Tell me about Portugal. Is it a nice country...

Tell me about Portugal. Is it a nice country? All I know about it is that they used to have the best explorers in the world, they were the first to interact with Japan and that Brazilians speak their language.

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We're suebi.
We speak germanic romance language

Poorturdgal, and the Poorturdgeese people :D

son of a bitch

t.Alberto Barbosa :DDD

australia please calm down

They speak our language now.


Question for the Portubros here, how easy would it be for an English speaker to get around in your country? I know a little bit of Spanish but pretty much no Portuguese, but it seems to me like Portugal has some awesome beaches for surfing and great food and I've been looking at planning a trip there for a while.

Also, where are the best places for night life in the country?


Yes,when people look at the word ''portuguese'' they think:''ah,that makes sense,brazilians speak portuguese because the words are similar''

Just speak english,nobody gives a fuck if you're fluent in spanish or not we might even pretend we don't understand(when we do).

The most interesting thing about that fact is that there is a region in Germany named Swabia which gets its name from the Suebi.

They migrated to here


Look, if you keep being a cunt I won't let you use my language anymore.


Sorry mate. You know how I can be on Thursdays.

no, you payback time

>tentar assim tanto fazer parecer Portugal branco
Cringe do caralho

Que cheiro a mouro

Que cheiro a underage inseguro

Portuguese > English > Your Native Tongue > Spanish

This is roughly the preferred order. You can use Spanish words to try and explain something after English fails. Speaking Spanish right off the bat will have people give you the wrong directions and stuff like that. On the other hand, even a simple and struggled "Obrigado" or any small effort of Portuguese and people will help you out the best they can.

Portugal es Spain that's all

I've been there and absolutely loved it for the most part

>Great climate
>Amazing architecture and history
>Great food
>Relatively friendly people
>Lisbon is nice
>Lots of great historical sites to go to

>Lots of stray animals
>Some evident poverty
>Gypsies and pickpockets occasionally
>Can get a bit boring and isn't extremely exciting but it is good

I lived there for a while. Not strictly first world but comfiest country on earth

>Lots of stray animals
Huh. Never thought about it, but you may be right.
>Some evident poverty
How so? The old stone houses that are almost falling apart with old ladies still living inside?

Best balance of lifestyle and work ethic. They are genuinely the greatest nation on the planet, with the most beautiful language and people. Portugal is what the rest of the world should aspire to be.

Mostly what you described and poor infrastructure in parts (I found the country pretty clean actually and only saw a few homeless who were Gypsies). Also surprising amount of Africans in Lisbon.

Yeah, I think those old-lady scenarios are rather common, but most of them have been offered ways out, but the old women usually don't want to leave their homes, no matter how delapidated they are because they lived there their whole life. Not that they aren't poor, but I don't think they all are that poor.

A lof of Gipsies and Africans do hang around in Lisbon, but we supposedly have very few. I think it's because we have no other troublemakers that they both stand out so much.

Interesting how a lot of people say Lisbon is clean when I find it such a dirty place compared to my city, but I guess other capitals are much much worse.

You're right, though, it's still fairly shitty to have these problems. I think they are bound to disappear in 20 years time, when all these old ladies kick the bucket.

Also another question, when I would try to speak Portuguese with people some people who spoke English would tell me I speak "Portuguese like a Brazilian". Is there some sort of dialect difference and is it bad to be told that

There's a fairly large Portuguese/Brazilian accent divide. Brazilians speak more openly and loudly, and with a couple different pronunciations at the end of words that are fairly obvious. They also change a couple of grammar rules in pronoun positions in a sentence.

I guess people were just shocked that you knew any Portuguese at all. I don't think it's bad, since "Brazilian" is 20x more common. Even if "Portuguese" was preferred, I'm sure they just found it interesting and noteworthy. Language is sort of the go-to conversation when Portuguese and Brazilian meet, and we have a good laugh at the differences, so I guess that's what happened to you too.

Only Slavs and Finns sort default their accent to the European Portuguese at all, so it's perfectly normal for you to sound vaguely Brazilian.

Not completely wrong, despite a the previous generation being a bunch of socialists sucking the country dry.

The new generation is a lot more determined and focused, I find. There's a reason why both the highest grossing UK startup and the largest Swiss web-service both being Portuguese.

How are the Portuguese girls?

Meu irmão Germânico
