I have a increasing hatred of whites

I have a increasing hatred of whites

I don't know why I know it's wrong and makes me no better then them but it just feels right to me like God wills this

I don't want to be like that I know they're not all evil but I'm starting to find that harder and harder to believe

Am I Developing a Inratonal hatred

Me as a child

No, you're feeling exactly what the media wants you to feel. Keep it up, soon, the final stage will go into action and you will be asked to fight nationalists in their own countries

No, go on, that way we start hating your kind.

Your line of thinking made me racist. Its a dog eat dog world

Just know, Christ is on our side. Not yours.

Are you saying you want to play the game?

I'm feeling what the media wants me to feel?

I'm not quite sure about that this hatred has been increasing and growing with age

I'm 26 now I think it starred around 12

I just became racially aware of others outside my own race and became increasingly pro black and following more Malcolm's mentality

Don't really care for mlk much

But I feel if I let hate consume me I become the very thing I hate

A hypocrite but st the same time it feels justified

>I have a increasing hatred of whites

Thats nice. I have a increasing hatred of non-whites..

>t. white american male

>this image

I have a increasing hatred of niggers.

Tfw mexican

kill yourself jew

Good... Good. Let the hatred FLOW through you. Then... you will be... complete.

That's nice. Can my dad have his lawnmower back, please?

But I don't want to be like your kind that's the point if I give in to hated it makes me no betrer off but it's hard to stay nutral when your enemies are hostile toward you

Have to defend ourselves but not become like your kind consumed by hatred and sin

What game I don't want violence I'm trying to suppress that feeling it leads to anger fear and hatred

The Jews have been trying to push this narrative since the 1940's. Don't fall for their trickery.

I'm not a troll I'm 100% honest o have nothing to hide

Wew it's almost as if people prefer their own kind over others.
Who on earth could have even conceived of that notion?

We're only hateful because our society is bogged down by your shitty fucking chimp culture which is a direct result of your shitty fucking chimp genetics and your shitty fucking absentee chimp fathers. Sorry not sorry.

>waaah why are people generously allowing me to live on their land and use their infrastructure and welfare system

are you a half negro?

I just feel like whites are inherently evil snd no matter how much we forgive and try to move on after all they have done they can't change snd there's no point waiting expecting one day they will

They are simply a hateful race

Or maybe your own attitude crates the hatred aimed at you

Hate creates more hate suffering causes more suffering

No one wins its a never ending cycle

They're like pokemon. Gotta kill em all (and let G-d sort em out)

I don't care either way even of I'm here or long gine the evil vile that consumes your race will continue to exist it existed before me and it will after I'm long gone

Yes of no fault of my own

So if whites are so evil, why haven't they just outright killed everyone they don't like? They've had the vast technological advantage on every other race for decades, if not centuries but for some reason they actually tolerate other races and even let them live peacefully in their own countries, you being a living example of that.

It's almost as if the concept of calling things "evil" is retarded to begin with.

Are you a single mothered half negro?

This desu. If whites were literally evil, nothing would have stopped them from destroying the rest of the races outright.

>the evil vile that consumes your race
What are you talking about? You keep mentioning evil and so on but you don't say what you're actually referring to.

Maybe I'll just let them destroy theses elves with there hatred and wickedness

It's not my place to intervene

I'll be a spectator to the judgment of this wicked race

Jealousy does things like this.

Fuck you, you jerry curl nig. Go kys. And take a couple nigs with you when you do.

Do you think you would be happier being raised in Africa?

That happy looking baby in your pic was allowed by whites to allow you the highest quality of life blacks have on this planet. I seldom see black babies clean, healthy, well fed and cared for in Africa.

Instead if resenting whites, take that energy in utilizing it to better yourself and showing you can be as competent and responsible as anyone else.

So you can hate a group that is responsible for modern civilization that you get to live and take take part in, but as soon as someone points out the facts about many of your own kind he needs to "stop wit da hate maaaaaayneee" and it's somehow his fault for not ignoring the realities hard enough?
Yeah, sounds reasonable kek

Look at this ugly little niglet. Holy shit.

>Wicked race
Elaborate on this please? The only wicked people I've noticed in your country are black niggers like you, who rape, steal, and kill at whim, causing fear and panic.

>I have a increasing hatred of whites

Sure, why not? Spread it. You have a right to hate whatever you like for whatever reason.

haha same with me and mixed people.
difference is I'm white and have value.
I do however don't have this problem with people of other purities, if you're full anything and had decent parents i.e. not whites fucking niggers or spics or chinamen/women, they all seem really nice in their own way.
Can never say I've met a mixed person I liked, always unsure of themselves, always wanting to be viewed as being special.
Kind of like you OP, thinking your useless existance is anything other than a warning to the future of mankind.
I feel for you! Probably cause I'm white!

Maybe your right maybe I'm letting my own personal feelings blind me and to justify my hatred I paint whites as this evil creatures to dehunmize them in some type of moral suprority

Or maybe I'm right who knows

White peoples snd your actions as s race and attitude

She died when I wss15 from MS

You need to take a long look in the mirror and stop blaming the white man for your's and your races problems.

It's not unreasonable to hate- humans tend to lose their empathy for increasingly large groups as they feel they're getting less of the available resources.

It's actually quite rational. When you start climbing water towers with a sniper rifle is when it gets irrational.

>I have an increasing hatred of whites

And Sup Forums has an increasing hatred of blacks.

There you go. Problem solved, nigger.

>Or maybe I'm right who knows

Considering you're a subhuman monkey I doubt that. The only thing Niggers are superior at is throwing balls threw a hoop or shooting each other.

You can hate white people all you want, deep down you disgust all of us, liberals just deny it. We have to be indoctrinated from childhood just to see you as equals, and that only works on some of us

>Or maybe I'm right who knows

I'm white. You're right. We're just evil. Just look at our past. I don't even know why we're not still, to this day, fucking everything up.

I guess we just got lazy. We took everything from other cultures and are living off the wealth of pillage, conquest and genocide.

Why would you like us?

Maybe you should go back to Africa and actually try to build something. African Americans do nothing but judge others because they have no accomplishments of their own.

And I hate all non whites with the fury of a thousand sons. If there were a button to kill every single non white man woman and child it would have been pushed before I could finish typing this sentence.

I loved really hard at jurry curl nig

That's my natural hair when I was 2

Whites can't feel they have no soul no empathy they're like cold robots

They only care about themselves and there own self righteous Image

Rather then kill us they paint us as bad and themselves as God like to justify our treatment

A race almost as sneaky as Jews

Whites do that globally and call it spreading democracy and freedom just because his give it a wrapping and a bow and call it righteous doesn't make it so

We're not perfect and whites are even further from it

You people can't even see your one hypocrisy that's part of the reason I hate your kind

You think your this noble innocent peaceful loving race that's so caring but I see right trough the self serving righteousness

What about the many realities of your own race that you as whites refuse to accept and project on the ones you did wrong to rather then accept your kind was in the wrong

this lol

You've got a lot of unplucked cotton to concern about before you have time to hate whites

chimp out at whitey by teaching young blacks that B-ball and and Hiphop aren't the only paths to success, and that sex before marriage is bbad

>What about the many realities of your own race that you as whites refuse to accept and project on the ones you did wrong to rather then accept your kind was in the wrong

So basically your hypocrisy and hate is ok because da wite mans wuz bad that one time. Got it.
..and I'm Asian btw

It's ironic how whites claim they don't care about what we have to say but as soon as we criticize or say anything negative about the presious white egos they are the ones chomping out

Whites claim they are superior but the very thought of us hating them turns them to a blind rage

Why do whites claim they don't care when they so obviously care why else would I had so many typical white responses full of venomous hatred

>it just feels right to me like God wills this
He wills all of this and if he wants white people to suffer they will. If he wants anyone to suffer they will, and honestly I trust his judgment more than mine.

Whites never stopped being evil they just don't do it as openly as they use to

Why do Asians think sucking up to whites will spare you they will turn on you snd try to exterminate you all the same

Mate, go to China


and then after a week there, come back and complains about Europeans.


Is it sinful to hope he dose cast judgment on them and do to them what was done to us and worse

Kill yourself, half nigger is as bad as full nigger. By the way, you look really fuckable as a baby.

how often do you witness whites being 'evil', please be honest with yourself

it is the jew who brought the slaves to the US and then abandoned them to whites once they were no longer profitable

it is the white man that taught you to read, to feel confidence in yourself, to support yourself with work that he gave you, to create an environment to grow in. Because of the white man, you are never very far from being doctors, lawyers, and congressmen, the only limiting factor is your ability to believe in yourself

>Me as a child
See you soon

Well, yeah. You're miscarcinated. You will struggle on the fringes of both of your heritages, never belonging to either fully.

Or you'll strike a path out on your own, if you're smart. We don't choose our parents, but we do choose our future.

Well thank your white ancestors for giving you that lighter skin, good hair, above negroid average IQ. You say you hate us for no good reason except for what happened before you were born but you blaxk militant mongrel nigs forget that its because you have white admixture that you will treated better amongst your people and your women will see you as superior. Youre a direct benefactor of whites yet you hate us. Kek. Remember, this is what you all looked like when youre ancestors were in Africa. ,

White people have no racial unity at all. They are not looking to "come after" you some day. You're just a hater, bro.
Have you ever noticed how it's always successful groups that are "da devil"? It's just you being salty and pointing fingers over your own shortcomings. Get a hobby or something and stop being so tribal and primitive about everything.
And if you still can't stand the sight of a white person after that there are always planes leaving for Africa, if you want to put your money where your mouth is.

cool blog bro, where can I subscribe?

>White people and your actions as a race and attitude

Wow can't argue with that definition of evil. So specific! You should write a book, this is truly revolutionary thinking

Some white people hate other cultures and find so much value in their own, they're the same type of people who are furious from seeing porn pics of black guys on white girls. It makes them jealous because they don't like dark girls from other cultures, so they feel like foreign invaders are coming and "stealing their women".

I would say just don't fall for the shills that all white people are evil. There are for sure some evil white people in power who control the world but there are a lot of great people in the world from every culture, but we pay more attention to the worst people from all cultures in our society right now.


>comb in hair


>Why do whites claim they don't care when they so obviously care why else would I had so many typical white responses full of venomous hatred

It's simply a function of what we were told when we were young. I was raised with the multicultural mindset. I was basically told that race problems were a thing of the past and that now everyone was equal and loved one another.

Imagine my surprise when I then discovered that there existed an entire subculture (now becoming simply "culture") dedicated to hating me. It's not the hate that provoke the rage, it's the lies.

Let's hate one another, that's fine, but can we be clear about what the program is here?

Venemous hatred? ON Sup Forums?????????? STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES

satanic triples confirms something

but I don't even understand the post?

I think shills sometimes forget which side they are arguing

>it's another nigger who is clueless to the fact that he lives in a white country that was founded, built, nurtured, and defended by whites, gets free money from white taxpayers in welfare, and somehow isn't hanged for being an objectively negative influence on our society

We aren't filled with hate. We are filled with a huge capacity for empathy that your people have mistaken for weakness. I can't wait to ship you back to Africa and watch you starve with Mugabe, begging for us to shine the light of civilization on your mindless hordes once more.

The hatred comes from your inferiority complex.

You have to find excuses for what the rational part of your brain is telling you to be able to live with yourself.

>Is it sinful to hope he dose cast judgment on them and do to them what was done to us and worse

You dumb cunt Africans genocide each other all the time, tribes are still throwing spears at each other. This meme that all shitskins were living in a peaceful utopia before white people intervened is absolute garbage.

Don't forget the African hierarchy profited off of slavery as much as anyone did, they foughtthe hardest against it becoming illegal.

War is natural for humans, white people are the best at it. We dominated the world, it's ours. And when we decide to show some sympathy too cunts like you, you rub our faces in it. Go fuck yourself

His point is that he doesn't understand why white people rage so hard when they hear about hatred from other group when they claim not to care about said group.

I'm telling him that the rage comes from the lies of our own culture. I was told we had moved past racial differentiation by my own school system, my own government, my own society. I was told everybody treated one another equally and with fairness and, since I was told that racism was a great evil, I could reasonably expect that people from other races would also treat it as a great evil.

I only now find out that this isn't true at all. People just fucking hate white people, which is fine, but why was I lied to?

What hes saying is spot on, most white people grew up learning that race was something that made us different, and difference should be appreciated for what it was and that each of our cultures were special and that we were all equal in America. My grandpa went to MLK civil rights marches and took my mom and all her sisters to them back in the day because he was so adamant about all citizens being equal in America as long as they weren't a criminal. But some people grew up learning from femenazis that white people were evil and that they were the people responsible for societies problems. It was a great post

Oh, wow. Another inferior, subhuman shitskin that hates white people for no other reason than the fact that he thinks we are 'cold and robotic'. Or that he feels righteous indignation at us, for some reason.

You are worthless. Let me tell you why we hate you and want to wipe you off the face of the planet.

1. All of you hate us. Even the ones that pretend not to, still hate us deep down.

2. You think we owe you something. We don't.

3. You are annoying. You are loud and ignorant.

4. You are stupid. You hold back white students in school and life in general.

5. You are violent. I could go on and on about the crimes against the white race you faggots commit.

6. You are ugly. Most of us can't stand looking at your ugly boot lips or pube hair. Your skin makes you look like demons. We can't even see you at night.

7. You are lazy. All you want to do is smoke weed and drink malt licka all day long. Get real.

8. You are obsessed with us. I seriously think that every fucking nigger has a complex about white people, especially white women.

9. You destroy what we build. See: Detroit, Baltimore, etc.

10. You are incapable of acting civilized. This one speaks for itself.

The world would be whole lot better without you shadows fucking it up.

Now, when you think about how you hate white people because you know that you are inferior, realize that we hate you 1000 times more.



or maybe you guys are just inferior?

If really want to stop hating, get the fuck off the internet. It's where people go to get radicalized. Get off social media. Get away from hugbox websites that feed your conformation bias. Go outside, get some perspextive. Otherwise you're on track to become a black Dylan Roof.

Or don't. But be aware that you make up less than 13% of the population, that Hispanics already outnumber you, and they hate your guts. And not long from now they'll have enough political influence to act on that hatred and contempt.

Whitey is the least of your problems in the long term. the whites are willing to appease and accommodate. Hispanics won't when they get any kind of power.