
Ok so you may not want to smoke weed yourself but why do you care if someone else smokes a plant in their free time?
Why are we still spending money on keeping pot away from people who want it when states like Washington, Colorado and Oregon are making literal millions on taxes on legal pot.
Why isn't this legal like the tobacco? It's less harmful to your health than tobacco and the plant can be used for things besides getting high.

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Because they drive cars on the same road I do.

>free men who let the goverment tell them what to do


Haha we should ban alcohol too because they drive cars on the same road I do.

Well, driving is illegal when you're on it. What's your point?

Dui is still illegal dumbass

Don't get me wrong, if you want to do it, go ahead, but there should be public intoxication laws and operating machinery laws. As long as you stay in your basement and don't affect me or my family with it go ahead.

There are the same laws as alcohol as far as that goes

Okay, so we're on the same page then. Good.

the I believe that as legalization continues to pick up speed in the country DUI laws will be reexamined with marijuana in mind and awareness of the issue will continue. Drunk driving didn't even become a social concern until relatively recently and I expect stoned driving to evolve to a similar level of scorn.

They've already made these laws

>why do you care if someone else smokes a plant in their free time?
because their shitty smoke gets everywhere and users are obnoxious as fuck

But there's no reliable short term testing. We need that before any laws can be consistently enforced.

True, they're getting there though

Yeah I guess but I feel like I see reports in the news every now and then about how it's more difficult for police to do field sobriety tests because they don't have a smoking gun detector like a breathalyzer to actually analyze how high someone is. And as far as I know there isnt even a legal limit for impairment for marijuana as there is for alcohol.

Also I believe there is a widespread belief that driving high is relatively harmless, or at least significantly less dangerous than driving drunk. And while this may be true I still think it's overall unideal for driving in general.

Why not just simply avoid them? Also how is the smoke getting everywhere, it's thinner than tobacco

They don't have super reliable tests yet but there are a few that are fairly accurate, they just need to be more common.

You dont think I try? these faggots stand outside my apartment building and every weekend I smell that shit coming in from my window because they blow it out their windows.

and no, its not thinner, that shit carries for a good distance and it lingers.


cops are already trained to tell if someone is impaired. theres no way to tell how much oxi someone has in their blood stream during a traffic stop, but the cop can still decide if that person is too messed up to drive.

Based off of a few volunteers on a short course where they are consciously trying their hardest to make no mistakes. I used to smoke. Often. And I've ridden thousands of miles with quite a few people, and there are plenty of mistakes made. Alot of which are small some very dangerous.

Stop living in an apartment and buy a real house, and if you can't afford one just close your fucking window

because I should live in a hot room so some stoner can get their fix.

as long as they don't drive a car, operate machinery or work with others I don't care much. loose license, fire, fire would be my way in case of not complying. ah, smoked weed, developoed psychosis? no coverage by healthcare as well.

kek. typical retard answer.

>you have to give up your gun rights to buy MMJ in several states
Why does this happen?

because it's comon sense? you should loose your drivers license too!

Stop being poor and buy your own house

Oregonian here. Weed tax sucks. Good thing we can grow our own. Only takes 3 months and the investment is well worth it. I haven't bought any smoke in almost 2 months.

Obnoxious? Being at home, getting blazed playing vidya isn't anywhere near as obnoxious as loud drunk twats getting in you face at a bar or wandering around making a racket at 3am.

Smoking weed has 0 effect on driving ability especially when compared to alcohol and tobacco. Otherwise I'd have thousands of duis.