Cannabis growing noob

cannabis growing noob

had 2 random seeds so decided to grow them for fun with almost no knowledge. Been researching getting into it and have plenty of backup seeds in case these fail.

but have been doing nice one is way bigger than the other even tho stats are all the same

anyway its been exactly 1 month and 2 days since seed and im seeing these white pistils? coming out

does that mean its flowering now or a sign that its a female because i was under the impression they need long light days before being put into 12/12 flowering and yet it seems like its alreadg flowering?

someone must know something



and heres a fucker that was sitting on my other plant

Those are def pistils and def a female.

It can flower due to a few things

1. It may be a autoflower.
2. It may just be showing sex, and not yet flowering
3. Environmentals might not be ideal and the stress might be forcing a flower. Be it light, or other things.

She looks nice and healthy. Not alot of stretch, so that's good!

There is a few signs of yellowing which might be a sign of nuteburn.

The tips also looks a bit "burnt", so just ease of the nutes

it`s autoflower plant. just put it in 12/12 or even more, to make it bigger, but do not expect very high yield, maybe about 20-30 grams. still, good luck!

same plant other side

i gave it a small amount of nutes 3 days ago and it was also hot as fuck yesterday so i wasnt sure if that was nutr burn or sun burn on the leaf

idk if its an autoflower as they were seeds from a friend of a friends unknown plant

i dropp the pot 2 weeks into their life dirt and plant going everywhere so not sure if thats enough stress to fuck it up

im practicing to be a better father

user you have excellent specimens do not change your light settings keep it around 18/6 for as long as you can. They're beautiful, stout females. To be honest they look incredible, well done, congratulations.
Watch out for moldy conditions come mid November. And Frost! Watch out for Frost.

here is the first posted pic of my second plant

Signficantly smaller and thinner stalk

everything has been the same though, even the bigger one was dropped out of the pot

for a month i thought they were behind schedule

it's flowering, and since it's flowering at that size, you're probably going to yield a max. 2 grams.

okay if its an autoflowering seed then how do i manipulate it to yield more than such a small amount

plant 2

That one isn't flowering. You need to increase the amount of light they're getting so they grow larger, also giving them more hours of light, 12/12 is just arbitrary and a plant can start flowering with 14/10 for example.

Just more light and don't water too much.

what if i plucked the bud off the bigger one to encourage other growth..

yep that's bud growing

looks like you've got a fat little indica in those first two pics and it's female

(there's a small chance it's a hermaphrodite but those usually just do weird fucked up almost bud with seeds and yours looks normal)

well if bud is already growing then thats it right? 1 weed plant with 1 bud and a couple fan leaves wtf

If you go up north in PajeetLand you'll find a fuckton cannabis growing in the wild.
t.pajeet went for a mountaineering trip up north with friendos, bagged kilos

Is the high good tho?

It's not as psychoactive as the cultivated variety but enough to have a good time, won't smoke alot of it though cause it's wild.

Consecutive dubs chek'd

Space program

Only niggers mess with drugs. Enjoy never contributing to society you Stinky dredlocked suburban white boy. You're killing your parants.


>nice one is way bigger than the other

plant only with seedlings, but also here there are differences in growth. Although all get the same earth mix, same sort, fertilizer and light.
The differences in height are then equal to 3-4 weeks (grow). The larger plants I cut (for new seedlings).
I usually have 30 plants and 2 * 600 W NaDa. 3-4 weeks 18/6 then 5-6 weeks 12/12 (special NADa). A plant delivers about 50g - 80g (dry), even by variety.

If it is interesting for you ?!

which doesn't matter if it's an autoflower, which it probably is


>hanfmesse in wien
mein neger

Eventpyramide Vösendorf

Parkallee 2

2334 Vösendorf - Austria

werd vermutlich mit meiner freundin dort sein.
warst du schon mal?

Das hier ist kein Deutscher Faden

well fine. so, have you been there before?
if you have, are they selling saplings there like at hanf&hanf in vienna?
hope to see some variety on strains. I'm also interested in some cbd-only strains

3* ,aber wirklich neue Sachen gibt's keine. Außer man will seine Plantage mit CO2-Anlage!!!! , Magnetischen Wechselfeldern oder Kristallenergie tunen (ist ähnlich wie bei den Gold-nf-Steckerdie"wärmer" klingen).

Und lass die keine LED-Paneele andrehen! Für größere Anlagen nix, und wenn dann kriegst du bessere im "Industriebeleuchtungssektor", aber ums halbe Geld, mit echter Garantie und echten Leistungs und f-Angaben;

Wir sind auch keine Deutschen!

v nice

also mein UFO-LED hat ziemlich guten ertrag gebracht bei den zwei mädels die ich dieses jahr gezogen hab. 60g trocken von der AK47, 40g (wegen schädlingsbefall) von ner blue dream. mehr als genug für den eigengebrauch.

zwei pflanzen in nem 80x80 zelt sind natürlich keine großanlage, das ist klar. aber für ein eigenverbrauchsprojekt reichts völlig

fuck all you

für solche kleinen Zelte ist LED ok, aber nicht für 30 oder 40 Pflanzen. Und schon gar nicht, wenn du anspruchsvolle Sorten (die für Anfänger absolut nix sind) auf überreif (3/4-4/5 haze) ziehst. Da macht es nur das Licht! Und ich hab mit den NaDa 600 W die besten Erfahrungen. Den Vorschaltgeräten habe ich zwar eine zusätzliche Kühlung verpassen müssen (weil ich Brand-paranoid bin), aber sonst keine Ausfälle. Ich hab aber welche für grow und für blow;

Gebüsch-Ärzte beste;

Stress free = female.
Too much light is stress.

Kommt natürlich drauf an, was du so am Tag verkonsumierst. (Ich mach mir auch Öl draus) und da würden 2 Pflanzen nicht reichen.