Giant Snails are fucking adaorable

Giant Snails are fucking adaorable


And probably delicious with some butter and garlic.

These exist?

Damn you got giant hands girl what the fuck


Yeah. African Giant Snails

You can buy babies and eggs on ebay iirc they sell them as reptile food or some shit as a loophole.

The pet trade is encouraging the spread of invasive species that can disrupt ecosystem services and function. Please don't buy these things.

chekt my man and they are surprisingly cute

what if you keep them on a leash?

Nuru nuru?

Oh then your all good

Them digits

heh cool

Double trips and no one says shit!! Praise OPS massive hands and cute snail!

I'm not down with that

It's a stock photo, idiot.

I know we're all thinking it, so I'm just gonna ask: hypothetically, (asking for a friend), does this thing have holes that can be fucked?

Buy 10 and let them loose in Cali? Ok

>Et's ah stack got edeot hrrrdurrr
That dude doesn't care about the photo or not he care about the dub trips. Back to 9gag you go bitch

You sound tough.