I wish I were living in diverse place

I wish I were living in diverse place.

What is diverse land like? Is it good?



Shut up, English teacher-san

fuck off

Diversity is our strength desu

It's fucking awful.

No you dont. Id rather be surronded by extremely feminine, soft skinned japanese qt's

well I maybe would have wanted the same if i lived in a homogenous society , but reality is diverse places are shitholes. just look at us , turkey is diverse as fuck.

Found the Marine stationed in Okinawa taking a break from raping local girls


Remove this post immediately!

Its really nice. All of my friends are from different cultures and that leads to some fun banter. Also its interesting seeing the world from other points of view. Ignore the other people in this thread, as they will probably just blame the jews for not being able to make friends.

There is no diversity. Minorities make their own settlements and are still separate from everybody else.

No, turkey is shit because it is filled with Turks.

*Here we have the rare Japanese shitposter, lets observe

That picture makes me really mad for some reason

تنوع كبير في بريطانيا، لدينا النساء البيض للاغتصاب والشرطة لا تفعل شيئا حيال ذلك! والزبائن المزيفون بي بي سي بالنسبة لنا على أساس يومي. التنوع هو الكمال!

Gook proxy.

no , its shit because arabs and their shitty religion

That's weird how Pyongyang looked nicer than Seoul back then

Mixed Japanese women are almost 100% cuter than pure blooded inbred jap women. I'm sorry sempai but that's the hard truth.

Of course the down side of enriching your population is that Japanese men would not have any sex.

imagine your favorite game,

Now imagine the company that made it, (let's assume it's an rpg from Nintendo), has decided it will let EA make the story expansions, bethesda make multipler, Nintendo will make the system and graphics, and dice to make the lore.

Do you still want that game?

The game has a chance to be great if all the great skills of the companies involved are used properly. However the chance of that scenario is twice as small as the worst case scenario.

Purity is safe and bland but has little risk of failure.

Also if I ever visit Japan for vacation, I will be pissed as hell if I see that you replaced your countrymen with Pakistanis.


god damn it man pull yourself together

You should know, sjw tourist in jap pretending diversity is a good idea


This is European diversity, your women fucking foreigners. considering japanese birth rates you as a people would die out.

wow omg how dare those shitlords put the wrong skin color on this image!!! omg I am so triggered right now people like this should be arrested !! feminism is oppressing me helpl!