>i just don't want to

If anyone believes this, you're as big of a faggot as OP. If you stuck OP in a room with a drug dealer and no money, it would take OP all of 14 minutes of the junkie shakes to offer cock sucking as an alternative.

i wanted tramadol as it had worked before
who said i cried?
stop compensating for your masculinity user
youre safe here :)


lmao 'junkie'
sure bud
its idiots like you that are eroding society

"Side Effects

Some common side effects of OxyContin abuse include:

Drowsiness and possible intermittent dozing off.
Delayed reactions, making it dangerous to operate machinery or drive while under the influence of the medication.
Pinpoint (constricted) pupils.
Constipation (a telltale sign of opiate abuse).
Long-Term Effects of OxyContin

Opiates may have severe effects on the brain and body, and OxyContin is no exception. Long-term effects include severe constipation and persistent vomiting caused by its direct action on the gastrointestinal tract as well as certain brain centers.
It can also cause muscle spasms, reduced reaction to stimuli, and a phenomenon called myoclonus, which entails jerky motor movements.
The respiratory system is at risk. OxyContin down-modifies cardiac and respiratory rate—potentially dangerously slowing the heart and the lungs enough to limit oxygen delivery to the brain and other vital organ systems.
If OxyContin has been injected, the risk of severe heart and lung problems rise dramatically, as septic contaminants and/or solidified pieces of the crushed medication can travel through the bloodstream causing blockage, infection, and widespread inflammation.
Injection sites can result in the appearance of track marks, which is where the skin has been punctured along with the vein. These have a good chance of becoming inflamed or infected, increasing the risk of septicemia."

And Oxy makes you retarded. They can cut a piece of my liver out and I'll be fine. They cut your brain out, and they've solved a world problem. Not to mention, I'm not a pill popping faggot like you and I'm certainly not taking over the OD threshold because I'm not a weak pussy with dependency issues.

Really? Because I know tons of adults who are regularly taking opiates for pain. They only deny the people who don't need them. Like you. Sorry, not gonna make a come up selling pills this time!

If you're having them simply pulled out then you probably won't really need much more than Ibuprofen. I had to have mine surgically removed on the bottom because the roots were just too long/deep to pull. The trauma to the area from that was pretty painful so I did take some prescription painkillers for that for a few days afterwards. They were able to just pull the top ones and I didn't have any pain at all really from that. It was a little sore but not bad.

Internalized butthurt is weakness through and through, just because you don't drop your spaghetti doesn't mean you're not a gigantic pissbaby who can't handle life.

doesn't have to be as strong as oxy
never 'popped' anything as I am not a degenerate

I have to get mine out soon and I'm worried about going under and confessing to browsing /b and posting girls in my town's nudes everywhere.

>I'm not a junkie!
>those damn bastards won't give me my pills! I'm so upset I have to make a thread about it to take my mind off of pills and have strangers justify my drug seeking actions so I don't feel like such an addict! I wish the US would legalize all drugs!

I've heard the top ones are easier than the bottom ones usually. I'm just annoyed that there is so much inconsistency now when getting prescribed a good painkiller was commonplace in the past.

Alright doctor, what are you seek- what would you like to have been prescribed?

this is America
if i need/want a painkiller, i should be able to buy it, not have some government fuck tell me i cant because some fuckups in Pennsylvania cant handle mommy's opiates without ODing

That's because they realized faggots like you abuse them, and because it's a useless medication. Read some recent research and learn a thing or two.

>If anyone believes this, you're as big of a faggot as OP

Okay, I guess I'm a faggot then because I'm 100% positive I could "handle" a Vicodin script, but i chose not to because I'm enjoying being a productive, sober-minded member of society and i didn't even need the shit because my pain was entirely tolerable with ibuprofen.

MAYBE a small dose of vicodin
none of this for more than 2 days

>implying everyone who relies on a pill for fun/recreation/panacea isn't a fuck up


not the guy you were replying to, but most people I know that got their wisdom teeth removed were prescribed 5/500 hydrocodone/acetaminophen (vicodin), it actually makes more sense tbh (less easier to abuse, while being better at pain killing). unless you would end up doing a CWE of course, which you end up losing.