Alright, so this spider showed up outside my front door a few days ago and I haven't really payed much attention to him...

Alright, so this spider showed up outside my front door a few days ago and I haven't really payed much attention to him. The fucker is massive.
Anyone know what kind of spider this is?


Bump for that nasty shit water

>dat eye flare

I don't understand. Why the fuck is it still alive, unless you have plans to mate with it..


Where are you from? How big is that spider? Banana for comparison?

Some kind of orb weaver

Spiders > insects

orb weaver, harmless cunts that set up massive webs that'll scare the shit out of you when you walk through them, it's a harmless brotier spider.

Youve got a bigger problemfriend, Im no expert but it looks like theres a skeletonhiding behind that spider

somebody had to say it

idk why it made me laugh

Wtf is this

Burn that mother fucker

I lost.

i'm an arachnologist, and i am pretty sure that's a black widow
do not worry though, they aren't poisonous or anything, and they are also pretty chill
they love to stay on top of people's head. so if you want to make this little fella happy, you know what you gotta do

>black widow
This spider is obviously grey.

Nah, he just needs to burn the house down at this point

Looks like a crab spider who recently had a big meal. They're pretty much harmless but very agressive if u try to fuck with their spot see if u can move it to a different spot of ur house it helps kill pests

cut its legs off and let it die

the name actually comes from a certain peculiarity in that type of spider
once she mates with the male of the species. she, after killing him, bathes in his fluids leaving most of her a very dark shade of gray all over her body
that's why she's called a black widow

Nah, black widows are pitch black, I've seen 2

How did u survive not one but too encounters?

yeah, forget the fact that he followed that up with "they aren't poisonous"
