



I don't get why people are so butthurt over it.

>It's okay if they make fun of muslims
>But not if they make fun of us

Americans being butthurt as always

This is why nobody likes the French.

Sad but true.

It's because "Dieu Existe" is french for "American Nazis"...

Because pic related.

Consider the pre-war German culture, especially sense of humor. That's what persists in this country.

No it isn't you illiterate hayseed.
Learn how to read.
Then look at that cover again.

I want to live in wherever free and definitely brave society this was printed.

>Dieu Existe
God exists you fucking dumbass. French 1 would teach you that.

It's a fucking french magazine, don't read it, but then again we will probably blow the shit up and change the names back to freedom fries and freedom toast.

> God exists!
> He drowned all the neo-nazis in Texas

Because it's saying that everyone from Texas is a nazi and they deserve to drown in shitwater because they committed wrongthink, it's fucking disgraceful. But oh well, what more could I expect from a bunch of pretentious frog faggots?

that's a lot of people glorifying their history.
recent history is all they have
as they were nothing but barbarians and cucks to the romans before it

I'm sorry, but I don't see where it said "tous les texans sont nazis"

I'm so sick of the war on wrongthink. I purposefully go anti-PC around leftist friends. The look on their faces is like the one you make when someone gives a URL by saying "h-t-t-p-colon-backslash-backslash".

It's a gross generalization, and somewhat ironic given that a large demographic of texas is comprised of immigrants.

I asn't aware there were a lot of neo nazis in Texas?

Of the 917 groups detailed throughout the United States and the 55 in Texas, one group was located in San Antonio. The group is an extension of Atomwaffen Division, literally translated to "Atomic Weapons Division." It is a Neo-Nazi group and was established in 2013.

There really isn't, but its easy for the media to attack and blindly label everyone as a nazi, given the state has historically swung to the right.

>freedom of speech

>but hate speech against conservatives is wrong

Can't take a joke you faggots....they have as much of a right to draw Muhammad or to do this....like right wingers care about arts and humanities

Hundreds of thousands of texans fought in ww2. God knows how many of them fought in france defending a bunch of conquered people who their shit pushed in. When muslim extremists attacked the office of this same publication, how many americans sympathized and supported them? I know quite a few myself, including me. This is the response they give regarding a tragedy. I say fuck em. They are entitled to make this article saying these things about texans, just as i am entitled to tell them that the next time something terrible happens to them that i'm not as phased as i used to be about it.

>I purposefully go anti-PC
The irony is the magazine you are so butthurt over is doing something that is non-pc, so why are you getting upset over it?

it's implied, moron

No it fucking isn't. You are putting words in their mouth.

What happened to make them say that? Did someone drown?

The USA has a pretty long history of telling the french they're pussies.
So what if those little white flag waving B.O. having cucks don't like Texas? Literally who has ever given one single shit what france thinks about anything?
Not the US, not England, not even their own fuckin citizens, not ever.
Let the little pussies have their yuk yuks. No one cares.

I'm bottom just right of center. In the us that's enough to be labeled "conservative." Hate speech is fake horse shit no matter which side it's on. Free speech is infinitely more important than feelings. What SOME on the left fail to realize is that "hate speech" is determined by whatever party is in charge. What happens when criticism of the cops, or of the military is considered hate speech? Is hate speech such a good idea then?

The Elite are attacking Texas

fine, "it's good to drown people if we don't agree with their views and we generally think that the world is better off and that these people could never have been made to see the error of their ways or have been educated in a different manner." happy? congrats on knowing basic french, faggot

Holy shit are you really this triggered off a french edge magazine?

its true right?

Trump is a honeypot

I don't think it's wrong, I think it's inaccurate, and lame. I suppose they're nazis because they went for trump?

Charlie Hebdo didn't try very hard on this one.

they really deserve to be hated

More so that they're blatantly trying to edge their way back into the spotlight. It's like a high school competition of who has the shittiest attitude
it's just dumb
it's clearly working, too
also dumb

They're fucking stupid. Houston is blue-er than my balls right now.. They're just trying to be edgy and relevant.

See but that's really the goal with comedy, to make you uncomfortable
No one can make a 911 joke because it's "offensive"

PC bullshit is on both sides of the political spectrum...watch fox and they get offended by some late night host making a trump joke
>conservatives believe morals=manners and etiquette

I'm a center right, registered republican, but it's really hypocritical when people start defending nonsense based on muh Jesus or anecdotal nonsense

It's tasteless sure....but who gives a shit, look away if you're gonna start saying this is an assault on victims or some talking point like that

It's just a magazine, they can't dictate policy or impeach trump

my point is- Houston majority voted Hillary. What was their point in doing this? I didn't read the article but from the cover it looks like they're saying "look what your (non existent) God did to you, bigots/nazis." IDK though

They were just bandwagoning on the trend of nazis in America, not that nuanced.

But the cover says Texas, they aren't looking at the damn exit polls of the affected areas, it's just a joke

And Joel osteen had to get trolled into opening his basketball arena....not because of God.