So now that women are 100% obsolete and they have no excuse for anyone to put up with their bullshit

So now that women are 100% obsolete and they have no excuse for anyone to put up with their bullshit,

We need to figure out a way to get rid of them faster.

Concentration camps? Just straight up genocide?

Your input is appreciated.

Other urls found in this thread:

its... beautiful

Does your mother love you

Render them down for fertilizer and fuel


We dress up the cows and send the women to butcher shops.

Nah shes insane

5 failed marriages and estranged kids everywhere

well they demanded equality didn't they?

the same logic can apply to men

HAH i know some bitches that gotta see this

Men actually get shit done. Women have ruined the world

so youre talking about a genderless society



waste of dubs


still need a women to act as surrogate mother. we won't have the technology to grow a baby in vitro for years

other species have uteri too.


bye felicia




op is a faggot





> stop putting up with their bullshit
> they either have to pull their weight or perish
Why put extra effort in decimating them, they'll drop like flies, once no one is doing shit for them anymore.

Nothing can be this good. Soon after they finish the mice testing and move onto human testing some bullshit will happen and the cell kid will come out fucked.

You raise a valid point.

It would be better for everyone to speed up the process though

>be scientist
>be making cell children
>develop fleshlight with cell impregnation features
>good life until
>cell children are angry
>start rioting for cell rights

This is stupid. They started with egg cells for their experiments. If the skin cells tests are successful then I'll be excited
