ITT we are the founders of a new nation. But this new nation needs laws

ITT we are the founders of a new nation. But this new nation needs laws.

1. All may suggest a law but only dubs make it law.

2. Only one law per post. If more than one law per post, only the first one is valid.

3. A law may only be retracted by higher dubs.

Other urls found in this thread:

trap are gay


State-subsidized used panties for everyone

if you post something like reply to this post or your mother would die in her sleep, you will be sentenced to death

CP is legal

The official currency will be called the Penis.

Coins are called anals

If you get dubs you get burned at the stake


woman know their place, feminazis and the anti male propaganda it brings is swiftly culled and destroyed as the perpetrators are sent to reconditioning camps
>pic related

No niggers allowed

Those who post the banana are given death by snuu snuu from a coked up water buffalo

No one can live

Universal Basic Income

No children.

Debts are settled with logs of shit.

White men>White women>Asians>Browns of all types>Niggers

Women must have tits out at all times, pants are optional as well.

Our national anthem is Bananaphone.



false rape claims are treated as a crime

socialism is illegal

Not slidding at least 1 log a day is a federal crime


You own what you can defend.


boy butt/fembois/ anything like that is instant death

Stealing a meme results in execution by stoning

Every building must have a shrine to God Emperor Trump.

No muzzies


All log posters get anal fisted 3 times a day

Everybody must dance

log roll

No foreigners. Unless they are hot and take it up the ass


no refugees

>When you spend your time fighting socialists while promoting socialist ideas that are cool because lol jews

Law: No Jews

We only eat taco pizza

Yeah, OK pal.

Non-loggers are now placed on death row to be suffocated in Andy's Logs.

We only eat burnt pizza

Wrong, we only eat cheetos.

loggers are forbidden

This thread is fucking cursed.


Everybody dance

But Generalisimo, what is our anthem?

this should be enacted


Done and done

shills are shot on sight.



Sup Forums is banned


Repeal this shitty law

Grow up, faggot

This threat is no longer valid

This law is repealed

everyone must think of The Game

Alcohol consumption is mandatory

Age of majority in women at 12 and men at 40

Oh shit! I made every body dance and got this law repealed

mom gay lol

K-pop is the only thing allowed to be played ANYWHERE. Bars, radio, ads, anything that contains music anywhere, its K-pop

feminists can be legally enslaved or executed

log posting is punishable by death

anime is now illegal


you must give up on your waifu

government positions are elected through dance offs and trial by combat

One Agatha for every man

By law, all houses have a tap that dispenses gravy

To enter the kingdom you must have gay sex with the oldest memeber

Fucking checked

All these dubs I'm getting. I'm becoming stronger than ever.



fuck me

no age of consent

Kek has spoken

Pineapple on pizza and u will be sentenced to death

Only furry related media may be displayed anywhere. This means all articles, porn, music, TV, etc. must be furry in theme. Those who distribute or knowingly consume illegal media are sent straight to the gulags.

National anthem is

This guy gets gummed by old ladies on the regular

Sup Forums will revolt within the month.

So it is written.

Suggested law: All video games must have a nude mod packaged with the game.

fuking Kek want us to give up our sedentary lifes and dance

Every letter or email sent to a city or state official must include dick pics or time stamped tiddies.


Children are worth 1 year of labor reimbursement and valid for all debts and transactions until age before 18

legalize rape

Its obligatory to please a trap any way he wants.

One law will be I am the emperor

No traps

REroll for this

Super ghetto black people will be put into mandatory fight clubs where they'll sort out the strongest and smartest.

enslavement gets legalized


Only traps

Oh shit thats another!

Everyone must get dickbutt tattooed on their forehead