Hello Sup Forumsros, a lot of you workout and have physical labor jobs

Hello Sup Forumsros, a lot of you workout and have physical labor jobs.

Recently, about 6 months ago I got on a diet and counted calories, cut out candy and shit like that, and I got down to my goal weight of 140, but I realized that lately, my weight is the exact same, fluctuating to 139-141, but my stomach is becoming less defined, and more fatty, even though i'm following the same diet and calorie intake I have for months, why is this happening?

I have a copy of cs:go on steam if you want it for helping, if you give me a detailed reason and not some retarded "ur gay go lift drink 500 gallons of whey protein xDDD", thanks, enjoy ur weekends as well.

If you're sure your diet is the same the only thing I could suggest is to start trying different exercises. The more you do one particular exercise the more muscle you build for that particular movement the less effort you expend the less calories you're burning.

Work out 15 minutes a day. You'll be fine. Lots of burpees, squats and pushups. No weights required. 15 seconds of rest between 30 seconds of exercise. If you can't put in 15 minutes a day.... just be fat.

Just run
Do it and you'll lose weight guaranfucking teed.
4 days a week at least for one hour (don't ask just work your way up there if you can't from the get go) and you'll notice in no time.
There, you're welcome

Running also fucking murders any fat you have specially around the gut.

The problem is losing weight, my weight is still 140lbs, but like, I notice my stomach is getting fat, even without gaining any weight, how the fuck does that even work?

Wouldn't I be gaining weight if my stomach was becoming less defined?

maybe you're just pregant, my dude


pls pregnant me

Depends on what you eat. Fat doesn't weigh as much as muscle, and your body likes to screw over your muscles before it dips into fat. Fat metabolizes slowly.

What COULD be happening is that you are working on a calorie deficit most of the time, and losing body mass, and then having a calorie surplus at other times, and your body is storing it as fat. So basically you're losing body mass form the wrong sources. If you want it to take from fat you need to basically exercise until you "hit the wall." That's the point at which you start to get low blood sugar, maybe even feel sick or like you can't move at all anymore. That's when your body starts pulling from adipose tissue. It also depends on when you eat. If you eat few calories, but you eat them around when you exercise, then you will never eat up fat reserves.

There is also this idea that your body likes to store fat more if you are starving. So maybe your calorie counting is a bit extreme and causing this kind of effect.

Targeted exercise doesn't work on fat, and general exercise doesn't work better or worse on different parts of the body. The places your body stores and loses fat faster or slower are based on genetics.

You may have plateaued on your current diet. the lower the weight and body fat % you get down to, the less calories are expended doing the same everyday tasks compared to when you were at a higher weight. your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is lower so the same diet is not as effective. you can further cut calories, or start doing more workout activities to convert that fat to muscle to maintain your goal weight. fat loss really is simply calories in vs calories out.

Thank you very much for this detailed response, Reading what you guys have said, I'm gonna start doing some cardio, and see if it helps, if it doesn't, i'll up my calorie intake like you're saying.

I really appreciate all the help you guys have told me, thank you so much.

Would doing cardio help any more than any other exercise?

Well, that could be as well, When I started my calorie deficit, I was 5'11/6ft and about 180lbs, with no muscle, and now i'm 6ft and 140lbs, and i'm able to run, do pull-ups, push-ups, and things I wasn't able to do before, but i'm still trying to eat under 1400 calories a day, to keep this weight. I'll look into the TDEE thing you're talking about, and double check my in-take and outtake, thank you.

not that user, but lifting weights burns more calories than cardio for the same period, it's a lot more effective than cardio for fat loss, daily calisthenics is also pretty effective.

other external factors that can effect weight is low sleep, not drinking enough water (also suppresses appetite, a lot of the time we feel hungry, really all we need is water), stress (cortisol levels have a noticeable effect on fat), sodium intake (too much causes bloating).

The best thing to do in my opinion is cardio with light weight weights and some calisthenics. Part of the problem is that your muscles store a lot of energy in them and you need to use up as much of it as you can before your body will switch to fat. Lots of people like to actually weight train to lose weight, but that tends not to work as well because you are targeting specific muscle groups and what you really need to be doing is using all of the muscle in your body that you can. Swimming is another good one. Probably the best really if you have access to a pool, but going out for a bike ride until you can't ride anymore and then taking a short break and doing it again Works pretty well. That second wind is what you're looking for, it means your body has converted that slower metabolizing fat into simpler forms of energy to resupply your muscles.

Just whatever you do, don't eat at or around the time you exercise, especially sugar. Your exercise will have been for nothing.

Yes, eating at a deficit will lose weight, but it's not going to help you tone or put on muscle.

Start doing some core exercises and work on dem gainz, bro.

Keep your faggy vidya tho.

You really shouldn't be working out for weight loss and muscle gain at the same time. They aren't conducive to the other's goal.

Typically when you want gains you do high weight, low reps, and target specific muscles while trying to maintain a calorie surplus. Exercising to lose fat involves low weight and high reps while maintaining a calorie deficit. It's not like it's impossible to do both at the same time, but that's definitely not how body builders do it and it's pretty much the opposite of efficient.

I never really took those factors into consideration, such as sodium intake, and making sure I drink water instead of coffee and gatorade. Thanks for the info.

Well I originally had a six pack from losing a lot of body fat, but then recently it's started to diminish, mostly because I don't do ab exercises anymore as well, I don't care about a six pack, but I care that my weight was the same, but my stomach was deteriorating in a sense, if that makes sense?

I'm not trying to gain muscle at all, I don't want to be big and bulky, like I said, i'm 6ft, and 140lbs, i'm not muscular at all, I like the heroin addict build, and I don't wanna change it. That being said, I would work out if I needed to, to keep my bodies equilibrium in place, and not just gain a lot of fat.

Yeah, you can still maintain a weight and have your body comp change, bro. Sounds like you may've been trading muscle for fat at some point.

My advice would be to start exercising again even if you don't want a six pack, nothing crazy, just something every day or an hr 3x/wk. Up the protein a bit, not much, just maintenance levels.

Thank you a lot, I didn't think not working out would have such an affect, but apparently it does.

Thank all of you again.