What Would Niggers Do Without White People?

Whites are the ones who go to parks to be around nature. Niggers go to cause trouble.

America used to be a paradise.

It has turned into a shithole in many places. Others are getting shittier and shittier.

Europe is right behind the US.

Oz is probably next, because the assholes wont stop until all countries are a shit-brown color.

Within a couple of hundred years, whites will be gone from the land, genocided out of existence by people we tried to uplift, sadly.

Then the world devolves into chaos.

Here is a thought experiment - Imagine that it is 1000 years from now.

A spacecraft from an advanced alien civilization flies by the Moon, notices the artifacts there, like the Moonbuggy and the LEM, does a quick analysis and determines that the artifacts are approximately 1000 years old.

The aliens happily fly onwards towards Earth, ready to welcome Earth into the peaceful Federation of Planets.

Now imagine their disappointment when the aliens land and see decaying remnants of buildings and the entirety of brown-skinned humanity living in crude huts, poking overturned logs for grubs.

And shitting on the ground.

The aliens go sadly back to their spacecraft and fly away.

Life without White people.

Below is a RAMZPAUL Commentary on the Efforts by Whites to Protect Rhinos from State-of-Nature Niggers.


Other urls found in this thread:


Without Whites, Negros would just be the permanent slave-class of Arab and East-Asian empires.

The latter seems to be coming sooner rather than later, in Africa.

Because the Chinese are making African niggers their bitches.

Until the niggers chimp their way into a lower standard of living, that is.

Niggers are literally the worst.

Seriously, I've never met a nigger with any redeeming qualities whatsoever, they are like the worst possible outcome of genetics and evolution.

They smell, are dumb as rocks, no culture, criminal, violent, lustful, impulsive and lazy.
The worst part is, they fell that they are at least equal to the White man, or even better.

I have a very pessimistic vision of the future brothers. If niggers ran this planet, it would look like Triassic times. Just without dinosaurs.

They would turn every US city into another Liberia.

>what would niggers do without white people?

Your mention of the Triassic makes me wonder -- If all whites were gone, would niggers evolve into white people again?

Eventually, I mean, After a million or so years.

Interesting thought.

The Vice Guide to Liberia is an eye opener.

American Niggers, once shipped back to Liberia, immediately enslaved indigenous African niggers to work on their plantations. Hilarious.

Asians believe in working hard.

They must despise the hell out of US Niggers.

Spot the nigger.

>Didn't think so

Its funny how u cum-skins like to talk about breeding out the white race when thats all u fucking savages have done around the world ir (america, Canada, South America, South Africa, Seychelle, New Zealand, Tanzania, should i continue?) I wish the Bubonic Plague killed off all of u crackers!

You all wanna appeal to logic and reason as long as it goes along with your white supremist ideals. When someone challenges white supremacy then you all call them whining. Then u turn around and uplift the minorities who complain the least about how back u crackers screwed them over

Yeah because every invention ever is made by blacks and then whites stole it, right jamal?
Fuck off nigger, not even latinos want your shit goldchains and fake watches you sell

they would starve

Only japs and koreans. Other asians are filthy cheaters.

Possibly, implying that whites came from niggers.

Also implying that they don't eat each other or get so hopelessly lost in their own inbreeding that they literally devolve.

lol your just mad cause White people will never consider you white. You just a low as a Mexican.

BTW Those black who say whites stole everything are just as stupid and racist as u motherfuckers so I dont give a fuck what either of you all say. Youre a lowly Spic who wants to be a cracker but you never will be . lol sorry

>u cum-skins

Are you trolling? You must be trolling.

>>every invention ever is made by blacks and then whites stole it

btw Argentina is especially fucked up because they systematically murdered every indian in that country and brought crackers over. Then u all wanna turn around and complain that ppl r breeding u out!? lol I hope it happens within 199 years




I'm marrying a black girl who fucking hates niggers. She's a STEM major who works her ass off and wants to live a nice, quiet life with a happy family and my babies. She grew up in a black neighborhood. She hates how her own people drag each other down and act like animals. Went to an engineering magnet school, only to have the niggers from the school she avoided sent straight to her because their ghetto school went down for renovations. She fucking despises them and how they act, how they ruin education for others, how they take from people who earn their things. There is hope for black people, but not as long as people keep making excuses for them.

>Because the Chinese are making African niggers their bitches.

We're gonna see how long that's gonna last..

They wouldn't. White people exist as crossbreeds between the ancestors of niggers and the neanderthals. Without superior neanderthal DNA, niggers will remain niggers.

You mean without historic oppression or stopping the oppression right now? If you're retroactively eliminating all past oppression, then they would probably all still be in Africa, but without disease, poverty, and crime. They's probably have some type of space program, infrastructure, and technology that was similar to what whites have today, though maybe not as advanced unless they built it on the backs of white people through colonialism and slavery. It's really hard to say because you didn't give us enough information. Would they have behaved towards whites as whites behaved towards them or would they have practiced imperialism? They never sought to oppress other peoples before Europeans did it to them, so I have no reason to believe they would have done it at a later time. Overall, I think they would be very much like white people are today without the brutality and supremacy.

We were Kangz bitch!

Black people were left to their own devices long before any "oppression". While the Greeks, Romans, and Mesoamericans were farming and creating civilizations, blacks were still in the stone age.
When the Aztecs were found by the Spanish, they were in possession of one of the biggest, most advanced cities in the world. Niggers were still in the stone age.
When colonization began, niggers were still in the stone age. They only began to slightly rise out of it because of the European influence.

Your whining and race baiting!! just use logical argument (dont bring up bullshit mass murder, slavery, and rape)

you can take a nigger out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the nigger. You're about to find out...


>Overall, I think they would be very much like white people are today without the brutality and supremacy.

Niggers are targeting white families and you say WHITES are the brutal ones.

Also, despite the history you got from poorly researched television docu-dramas about slavery, blacks did not add much to the budding American nation.

They picked cotton and did other farm labor; okay so what?

oh really?

They could barely handle the wheel, let alone agriculture....
They were never going to conquer anyone
In fact when someone else finally showed up, niggers were falling over themselves to sell their own kind to the outsiders.
No, they were going to be spear chuckers forever

I've known her since she was 15, and she was never ghetto. She only lived there. Never associated with any niggers aside from watching them. Her only friends have been whites and asians. She even constantly gets shit from blacks the moment she opens her mouth because she 'talks white' instead of using their ape speak.

niggrs in space that's a fucking good one pham

Cheating counts as work


Explain yourself.

Also, here is the video of the woman in the OP acting on impulse and irrepressible anger, apparently. TNB is TNB.



Im not the spokesperson for the black race nor does what any other black person does reflect anything upon my personal character. Explain this shit



Niggers never even invented the wheel.

Without whites they would devolve into non-wheel users again.

Blacks embrace the fact that they are parasites.

Pic related.

Black people and Arabs happened. You have to remember that most of them have absolutely no idea of the basic etiquettes of Western society. They only care about their own little world with no aspirations whatsoever, and have a thought process that's instinctive at best.


Meanwhile, in 17th century France...

Perhaps. Though I predict cannibalism.

No more delicious fried chicken though, even if they could raise chickens.

Palace of Emperor Fasilidas built by Indians

funny u bring up etiquette. You nasty crackers used to bathe once a week and then insulted indians who would bathe twice a day. You crackers had 1/3 of the population of Europe die off because you stupid crackers created open sewer lines in the streets which attracted rats and since you all were used to living with rats anyway, they gave u all parasites. I dont know any continent where one third of the people died off from any disease besides Europe because you all are inherently nasty, homosexual, and immoral people. You all got your heads so far up your own asses that u think anything you do is good and if other races dont follow what you do then what they do is bad. Even if what you do is morally bad.


Obama is about to start a Nigger Relocation Program to move hood niggers into White suburban homes.


With major niggabuck subsidies and the whole thing.

Obama is using OUR money to relocate these living viruses into our peaceful hometowns. Because he wants to remove our White Privilege, apparently.


wants our parks to be just as unsafe as the cities these Project-dwellers infest. The theory, apparently, is that blacks are inferior because they live near other blacks. Blacks would somehow be good people if they lived near white people

Does anyone really believe that?

Fasil Ghebbi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fasil Ghebbi (Royal Enclosure) is the remains of a fortress-city within Gondar, Ethiopia. It was founded in the 17th and 18th centuries by Emperor Fasilides (Fasil) ... Subsequent emperors built their own structures, many of which survive either in whole or part today. Visiting the Fasil Ghebbi in the late 1950s, Thomas ...
Missing: indians


didnt uk conquer zulus with very few men ?? with swords the brits managed to kill more than 32 spear chuckers per brit, also we are the fathers of nigs, we have to admit that they are truly 50 % right on the we wuz kangz and sheit, yep they re sheit

Whites who live around blacks at a very young age are taught early not to expect much from them.

And that they will hurt you.

Hard to believe, but there once was a time in America where you could go into any part of a city with no fear of harm or even rude behavior.

Whites who are forced to interact with blacks as children develop a kind of PTSD.

Niggers see whites as prey, all their lives.


and its funny you mention that anyway cause alot of Indian structures like the Taj Mahal were built by Mughals

yeah built with money they stole from their former colonies

Thats just the growing pains of a major civilization

Something niggers would know nothing about

Aliens wouldnt come down like that, they are watching us now with unmanned vesseles waiting till we reach type 1

>get a load of this niggers logic...

The far left side of the bell curve, everyone...

Since you're a stupid coon who can't be bothered


"Indian artisans and workers played an important role in the development of the famous city of Gondar and the Palace of Emperor Fasilidas"

>What Would Niggers Do Without White People?
Same thing they do every day.


>Whites who are forced to interact with blacks as children develop a kind of PTSD.

Maybe if you are a pussy

I grew up in a majority black area and have never ONCE feared going outside

Makes me laugh, the ones with guns are the bigger cowards, grow up AMERICA

was that made before or after vice became cucked?

lol, the only pain was inflicted on others not themselves lol. btw I posted a gold coin of the Axumite Empire which was a major civilization at that time. Go check it out and educate yourself

I'll take regression to the mean for 500 Alex.

Who is going to stop the Chinks?

>Europe is right behind the US.
keep believing that
atleast we can walk around our streets safe at night

>Shit that was built in africa by non-africans
>African achievement

It was made 6 or so years ago. Longer maybe. Time flies.

I used to think they were based.

He said your dumb thinking you can be white by just sucking white dick

lol Important role? That means they built it for the Ethiopians!? lol

BTW civilizations influeve each other all the time. If it had not been for the Romans western Europeans would still be living in huts with no written language

lol, you rekt that dumb nigger with knowledge...

If they diddn't steal the achievements howd you know it was theirs?

it is regarded by many as the best example of Mughal architecture and a symbol of India's rich history.



FTA: "the new communist regime introduced a policy of “Ethiopianisation” which meant that foreigners were not allowed to teach in Ethiopian schools. Consequently, all the teachers and a large number of Indian businessmen moved to other destinations."

Good job niggers.

Gazi, I know it's you. Stop posting.

>western Europeans would still be living in huts with no written language
>Shit black people actually believe
Let's look at africa
>Living in huts
>No real language
>Culture involves eating insects, stretching your lip further than any hipster's ear
>Has tons of fertile land great for farming
>Is fucking starving

>The apex of Dindu Innovation....

Sheit, I done had jus build dis , but imma let chu git it fo a hunnit....

Romans are western European.

So who were the ones who got all the niggers to America a few hundred years ago?

>perhaps. Though I predict cannibalism.
>No more delicious fried chicken thou
Human meat is the nogs preferred choice of meat, chicken is a modern compromise

The funniest part is, that was probably some shit a belgian colonist taught one of his ancestors, who just passed it down until finally somebody went "WOW, look what this little african guy invented in 2016!"


>What would Niggers do without White people?


statue says 2009, saw the story about him like a year ago.

Remember it's 2009 in parts of Africa en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian_calendar

Debate my mon why she should not support Black lives matter. could not win, less then 2 % nogs in here city.
Maybe like the Obama phone this will be the red pilling gift that keeps givin, look on the bright side senpai.


This will instantly turn sheltered liberals into racists.

They will celebrate our deaths but curse us for leaving, forever wondering where their food and money went, asking where it all went wrong when they slowly get crushed under the yellow boot.

Since we are on the topic of culture diffusion, You should learn where your numbers, RELIGION, math equations come from. Not Europe Mother fuckers!

Without blacks, whites would be able to live much safer lives. White countries' education systems would definitely improve. Blacks would probably be better off, too. While they'd live pretty primitive lives, at least they wouldn't be shooting each other up every day.

Dam and Detriot is totally surrounded by Whites and White tax dollars.

haha exactly. We didnt ask to come here.


Where did the concept of the computer that you're typing on come from? Ever heard of Alan Turing, gospel or boltzmann?

Muslim != nigger

Literally the jews, the slave trade has been owned and operated by the yids since recorded history...


>Abigail, Aaron Lopez, Moses Levy, Jacob Franks, Jews
>Crown, Issac Levy and Nathan Simpson, Jews
Nassau, Moses Levy, Jew
>Four Sisters, Moses Levy, Jew
Anne & Eliza, Justus Bosch and John Abrams, Jews
>Prudent Betty, Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix, Jews
>Hester, Mordecai and David Gomez, Jews
Elizabeth, Mordecai and David Gomez, Jews
>Antigua, Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell, Jews
>Betsy, Wm. De Woolf, Jew
>Polly, James De Woolf, Jew
White Horse, Jan de Sweevts, Jew
>Expedition, John and Jacob Roosevelt, Jews
Charlotte, Moses and Sam Levy and Jacob Franks, Jews
>Caracoa, Moses and Sam Levy, Jews

LOL so politically incorrect.

Hegel writes of the disgusting subsaharans and their incestual inbreeding and other bad habits.

No wonder AIDS started in Africa,

>What Would Niggers Do Without White People?
You'll soon find out because white people are getting replaced around the globe. It might not be sandniggers in the US but it's still a mix of mexicans and actual niggers that are replacing you.