It doesn't work

It doesn't work

she should be labeled "capitalism " instead of food


Neither does capitalism depending on your perspective.

We need to do what's best for everyone.

It could have worked if people were not obnoxious assholes

> blaming the victim

reddit is fucking gay

It works everyt I me until it doesn't.


Funny how "best for everyone" becomes "best for me and people I like"


Found the CNN University grad

But they are. And that's why it will never work. Some power hungry individual will always make it to the top and fuck everyone over.

Capitalism was invented by a Scot.


It doesn't need to.

adam smith wrote a treatise about it but that is not inventing it.

>I'm totally not Sup Forums guys lol
>but hey fuck teh jooz right?
>and them gommies
>r-right, guiz?
>I'm t-totally not from Sup Forums I swear
>you're all (((shills))) btw

capitalism was never invented, it's just a PC term for greed.

But it has, every time. What do you call repeating the same thing endlessly, and expecting a different result?


If by greed you mean getting out what you put in, and maybe some more.
As opposed to communism, where you put in everything you have or be executed, so someone from a chosen special class can get out what you put in.

shoorh thaang bubbah

you realize our food supply is essentially subsidized as if it were communism


you mean like god emperor


if everybody's a nazi, nobody's a nazi

Why is every communist country past and present also an ethno-state?

Why are most communist sympathizers

we live in a country where we'd sooner turn our backs on journalistic integrity than asshole police

did you assume my naziness?

There are only two genders: Nazi. And Nazi.

>Why is every communist country past and present also an ethno-state?
Cuba ain't.
>Why are most communist sympathizers


top kek

Nope. There are no bigot genders. Just Nazi and Nazi.

No, it could work if it didn't involve stealing everything from everyone. But it does.

We all Nazis guys, Commies are the root of recent problems. We must unite and exterminate them, Antifa, BLM, THE JEWS, let's gas all of them

>a communist who claims communism to be perfect, is equally as retarded to a capitalist who claims the marked can solve all problems -they're both ideologists, utopianists, and people like that are about as immune to logic as religious fundamentalists and fanatics.

Ding ding ding.

Found Sup Forums

What are you talking about?
user is not Sup Forums he said he isn't

I think YOU ARE Sup Forums