Thoughts on these books? I think they're pretty good

Thoughts on these books? I think they're pretty good.

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Vuz dere an Orchestra in Auschwitz? Oy vey! It vuz real in my mind!


Maus and Anne Frank's diary, and the Old Testament should be mandatory reading at public schools. Every single day.

Don't forget the 6 gorillion mice goyim!!!

Always wondered why they were mice instead of rats.

Didn't Otto Frank write "her" diary, and he admitted it was with a post WW2 pen, but no one ever said anything

Apparently there were minor notes, on one or two pages.


Because Rats are more intelligent.

I laughed when I read it, a lot.

i like the maus i wish it was fielded

>the holocaust didn't happen




Is this bait?

When was the last time you heard of a game of cat and rat?


>that flag

every fucking time

Shouldn't you be flinging shit at your favela neighbors pedro?

No, Trudeau approved my green card so after he personally sucks my dick before selling some gold to buy weed I'll try to avoid a forest fire and fling my shit at your house

Utter uncreative garbage. Someone gifted me with the first publication and I told them it was perfect for the lavatory......they told me it was unhealthy to read on the throne and I replied I was going to wipe my ass with it.

I was ready to believe all the information you'd posted but then you had to be incredibly rude like that and now I have to question all of it. I hope you're happy about having done this to me.

Sorry Jew but no.

sorry I triggered you
I'll have Trudeau let you fuck his wife to make up for it

More nonsense that has been debunked on Sup Forums 10,000 times already.

Almost literally every "fact" posted here is wrong.

Since I'm not going to go through every single one and waste a day of my life, I'll pick one at random.

>The lethal dose of Zyklon B is 48 times higher for human than insects
This is an obfuscation, where they took the LD100 for insects and LD1 for humans. LD100 is the lethal dose to kill 100% of insects. This number is much higher due to the fact that some insects will have a natural resistance. LD1 is the dose to kill 1% of humans. this number is much lower due to the fact that some humans will have extraordinary sensitivity to the chemical.

So you see the type of obfuscations used by jews, using two different types of measurements and claiming they are the same.

That would go a long way to making amends. Tell him to rolls a few spliffs with BC Kush and American Spirit Black too.

>I was ready to believe all the information you'd posted
Please don't be this naive

Germar Rudolf, a chemist, would later verify Leuchter's methods.

This is a clear case of ad-hominem. Leuchter did the correct tests.

Maybe someone is willing to go through point-by-point, but it's a retarded waste of time. Obviously Schlomo's strategy here was to just shotgun people with misinformation in the hopes that if all of it were presented at once in no clear format, it would overwhelm the viewer and make them agree.


And I'm sure you have a high quality source that documents that right?

Oh wait, you're posting a picture that was debunked by actual scientists, so there's no way you listen to actual scientists.

If you're gonna make up bullshit, at least try.

>My name is Germar Rudolf.[1] I studied Chemistry at the Universities of Bonn and Stuttgart between 1983 and 1993. I received my Diploma in Chemistry in 1989 at Bonn University. Between 1990 and 1993 I had a scholarship of the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart in order to prepare a PhD thesis in the field of solid state Chemistry/Crystallography.

So fuck off kike. Real scientists who actually did research not funded by their ZOG agree that the holocaust is a load of shit and that there are tremendous lies being perpetuated, relying on the casual reader's ignorance of science.

But please, since you are such an expert on the matter. Provide your name and background in science, and disprove Rudolf's statements.

I'll be waiting.

Far more likely, you'll just disappear and be back again tomorrow to post the same nonsense.

>Oh wait, you're posting a picture that was debunked by actual scientists
Well obviously you have nothing and I am done waiting. So here's a parting shot from me.

This is a picture of the head prosecutor at the nuremburg trials. This shrunken head was actually used as evidence. PEOPLE WERE HANGED BECAUSE OF THIS RIDICULOUS NONSENSE.

That went right over your head

It gives me a ray of hope that there are actually smart people on Sup Forums

The Holocaust actually happened people, get over it.

There are REAL conspiracies going on RIGHT FUCKING NOW in your own countries, and yet you focus on something that 100% real that happened decades ago.

This paper disproves everything that user just said.

It was a legitimate question and a little zing at the same time. Didn't go over my head, it was a stupid post coming from a stupid person.

I've read through your entire article. At absolutely no point does he say anything about how "they took the LD100 for insects and LD1 for humans" He doesn't actually cite any sources on this.

He says "Van pelt said it takes 0,03% to kill a person, but U.S. gas chambers use 1%, therefore he's wrong."

If anything, this person's report confirms witness claims that people survived gassing, because he says the Nazi's didn't use enough to kill 100% of people.

Now, keep in mind we aren't talking about what the actual lethal dose, it doesn't matter. Your post isn't about the dose. Your claim is that "They" lied about the dosages and SPECIFICALLY that "they" switched numbers.

So try again.


Asking a legitimate question about something that was obviously sarcasm. Can't see how that got mistaken for stupidly

Oh, and I will point out, this report was filed as part of a lawsuit, in order to defend David Irving's holocaust denial.

The courts didn't agree with his evidence and he lost the case.

So no one thinks this was a very good report.

>>My name is Germar Rudolf.[1] I studied Chemistry at the Universities of Bonn and Stuttgart between 1983 and 1993. I received my Diploma in Chemistry in 1989 at Bonn University. Between 1990 and 1993 I had a scholarship of the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart in order to prepare a PhD thesis in the field of solid state Chemistry/Crystallography.

I went and googled this guy. He very carefully words his sentence to trick you into thinking he is a scientist.

He has a master's degree in chemistry, yes, but he failed out of Max-Planck-Institute. He's not a real scientist.

Wow, I actually expected you to use a real source, instead, you're being a worse liar than what you accuse the Jews of.

>failed out
more like, failed to comply with the law, was thrown out, and subsequently had his PhD thesis thrown out. Not the same thing kike.

Maybe you shouldn't cite sources from a criminal as if he were a real scientist then.

>Criminals are wrong
>He wrote a paper about the holocaust
>Therefore because he's a criminal, his paper is wrong

Also ignoring that he had a Masters in Chem. and still claiming he's not a scientist. Didn't know that the scientific method could only be used by people with PhDs. Looks like you'll have to find someone with a PhD who hasn't been jailed to back up all your claims.


What claim am I making?

You're just admitting you don't have a single scientific source for YOUR claim.

>tfw plebeian comic book reader thinking it was pretty gud

I never claimed anything. You're thinking of the Leaf that posted the paper. I'm just pointing out your logical inconsistencies. Now start posting papers from a PhD who proves the holocaust happened.

Ignore this idiot troll. His entire argument was BLOWN the fuck out, and his only retort is "w-w-well... he's not a real scientist because he was persecuted by the state for challenging the official orthodoxy!"

What part was blown out? The part where not a single thing you claimed was in your source, which was a shitty source from a dropout anyway?

You're acting awfully Jewish in your argument technique.

I cite the Robert Jan van Pelt report, that the dropout failed to debunk.

Yeah, I've pointed out his logical inconsistencies and he's so dumb he can't even follow.

Let me see your PhD. I need a PhD to debunk Rudolfs analysis. Not some pleb who's not a scientist.

>What part was blown out? The part where not a single thing you claimed was in your source, which was a shitty source from a dropout anyway?
Stop being retarded. He is a Master of Chemistry, and a PhD who was persecuted for the purely scientific report he put forward that challenged the shoddy research done by the homo polack jew report.

So go gas yourself.

but i liked the old testament

Good god the composition of this image is just as bad as what the average Sup Forumsnigger might make

you must spend too much time here

>Let me see your PhD. I need a PhD to debunk Rudolfs analysis. Not some pleb who's not a scientist.

I'm not debunking his analysis. I'm saying he's not saying what the leaf is claiming. So it's not a valid source, even if he wasn't a dropout.

Here's a real report though It's over 700 pages, instead of a short webpage written by a dropout so I expect it should take you some time.

And you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. He had to drop out because of a completely different report, in a completely different case, where he tried to claim there was no cyanide at all. It was so unscientific, he was dismissed.

Stop lying kike.

Nope. Gonna need a PhD analysis of Rudolf's analysis of Pelt's report. That's how this works. You can't just post some other report.

If Pelt's Report was so flawed that it could be picked apart well enough by Rudolf to cause doubt then Pelt's Report was a bad paper. Doesn't mean the holocaust is a lie, just a bad paper. If Pelt's Report is a gold standard for holocaust proof, what does that say about the holocaust? That at face value, they didn't even care enough that their gold standard wasn't logically consistent.


>people were hung using shrunken heads, fake jew soap and foreskin lamps as evidence
how did we get away with this?

>Nope. Gonna need a PhD analysis of Rudolf's analysis of Pelt's report. That's how this works.

You don't know the difference between a positive and a null claim, do you? No wonder you listen to dropouts.

>could be picked apart well enough by Rudolf to cause doubt
It didn't cause any doubt. He completely failed. The only people who believe Rudolf, the only people he raised doubts for, were already holocaust deniers. You'll find literally no one outside of the denial community accepts his report as anything other than trash.

I'm done with you since you're clearly just trolling at this point, you've been utterly BTFO now, and you have nothing left but to make the same "NO U" post over and over.

Look guys, this nigga can't read!
Lice take x48 more cyanide to kill than a human as stated in the image.
This revisionist accidentally debunked a revisionist lmao.

Shit book, already debunked 6 million times.

Not a dropout he was kicked out. Obviously you should be shilling instead of trolling.

>Didn't cause any doubt in non-deniers
Woah, so you're saying the propaganda did it's job? Neat.

Also, you established the rule that we needed non-criminal PhDs to refute or prove anything. Which means you need a PhD to refute Rudolf's paper. It shouldn't be hard to produce if it's so blatantly wrong. Maybe there isn't one because they can't actually refute it.

>I don't need to refute it because it's wrong herp derp

Keep sticking your head in the sand buddy. It sure is quiet down there.

Then please go already. It's clear you have nothing to add.

I was thinking of another common myth where the lethal dose for Z-B was higher for insects than for humans (implying its primary purpose was to execute humans and not insects). I must have misread the image while I was skimming through the wall of text.

>''wow those evil germans killing their enemies!

Some of these aren't even arguments.

>Kikes used OTHER numbers besides 6 million Jews massacred by Nazis before the war even started
>This means.. um.. that.. it doesn't matter?
The point is kikes were talking about millions of their brethren being burned alive before it ever supposedly happened.
