Pics you shouldn't share cont

Pics you shouldn't share cont






J.Snow247 - Kik. To swap











add henry.schwab on kik to swap pics of gf or wife












Autistic gay lord is back. School still hasn't started fag?












I stole like 300 photos of my roommate's girl. He has an apple tv that we use for netflix and it's linked to his icloud account, all his photos automatically sync to it if you just change one setting.

One of these days I'll go through and remove her face and identifying info and post them. I ain't having you fuckers trace this shit back to me.







that sounds super hot. please share kind user


Let's be real for a second, a boy growing up without a male role model is fucking terrible for them, and leads to worse outcomes in education, lifetime earning, incarceration rates, obesity, lifespan and a million other metrics.

This chart shows the root problem with the black community - no fucking fathers raising their sons. I don't know why you posted this, but it totally fucked up my masturbation

what the fuck dude don't tell me you put your dick in that have a little self respect















































