Is Trump a nazi?

Is Trump a nazi?

Nazis were loyal and focused on a larger goal.

None of these qualities applies for Mr. Me first.

Regarding all the jews he gassed, all the Polands he invaded, his nazi uniform he is always wearing, the fact that he is the leader of a country that lost against Nazi Germany, I would say YES, he clearly is.

No. Would a Nazi be OK with his daughter marring a JEW? Would a Nazi appoint his JEW son-in-law as an advisor? Would a Nazi willingly do this?

What is a Nazi?

Trump seems to want to make government smaller. National socialists wanted totalitarian government. So I'd say they're about opposites.

Only to people who are infatuated with him and think being a nazi is a positive attribute.

Coincidentally, severe mental retardation afflicts both of those groups.



If someone has political views that differ from yours, they're a Nazi.

>focused on the larger goal
>didn't exterminate the jews

Clearly not.

He's a white supremacist though, and a KKK sympathizer.

>his administration and his family are both filled with Jews
>constantly praises Israel
>constantly gets praise from Israel

You'd need to have a special type of brain damage to think he's a Nazi

the nazi's were socialists. Trumps a capitalist / nationalist .

***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow

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>Is Trump a nazi?

does the pope shit in the woods?

he's a supremacist for sure pic related

You should be able to answer that yourself considering you've probably been watching his every move since he announced that he was gonna run for president.

For example

Nazis work for him

Trump is a Trumist. Period. All he cares about his him. Malignant narcicist.

so clever.
>now please kill yourself you faggot.

what fucking point do you think your meme has? no one is protesting trump for dropping any bombs. just wtf do you think your'e saying?