Why do liberals push this horse shit?

Why do liberals push this horse shit?

I'm gonna trow up

You do understand that the person in the photo produces breastmilk, right? They're feeding a child. Is your disgust directed toward the act of feeding a child or the identity of the person doing it?

Oh, also
>using liberal as a blanket term

Yeah, because the beard and shaved head makes that abundantly obvious. You must spend a LOT of time around these fags huh?

The broad is pretending to be a man. That's the problem. He's asking who you guys can push shit like that as normal. That...in the picture...thats a mentally ill freak and unfit to be a patent.

Can you imagine the ridicule that poor kid is in fir when bitch tits up there shows up to PTA meetings? Do you care?

Aside from that, if that really is a girl in the pic then they are taking some kind of hormones or drugs. That can't be healthy for the baby to consume through the breast milk. But liberals have to engage in mental gymnastics and logic-bending for ANY of their progressive bullshit to even make an inkling of sense

The abolition of family. That's what they want

>you guys can push shit like that as normal
I've never understood why people group someone into a group for offering some explanation about said group. Never said or intended to imply that I agree or care. Just explaining it to, OP. To play devil's advocate further:

>Can you imagine the ridicule that poor kid is in fir when bitch tits up there shows up to PTA meetings? Do you care?

I can, which makes me wonder whether the problem is the family structure of social reception/rejection/stigmatization of that structure. To simplify it, if a child likes listening to rap music, and their conservative family and friends reject/criticize them for listening to it, is the problem with the actions of the child or (re)actions of the friends and family?

Quite the opposite. I've never been such people.

I think it's from the reaction of friends and family, as well as the feeling of growing up knowing that it's parents aren't normal.

Uhh. There's a big difference between a kid listening to music his family doesn't approve of and going against nature and anatomy lol

Shhhh. You don't want to be labeled "intolerant".

You know just as well as I do that there is nothing wrong with that man hanging his hairy tit out while breastfeeding a newborn.

Liberalism is a disease. They think that they are so intelligent, sensitive, and righteous that they can make murderous savages their friends. They deny the existence of evil, and therefore are incapable of legitimate critical thought. Most are so open minded that their brain has fallen out.

I'm all for equality and shit but this is beyond fucked up. Poor baby.


>tfw a tranny can grow a beard better than I do

U mad :3


That's not even a nice beard. Maybe you should be the one taking hormones.

op is the only hone to push this pic over and over, shilling motherfucker

Nice try Alex Jones, Hannity and FoKKKS Trump followers. You're what's wrong with
YOUR 'Merica.

>eating the jew media

it's ok that you like this stuff, sweetie. God still loves you

These people aren't even liberal. This is just thoughtless adherance to the political "left"

1) That doesn't make any sense. To what end? And through what mechanism?
2) "Family" isn't something you can abolish in any capacity whatsoever.

If I found out that my father used to breastfeed me as a child I would hunt him down and fucking murder him

What exactly are you doing here, if not existing in the same perpetual state of moral outrage you always accuse "liberals" of being in?

You're just picking different things to cry about.

>believes jews directly control all media
>yet somehow can't control Sup Forums, the site that literally sold out to the highest bidder
You are one dense son of a bitch.

Shouldn't have made this thread at this time of day op. This is when the normal fags are most active

>the highest bidder
How often do things sell to the lowest bidder, or perhaps the 8th highest bidder?