I never kill spiders in my house...

I never kill spiders in my house, i just name them and sometimes relocate them to other rooms because they keep all the other bugs at bay.
i love giving them names but im running out and re-use old names
i would appreciate any cool names for spiders, pls halp.


Sally the Spider
Simon the Spider
Simone the Spider

I think you get the idea.


all my spiders get eaten by the geckos

Nice figure, although I'm not a fan of the jewelry or the ears. Know where I can get others like this?

mike, anne, peter, tyreese



Mr Butt-Winch

Blinky Joe

You could name one Ass Worship. And the ones in the bathroom could be collectively referred too as The Shitter Sisters.

>Lance Armlegs
>Eight-Leg Lou
>Eight Eyes
>Lil Silky
>He Who Poops Web
>Fly Annihilator
>Booger Sugar The Spider
>Gangbang The Spider
>I fucked This Spider
>Dope Sick Bitch, The Herald
>Sergeant Suffering
>Dick Butt
>Dick Butt Jr.
>Double Dick Butt
>Duper Double Dick Butt Sr.
>Spideress Blowjob Woo-woo!
I could keep going, my brudda

girl names

your ex or idol for exemple


>Rob Schneider the Spider

This better be the next shitstain of a movie that comes out of the company that produced Norm of the North


>Mr Butt-Winch

Yeah its all 'I love spiders' till one lays an eggsac, then its OMG WHY!? 18KAZILLION INFESTATION TIME.

Spippy the spider
spoony the sporadic spider
spoops the spider
sixlegs longjoe
sasafrass sixlegged

these are wonderful ty
good trips good name
ive been living here for 6 years and i have no problem with them at all nor i have i ever seen them lay an egg sac out in the open let alone see hatch lings, i have become attached to them and i use my hand directly if im moving one away from my computer or stove.


>sixlegs longjoe
>sasafrass sixlegged
but my spiders have eight legs...

Gods worst creation

I've got house spiders or whatever the fuck that show up sometimes. I don't mind them but their bites are annoying as shit so I try to get rid of them when I see them.

>but my spiders have eight legs
not if you remove 2


i have never been bit by mine... they look like this.

I relocate any spiders that enter my room with a boxing glove jab


>wake up in the middle of the night
>crotch's itchy
>what a strange way to wake up
>scratch it and fall asleep
>wake up again
>crotch's itchy again
>better get a look at it
>get up and pull down boxers
>huge spider jumps to the floor and bails
>kill everything in a 3 meter radius
>go back to sleep

>Ctrl+F "shelob"
>no replies
I'm disappointed, /b.

you guys make my spiders seem very kind and considerate.
at worst i have found one crawling on me but now i just think its cute.
there was one who made her web right near the foot of my toilet and i named her quelaag because darksouls. one time i went to poo and she was on the ceiling right above my bolw which creeped me out so i waved air at her to let her know i disproved, she crawled back down on her own and i never saw her there again, i really miss her.

these ones are little assholes, the bites itch so bad

it's not like it bit me. it probably wanted to make a nest in my pubes or something.
>don't shower for a week
>baby spider explosion at balls

Sorry to be confusing, I meant this about the pic I had posted, not about that spider.

This pic

Sigourney Weaver
Peter Parker
Mr Handy
Sticky Legs
Silk Ass

i shower everyday because i know they come there for water, its like im watering my spiders.

Well if you're afraid of insects as well, you should thank spiders, they collectively eat 880 million tons of bugs each year.

i loved my Quelaag i would even buy bananas and leave a little slice near her web some times.

Spiders like bananas?

most do yes

I never heard that before.
I do know there is a type of jumping spider that is mostly vegetarian, it lives on acacia buds and the occasional ant larvae.

i say in in a documentary where these scientists were farming spiders for silk and they would feed them bananas, i tried it and now i think they love me.

My favorite "pet" was a spiney orb weaver named spike.


a fun story after feeding bananas to my spiders i had my phone on the floor when i went to sleep and when i woke up it had webs all over it lol i dont know what it meant but i like to think they were saying thank you.

i would also like to add that im a beer drinker and i almost never see fruit flies, i have never seen more than one fruit fly alive at a time and maybe see one once every two months, i am most thankful for my pest control friends.

The spiders that live in the room I rent go full on national geographic on each other.
I've seen different species of spiders duke it out, with outcomes that sometimes surprised me.
I have large hunting spiders that you can hear stepping on the carpet and spindly northern european house spiders that live in webs.

spiders are mostly ok. I just wish those that bit were easily distinguishable then I wouldn't remove the other ones from the house (never kill, just relocate... outside - just like other insects tbh, i only kill mosquitoes, fuck those bitches).

>relocate... outside
you are basically killing them, house spiders can only live indoors they are very dependent on the environment they are raised in.
if you need to relocate a spider take them to a dark place out out your way with lots of places for them to hide. or put them somewhere bugs are known to be found like windows or in the laundry room where the ventilation is. treat them like guard dogs


i mean NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i cant be killing them.

I always name the big hairy brown ones Henry

A good bunch of them probably found their way inside again, so don't worry too much.

do some googling and identify the species and get tips on what to do with them

they are very stubborn and would definitely try to get back in so just hope they made a safe journey


They're smart little survivors, it's part of why I like them.

i love/hate spiders, but i want to believe

we would all be suffering from hoards of true pests and invaders without them. without spiders our houses would be drowning in ants along with god knows what else and we would have to lock all food up in vacuum sealed containers.

Yup I made that point earlier in as well.

spiders and kind loving and deserve our respect for their ever vigilant service. i would feed them more often but i want them to keep doing their job lol :)


fuck i lol'd, that pic