Fags is not masturbating regularly any better than fapping everyday? Has nofap helped you achieve anything?

Fags is not masturbating regularly any better than fapping everyday? Has nofap helped you achieve anything?
I want to hear your opinions and experiences about this subject


All it did was make me horny to the point that I couldn't concentrate on shit. I'd go the internet, see some pic of some chick in a bikini or some shit somewhere, and my dick would physically ache. I'd walk around and see those tight little teen girls at the mall and actually want to rape them.

You're just not supposed to go that long without release. It fucks with your head.

If someone tells you, that nofap has helped him, you must know, that it was a placebo effect

So do you think there's no actual reasoning except placebo? Like when you dont fap you concentrate to bust a nut by hoking up with someone or something?

I once went two weeks without and inanimate objects were giving me boners.

and my balls hurt after 4-5 days when i can smell my little sister's scent.

You don't have to do no-fap search up the studies that Harvard doctors have done on masturbation and it's effects. Just don't fap to porn so often especially degenerate shit.

Can relate

I've gone weeks without fapping, but then I was working a lot and needed all the energy. If you sit at home doing jack shit then you can fap as much as you want, you'll just feel more depressed though.

It doesn't help you hook up. People think it makes you more confident, but it doesn't. It makes you desperate. It makes you a rabid dog. Not a good look as far as women are concerned.

Masturbation is a perfectly normal method of releasing sexual tension.

Depends on your current frequency... If you're fapping every day, I suppose you will notice differences. I did. That being said, I don't "nofap", I just don't fap as often anymore. 2-3 times a week instead of 7+. Weirdly enough I'd say the biggest difference is social interaction. Second biggest is focus, and third is motivation to do shit.

true, i can no fap for a week but when i have some work to do im just to busy to think about masturbate and to tired. but when im in home i just cant not to fap because internet is full of trigering sexual content

Masturbation, like anything else, is negative when it becomes unenjoyable/complulsive and impairs other aspects of your life.

Regular masturbation improves stress levels while increasing testosterone production. Assuming it's not fucking up other areas of your life, full steam ahead; everyone has a physical need for release which is between 24 and 72 hours, so once a day is pretty standard. If it's fourteen times a day, get help, otherwise, meh. I find random sex far more dangerous, both physically (std/pregnancy) and mentally/emotionally (feeling a connection solely based on physical intimacy leading to catching feels or a dumb bitch talking you into shit because she sucks dick so good.)

I've slept with around fifteen women, most repeatedly, and masturbation is far less likely to fuck your life up.

Depends highly on what you do all day and the frequency of your 'Porn' sessions.

What fucks you up mentally is the porn, in many levels. It implants a lot of expectation of sex that are most of the time unachievable.

NoFap was made for Porn Addicts, not for virgins with issues.

As someone affected by retarded ejaculation and reduced dick sensitivity (despite being uncut), not fapping for a few days helps me immensely when i have to fuck. It feels better, the orgasm at the end is better and the poor girl doesn't have to work my dick for half an hour to make me come.

Sometimes, if i masturbate and then fuck a few hours later, it becomes next to impossible to come if I don't do it myself and I had a few occurrences when my dick went semi flaccid during sex.

I guess my case is a bit unusual and unfortunate, but I think not fapping helps enhancing the sex regardless of how fucked up your dick is.

I haven't noticed changes in energy or proactivity during the day when I stop fapping.
Usually I try to stop masturbating for at least three or four days if I know I'll be having sex, two days is the minimum for me to have a decent sex without having to constantly concentrating on trying to have a fucking orgasm.

Nofap is a meme. An ejaculation a day keeps prostate cancer away.

TL;DR: Everything in my life improved after I stopped jacking off. If you don't have a fuck-buddy or a gf, it's probably fine every once in a while.

It helped my sex life a shit ton when I stopped entirely. Went from fapping pretty much every day to only getting off when gf and I fucked.

At first it was difficult because I was constantly horny and would cum way faster during sex. But after about 2 weeks that problem went away and now I have MUCH better orgasm control than I ever did.

Also, when I would jack-off there was a bit of self-loathing and mild depression for an hour or two afterwards. Especially if I watched porn. Subjecting my brain to those high-low feelings every day was really fucking with my self-esteem and confidence. Oh and I don't know if this affects other people, but my erection quality lessens severely if I'm jacking off frequently.

That doesn't happen when I ejaculate during sex. Most the time my mood is elevated after, or at the very least I feel normal and can fuck again in 20-30 minutes.

There's a shit ton of science you can read about the negative effects of getting yourself off all of the time. I personally believe men are only meant to ejaculate about 2-3 times a week at most. It's proven that masturbation TEMPORARILY increases testosterone production, but over the course of a few days it actually hinders it. I feel much more confident and healthier now that I've given it up.

question: how you manage to quit? i just browsing internet and then simple photo makes me horny AF...


I didn't do anything crazy to make the switch.

Basically I was tired of feeling shitty every day. My gf knew it was fucking our sex up and that made me even more depressed.

I was just very motivated to make us both happy.

If you don't have a gf, I can guarantee when you stop fapping that you'll be more assertive with women (if that's something you're hoping for). Having control over your own sexual urges will do wonders for your mental health either way.