Redpill me on my own kind, I'm Native American and I already know we were nomads

Redpill me on my own kind, I'm Native American and I already know we were nomads

you love alcohol and methamphetamines. its in your blood.

Your are from Asia. The oldest species on earth

do you live in a northern state? move away. i moved to montana and found the only thing people were racist against were natives. i'm from california, this made no sense to me because i know about filipinos, black people, and mexicans.

I live in Arizona

Move back to California. Montanan here. Indians are the worst.

my native friend from north of the border was mindfucked when he came down to the states and nobody was racist at him. he had no idea how to deal with friendly white people.

I'm alaskan native. Violence is prevalent. Same with alcohol and diabetes.

sadly going extinct yet not being protected or having their lives proclaimed as mattering.

true pity how people who number in the billions can claim they're endangered and need protection, when the real victims are dying/being kidnapped in massive numbers without a peep to be heard.

but native americans are awesome
gitgud fgt

>obviously not from somewhere with Natives.

They were awesome 150 years ago when they were proud tribes. Now they're fat, diabetic, alcoholic pussies that take handouts from the feds and refuse to contribute to the culture that feeds them. They inhabited the most resource rich land mass in the world and didn't even invent the fucking wheel. My high school failed state testing because of natives specifically. They suck.

Not all of you were nomads. Those in the Great Lakes and Appalachian region were quite settled. They hunted, sure, but they also did a lot of small scale farming - like gardening. Of course, it was all heavily forested back then.

obviously never been to a reservation.
only their outcasts leave, so you pretty much only see the worst of them mingling with the rest of the coutnry

can I visit your reservation? how would I go about doing so? I'm mexican and I feel we'd have a lot in common especially in times like these.

>hey inhabited the most resource rich land mass in the world
it wasn't africa you fucking moron

I grew up 20 minutes from the Crow rez.

Second, third, doesn't matter.

Butthurt because your state sucks. I'm alaskan Native and am .1% of the demographic and yet me, my grandpa, father, and brother were valedictorians with two thirds of the state being white. Your natives suck. gwich'in ftw

no sry. i respect the racism against natives because i fucking hate filipinos.

i'm going to stay in this state because it's based as fuck.

OG montanan's hate californians because they bring their shit entitled attitude here and ruin land access. i'm never going to do that.

We hate everyone moving here. The more people that come, the less room there is to get away and hunt

I've never come across someone who wants to stay in their bubble.

oh. yes I have. it's your safe zone. you're a fucking pussy, user.

>implying inuit are any better
Statistics are against you fam

What the fuck is getgood? Sounds like retard to me

I have a free blanket for you if you are cold.

but not on the rez..

That's a negligible difference.

they weren't insanely populated and controlled by religion like europe/asian had been.
they were mostly tribal and fought amongst themselves/eachother, making it very hard to grow technologically speaking.

enjoy drowning faggot.

Stop acting like you think your a special faggot.

Everyone hates californians

So was the rest of the world at one point. However, Europe and Asia developed.

i fucking hate it too. i moved here and have told 0 people how great it is.

i'm embarrassed to tell people i lived in california. i'm originally from nebraska (airforce brat).

since i moved here i've been given a lot of shit by my new friends, but eventually they're alright with me because i'm not the typical california douchbag

Inuit are scum. They were our slaves. We pushed them all the way to Barrow and claimed all the best hunting land. Jokes on us, that's where all the oil is.

As long as you're not a cunt and don't tell your friends how great it is, we good

Alaska stronk

are you retarded?
they were still living with fucking sabertooths and mammoths and receeding glacial conditions while europeeans had several population booms, developed religion from the ancient high tech races which used religion as a means to control them, and then spread their cancerous enslavement religions to the rest of the world


I grew up on a reservation. The only handouts given to us by the feds, is the freedom to operate how the tribe chooses to operate. It lies on two counties, yet only only has to follow federal law. The rest of the laws, we chose or adopted from the state. I will not deny the tendencies to alcohol or drugs. Shit is a major problem. For most, life on the Rez is all they know. Thankfully, both my parents had lived a huge portion of their lives outside of it. I was able to gain a very good perspective on life and the world. A lot of my childhood friends were not so lucky. Some of them are either unmarried with children, druggies, or both. It really depended on their parents. Some are basically niggers. Some really want to make an impact. Some just want to leave.

Lawl. This guy clever.

all i'm interested in is enjoying nature

my job actually makes me interact with a lot of tourist. i try to scare them with the fact that they can meet fucking bears, wolves, mountain lions, and moose on the same fucking mountain

I used to live in San Carlos, looks as though 2/3 of the people there are in poverty. I used to grow up there, not
much violence but just broken beer bottles and some messy houses is all I remember. Didn't like it much because there wasn't anything fun to do.


Confirmed. Saw 3/4 on red lodge one hunting trip

>hurr durr ancient retards made massive structures and were enslaved by other retards, proven to have batteries and lightbulbs to light up the pyramids, which were made over 5 thousand years ago
yeah there's no scortch marks in the tombs, and there's no way you could carry a torch without suffocating from the fumes.

but ayy ancient advanced civilizations are impossible!

>brutally butchered one another
>no written language
>no wheel
>no infrastructure
>some tribes farmed. Some.
>tortured yourselves until you go delirious and hallucinate for spiritual journeys
>some tribes literally continued human/child sacrificial rituals into the late 19th century (see Pawnee Morning Star)
But despite that, the plight of the native American is clearly the white man's fault.
>literal nigger tier peoples


All I know is Native Americans really love to get fucked up and can throw a party. Dunno man. I live in fucking New Mexico, this shit is everywhere.

is that way

dude I'm from California and have been wanting to move out of state for a while. I love nature and hate the fucking SoCal attitude. tips?

>I'm Chippewa (Ojibway) from Canada.
>I'm 29 with no children.
>I was the first male in my family to reach 25 without a criminal record.
>I dont drink or do any drugs beside caffiene
>I have a job
>I graduated from high school

By racials standards I'm a god damned oddity

do you have any social or mental disorders by any chance?

Your land is not your land anymore unless you deport the non-Indians out.

Create your own lawns guided by the Fed govt? Doesn't sound so bad to me.

In part native American but mainly look white. Sometimes I think it would be cool to live on a rez and volunteer or something.

Not that I'm aware of, I mean I dont hear voices or have any suddden urges to bur shit.

I have some self esteem issues stemming from childhood but nothing to debilitating

As long as I can smoke weed on the rez too

you could move to far nor. cal, oregon, washington, or montana. i moved to montana cause it made personal sense for me.

whichever option you choose it's going to be cheaper. i paid 2,400 for an apartment in berkeley. i pay 900 for a similar apartment in montana.

yeah I'm splitting an 1900 apartment with a friend in Orange County. I want to move up to Oregon.

concerned about work. I work as a supply management guy (manage $35 million+ of inventory between suppliers and our warehouse) but I don't have a degree. got 5 years of experience handling project work and inventory and supplier shit though.

Just stay in fucking California. It's always cold and snows here. You could easily freeze to death.

Oregon is wet and rainy all the time. You wouldn't like it. Always have a runny nose and sick.

Need to move back to socal. Worst mistake I made moving up here.

You'll max out at 60k


Natives are ten million times better than niggers.

haha that's where I am. I'm going back to school to finish my degree. but I'm prioritizing work-relevant classes so I can use that to my advantage when I apply to another job next year.

i'm not in your field, but i troll job listings and it seems like there's some opportunites in your field in the pacfic northwrest.

i don't know if it makes sense to you, but doing a job not in california makes me feel better.

I get it. huge change of scenery. feels different even though it's not.

i walk to work motherfucker, and it gives me a fucking boner.

Find a good native girl, have lots of kids, and raise them right.

>these dudes know fagifornias are fuckheads who are cancerous sacks of shit
>try their hardest to keep the faggotshitheads contained to their faggotland
top kek


being surrounded by mountains and understanding what big sky is, is very different.

also, the people in california are so toxic its hard to enjoy the beautiful weather.

> Good native girl

File that under "shit that doesnt exist"

I have yet to meet a native girl whose family isnt complete reserve trash.

White women are the real prize.

oh word. everyone here is fake as fuck and fickle as shit. it's all about "what can YOU do for me?".

It is not so bad. We have a tribal council who decide what laws are passed and what are not. It is formed of one person from each tribal community. Our communities work similar to the way counties do in states. Currently the council is even knocking around the idea of legalizing mary jane on the rez. A lot of the council members are old timers so they have very hard stances on such things. However, their time to retire is rapidly approaching. The ones who take up the council after them, might have a different take on it, like some already do. To me it resembles what happens to certain conservative states. Or even liberal ones. They are so hung up on the past, that they do not realize, the future is meant to be different. With time, everything changes.

why are your peoples not mad? i would be mad.

Because they understand that they did not invent the wheel

Native Americans created the first representational confederacy of nations.

All modern democracies are based off Native American government and civics, true story.

This is the main reason I cannot live in a city. I love the open sky, the trees, the sounds of wildlife right outside my window. I would lose my mind in a city. It is all people, cars, machines, and artificial light. I couldn't step outside and see the stars at night. I would never be able to truly be alone.

That shit gets old quick. I've been called white for not being mad enough about this government or that government.
Being native ≠ blaming people for shit.

It's a race vs culture thing and the current native culture is turning into anti-everything-that-isnt-red-skin movement

this guy gets it.

you dont seem to understand any aspect of evolution

not being able to grow a beard is the mark of cain. also, are you good at whistling?

This is a route I would never wish for natives to take. It is too similar to the pro-black movement. It's white so it's bad. This shit gets us nowhere.

underrated post

>needs to spout racist drivel to overcome their white guilt

you're fucking retards. Modern society was designed from libertarian Native societies, not European religious monarchies.

White men stole the IDEA of FREEDOM from Natives, and now they act like it was theirs all along.

No body, or no culture is perfect. Some natives, noticed the difference, the benefits, and the faults to certain European ideals. Some tribes would rather play a sport to settle disputes, than go to war.

Dirty alcoholic subhumans content to sit on a reservation and take government money to spend on building casinos and buying more PBR/cheap gas station liquor. Just like niggers, you fucking injuns are upset about something that none of your recent ancestors could even remember, but you're content to pretend to still be outraged by the great deal the government cut you just so they'll keep sending those checks.

Natives are arguably worse than niggers because, unlike niggers, most natives are well aware of the fact they're shitty humans but they just don't care. Niggers are too ignorant to realize they're niggers, so they get a pass.

Native here, and I chuckled.

Your hatred has strangled to death any last remnant of logical thought you were capable of.

Let it go, you fucking loser

I thought that was pretty logical. I'm sorry you're upset by my opinions, have you considered hanging yourself? You should consider that. Buffalo nigger.

I want to move to Wyoming and buy a couple hundred acres and post no hunting signs so it feels like CT. I'd do it here in CT but I don't have $5mil.

>I thought that was logical
cause you're fucking damaged

>muh opinions are SO edgy and upsetting
are you really so retarded that you think anyone here gets upset by your shitposts? LET IT GO

3/10 try harder

>outdated memes and one-liners tiem!1!
no u