*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

What do you do now, user?

Other urls found in this thread:


Check my gauge if I have enough fuel to go around it.


pokeflute, duh

beat me to it...

Didn't he have a sexual reassignment surgery

how is this fat faggot fucker making money on youtube

>plays the poke flute

Throw a Twinkie to the side. Continue when he just.ps for it and flails around

gastro bypass surgery

he's likable and seemingly honest

I don't try resisting the gravitational pull of his diabetes and start drifting exponentially fast towards him. My mass added to his own in so little space creates a black hole.

End of humanity.

straight punch in the lard, then hook on the face. easy target, then steal his wallet, phone etc

keep walking right into him
"Sorry, I didn't hear your back-up beeper."

Ask for his autograph, cause boogie is cool as fuck

Congratulate him on taking steps to better his life.

Stick my finger in his bellybutton

hey what's up man, i have seen your vids on youtube. can i get a picture?

Correction: Stick my whole arm in his bellybutton

>implying you could punch through his fat

like this?

>"The galaxy is on Orion's Belt."

this guy got less backbone than a squished slug.
the question is not what you do, but what he will do to step out of your way and apologize to anita sarkeesian at the same time for being male

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His whole shtick is flipping out and flailing his arms around like a three-year old.

I don't cringe easy. He does it for me.

You're right! We can use him as an extra large propane tank!!

Throw a cupcake or similar confectionery baked good to my left or right. The fucker WILL move.

Palm-strike his sternum as it does not have fat armoring it and would cause him to die of a heart attack.

I'm sorry. I tried to develop and answer, but there were too many reference frames to consider. I guess I'd just collapse and die from the dimensional shattering that surrounds whatever the hell that thing has turned into.

Of course, I watch his videos and find them humorous from time to time. Not to defend the horrific self-abuse he displays, but, if his background story is true, he should be congratulated for not putting hot lead between his ears years ago. It's just too bad it's translated to hot dogs between the teeth.

Throw a donut to the right or left for him to pounce on. Continue on my way.

I would use his bellybutton to warm my Saki

That's his character Francis, his actual serious blogs make him seem like a very nice person who tries to avoid making rash decisions over vidya controversies. He tends to try and think things through first. Francis is him parodying Sup Forums and general gamer culture that overreacts instantly to every new controversy.

>MY MOM YELL AT ME WHEN I WAS A KID THAT'S WHY I CAN'T STOP EATING 20000KCAL A DAY ALSO PAY FOR MY HEALTHCARE *drinks a whole mountain dew bottle in one sip*

Is this a sad backstory for you?


Please elaborate. I recall Orion as being a sweet little kittah.

See picture for instructions

Oh yeah? I genuinely didn't know that, but he's still publicly portraying himself as that character, and he sets the gaming community back, because, clearly, people don't realize he's joking, and are taking his childishness seriously.

Bring up Anita Sarkeesian, he'll have an anger stroke and I can just step over him

He's in my way.
I stab him multiple times with a knife.

If you actually took him serious you're fucking stupid dude


Of course that would not be sad enough. It's also nowhere near the full story. If you're not going to be intellectually honest, your statements end up being less than useless.

Try to explore all of the fat flaps

suck his microdick in exchange for a tollfree pass

Good on you, Rambo. Keep believing the delusion you're not a cowering pussy and post more empty blustering.