How much does Sup Forums drink?

How much does Sup Forums drink?
How much drinking does Sup Forums consider alcoholism?
Is getting drunk every night considered alcoholism?

Yes user, that is alcoholism.
Talk to someone about it, that's what helped me.

Yes get help

Muh I'll die early anyway just to see wether my suspicions where right


I haven't tried a single drop of alcohol in my life
I think feeling the need to drink whenever you go party is alcoholism

>how much does Sup Forums drink?
Usually 2-3 drinks a couple times a month. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
>How much drinking does Sup Forums consider alcoholism?
5+ drinks regularly.

Well shit I probably drink about 10 shots a night unless I go partying and then I drink an ungodly amount, but give it a rest for a couple of days after that.

Basically you reach alcoholism when you feel ashamed about how much you drink.

Yeah, I'd say you're an alcoholic.

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Degenerate is the least of my worries

Shame does not figure in my vocabulary, I'm pretty anti-social

Then you can't be an alcoholic. If you get drunk all the time but you feel no shame, you're just a lush.

Idk OP. I drink probably every other day, I try not to, but I see the opportunity and it just happens.

What's worse is I used to drink every day, but usually only a 6 pack, which I didn't think was that bad ya know?

Ended up deciding to stop drinking, and the withdrawal hit me like a ton of bricks, and it fucking sucked. I wanted to for. Stop while you can.

Too late, I can already outdrink all of my friends no sweat and I would take my chances against the local high-school

What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?
– W. C. Fields

Wouldn't bother me because I only use corks for breakfast

My grandfather went to the doctor for a routine check-up. Must have been sometime in the '50s or '60s. This was back when bars offered free lunches and he ate lunch at the same bar every day.
Doctor: Do you drink much?
Grandfather: Nope.

A couple of months later, grandfather has a minor medical incident involving his liver. Doctor shows up because that's what doctors used to do.
Doctor: I thought you said you don't drink much.
Grandfather: No more than my buddies.

Start each day with a breath of fire.
– Pranayama wisdom

Drinking and alcoholism depends a lot on cultural belief I've noticed.

The generation I'm from in my country was brought up on 21 units of alcohol a week was within healthy limits (for males), now that has been lowered to 14 units, and they're going even further.

I suspect a new age spiritual or christian agenda is taking over slowly in health departments and that their minds are slowly getting clouded by thoughts of letting people "Live as long as possible" as opposed to letting the natural vices do their work of keeping humanity in regulation.

I intend to keep drinking the amounts I drink (around 36 units a week), and then let nature do it's work on my bloodstream. Hell, might as well die young when you only contribute on a lowscale

I start each day with a headache from hell

Mr President, what are you doing on Sup Forums again? Don't you have a country to bankrupt? or a world to blow up?

Ok just one last drink then we're good to go

Then either drink less or change brands.
Also consider that there is also a psychosomatic dimension to hangovers: quite a few of them are caused, not by the congenerics in poorly made alcohol, but by a subliminal sense of guilt. You might not think you can feel guilty but your body has its own way of letting you know that you're full of shit.

You're only an alcoholic if you want to stop drinking

Bottle of whiskey on friday evening. Don't drink during the week anymore (normie wageslave again). I do love gaming and drinking though.

alcoholism is where you cant do anything w/o a drink, its where you wake up and have a drink. Getting drunk every night isnt alcoholism.

I'm still pretty young and don't expect to live a long life, and the life I do live like everyone else on here is pretty painful so it's not guilt.

Guess I'm good to go then

I've been drinking a bottle of vodka a night since like 2011, been to rehab 4 times, fuck alcoholism

My man

Its beer time now. Dont wait up faggots

1/ 8 beers once a week
2/ drinking every day is alcoholism
3/ obv yes

Shit trips have spoken, crack em' open boys

depends if I am in my schizo mood or not. if not, I usually try to be healthy and not self-destructive, therefore only drinking few beers a day and smoke some herb.
if I am in my "strange mood" which usually lasts few weeks, I drink litre of vodka per day to suppress overwhelming thoughts and mania.
so yes, I am an alcoholic.

> How much does Sup Forums drink?
once a week minimum usually vodka

>How much drinking does Sup Forums consider alcoholism?
drinking alkochol above 50% every day

>Is getting drunk every night considered alcoholism?
depends what you drink

>Depends what you drink


you might be an alcoholic.

I drink a lot man, and it s troublesome. I dont get drunk so much anymore maybe a little lit if iv been on the spirits a ittle too hard. I also drink to forget who i am after a long day of work. People in my life have expressed concern but i dislike myself too much to care at this point to stop drinking though i know i could. And have done for a few days last week

to summarise i know im a piece of shit, i care a little bit about this. And I will continue until It really becomes a problem.

On average between 2 glasses and a bottle of wine a day.
If drinking beer maybe 6 or 7 (prefer other things to beer).
If cocktails maybe 4.
When in a social setting if shots are offered I will always say yes.
*I'm in the wine business so drinking it comes with the territory. I taste and immediately spit wines every day.
I think alcoholism isn't as much about quantity as it is whether or not you can function happily on the regular without it.
Getting drunk every night is either alcoholism or being between 14-25 years old. Simply drinking every night is not alcoholism.
PS - Smoke weed every day

if getting drunk every night isn't alcoholism, then what the fuck is?

>How much does Sup Forums drink?
4-5 beers on a week day, typically 3-4 mixed drinks and then 2-3 beers on fri / sat
>How much drinking does Sup Forums consider alcoholism?
I don't consider it acoholism until you start showing up to work drunk or drinking
>Is getting drunk every night considered alcoholism?
only if you get a hangover