Serious question..I just found out my roommate molested an 8 year old kid when he was 12 and it went on for 2-3 years...

Serious question..I just found out my roommate molested an 8 year old kid when he was 12 and it went on for 2-3 years. He also molested some other kid and flashed another when he got put in care for first offence..this all happened when he was 12-14/15. He also got molested by his cousin when he was ten. How bad is it that he did this or is it forgive able because of his age and his history?

he's gotta be taken out, bro

I hate guys who molest kids..but it just seems different in this case because of his I fucked up for thinking that?

More forgivable than if he was 18+ that's for sure, but it doesn't paint a picture of someone you can trust as a roommate.

$5000. That about the going rate

Dude hes a child. Clam the fuck down. When he is 18 and still doing it ask yourself then.

the certain thing is that he is broken; and looking how he is unable to control his drive, he is a threat to children safety and should not be around them. i guess thats bad enough?

I was molested in a similar situation. Personally I will never forgive. I will just use this as data to understand just how fucked up people are.

obviously this means I will never heal, but fuck it. I'll just take it as a welcome to life asshole situation.

Is the 15 year old you OP?

I've been having sex regularly since I was 8, with younger and WAYY older

My sister used to rape me for years when I was 9. I got over and never molested anyone. He was a product of his surroundings, if he cant stop doing it then its a problem.

I forgot to say he's 27 now and hasn't reoffendned at all since that time

I was a male prostitue when I was 15-Now

No lol

You use the word "molested" as if he did something bad.

He did not do anything wrong. Stop meddling in the life of others communist.

You're cheap as fuck and you won't make much profit after spending the money on supplies.
10/10 idiot.
10,000 is the lowest you should go considering you have to provide the means of disposal, discretion, and cost of supplies/tools of the trade.
It isn't all plastic tarps in a motel room.
500 for a burner, about 75-250 to guarantee no evidence is left behind, etc.

There are some Mexican gangs that will do it for $100.

It doesn't really cost much to wear a hoodie, mask, and gloves, avoid cameras, and slice somebody's neck open.

Fucking spolied-ass patricians, wanting $10,000's of dollars for the easiest job.

Just wait til the revolution hits and you fags are forced out of your comfy recliners and have to experience misery for the first time.

then whats your fucking problem, nerd?

Define "molested" tho

Insert we got a badass here meme

Well to an extent he's not wrong. But you get what you pay for.

>is it forgive able because of his age and his history?
because of age and history?
fuck no, that only makes it worse cause he knew the pain he was inflicting onto others.
but there's usually redemption to be had, so i'm not going to say he's unforgivable, it's just going to be hard as hell, and he'll likely spend a very long time in purgatory.

That's totally ok.

So after getting help he hasn't reoffended in what basically amounts to half of his life?
Does he still have these urges or is it a done chapter with him?
If the latter, I don't see why you shouldn't be friends with him, forgiving him is for the people he victimized not you though.

I would be ok if I was a little kid and a woman sucked my cock and let me suck her titties and ea t her out. I'd love prostate milking too. I would never press charges. They don't need to seek help, they need to keep doing it and just make sure the kid enjoys the experience.

>$500 for a burner
Stop buying brand new iPhone 8's for your burner, retard.

>My fantasy version of this thing, totally reflects reality and we should base our laws on me having this fetish.

Tell him to describe in detail what he did, and fap to his stories.

He discovered that all people enjoy sex and that no one should be left out. People of all ages should have sex with people of all ages. A young kid probably won't be able to make a young girl cum like an older guy could. The young kid could do it, but why not let the older guy fuck her so she can see what she likes?

I did get to do some of these things. I got fucked in the ass with a piece of metal by a woman and had my dick stroked but not sucked. Also had older girls rub their pussy on my face. It was always amazing and I'd love it if it happened more.

No fucking joke. A burner is like 50$ max

It was with little boys unfortunately..if it was little girls maybe

Molest is a strong word for kids having consensual sex. He's not much smarter than his """""victims"""""" so it's not the same as if he were an adult. 8 is a little weird, but only in the eyes of polite society. I discovered porn at age 7, and so did all the boys in my class (it was a group thing, but we didn't fap lol). Most turned out just fine. Child sexuality isn't weird or unnatural, it's just awkward to talk about.

On regard of trust: You cant compare someone several years ago and now.

no I've been molested a child before by some kid I was too afraid/weak to fight back against

children can indeed molest childres

You're right, I jumped the gun on that one. Nowhere in the OP does it say if it was consensual and I assumed he was being a prude.

Look at them digits!

Are you going to post this in every thread, user?

I am so glad I got my ass fucked so hard when I was 4. I took the dick so deep and started to seek it out after that. Don't mock what you don't know

Nah that dude is broken now and it can only be fixed with confrontation with himself