Fluffy bread

Fluffy bread




Kill yourself.

I'm so happy that wolfram is back

The fact that "poopy" babies would likely have a higher degree of survivability in the wild based on their colors (less eye catching to predators) has always made the concept of poopy babies getting the short straw when it comes to getting fed that much funnier to me. Its a species going out of its way to stunt its own evolution.

Yes but they weren't meant to be in the wild, they were meant to be self replicating profit margins. Hence favoring better (higher selling, more popular) colors makes absolute sense.

That and their constant contact with fecal matter probably gives them a stronger immune system.

If anything the poopy babies are probably the genetically strongest of the offspring. Or as strong as a genetically spliced and mutated species can be. Their genome would have to be an absolute nightmare. How they aren't riddled with cancer be maturity is amazing.


In some head cannons they have very short life spans. Maybe that's why.




Oh shit what? I haven't been to the booru for a while. Link to any new stuff?


just go to the booru yourself... wolfs stuff has been on the front page consistantly lately



Poor fluffy. I feel bad for it.




which is better? direct abuse, or impersonal suffering?

Is secret option number three you hanging yourself? I'm gonna go with that

Literally THE image I wrote my first fluffy story about.


Probably impersonal, or situations in which they end up causing their own suffering.


best abuse is fluffy on fluffy

fluffies as victim of their own stupidity is never old

The best part of abuse isn't the pain, it's the helplessness.


I prefer some well crafted psychological myself.

>Install four speakers; one in each corner of the safe room.
>Use fade and balance controls to chase fluffy around the room with scary noise.

>Dress up like white version of Mr. T
>Turn on safe room light at 2 AM
>Dance around the room repeating the phrase "I'm the man who lives in your mind!" at varying levels of creepiness for about an hour.
>Shut off light and leave.
>Pretend nothing happened the next morning.

>Just go full 1984 on the stupid little fucker.



Fuck you

Intriguing. The challenge is, how do you fuck with such stupid creatures?

sigh well at least you changed it but still its so boring a meme

In my first two stories, the MC was forced to take care of his girlfriend's fluffy. Whenever he didn't want to deal with it's whining, he'd feed it a sleep aid. This eventually became a nightly thing where he had the fluff believing the sleep aid was essential medicine.

Then there was her Fluff TV. It only ever seemed to play a show called "Daddy Is Always Right!"

Then there was the time he wallpapered the safe room with pictures of his ex GF in various states of having demon horns and sharp teeth drawn on them and used a mask of her face to scare the floofer shitless. The next morning, he convinced the fluff it was all just a bad dream.

Oh, and I guess there was also how he'd bring home feral foals for her to take care of and then replace them with stuffed animal versions while she was sleeping and pretend like the real foals never existed.



Mix psychological and physical torment; best of both worlds!

suffering is fluffy's lot





Does anyone here have the Fluffy Song comic? It's a parody of the Walrus Song.

Basically the owner sings a song about fluffies with his fluffy ut then tells his fluffy that he's been feeding her fluffy meat and keep singing the happy song.... quite hilarious.

holy shit, who is the artist

Here doth be.
Also, check'd.

>Abuse mode on

Uh ok


Aww, sorry there little one. I only save one feral mummeh and her foals per year and I already have them all nice and warm and fed in my safe room. Better luck somewhere else.





Danm I love fluffies


your picture should make it clearer that you need to tuck the rope through the top loop and then pull the bottom loop to tighten it. you should go practice that and test out how much better the knot is.

Y tho






my new dog reminds me of fluffies sometimes.
he is like a year and a half old and gets really scared at a drop of a hat sometimes. not abused, he is just skittish.
today i slightly raised my voice when i was feeding him because he was bouncing around and he bumped my arm. like half of his food went flying across the floor.
he scampered away to the couch and i thought he was cool, but when i went to pet him he, fucking out of nowhere, started peeing. he was being playful though so i dont even know what the fuck was happening.
he then immediately rolled in it a bit, so i kinda yelled for peeing on the couch (that was thankfully leather) and for getting it all up in his fur. thank god it rained today and he is probably clean enough to pet again now.
oh and then i went to pet him after and he piddled on the floor because he was scared.
this dog is a menace. imagine a little dog that can run like 25 mph and jump like 3 feet into the air. he also likes to steal things to play with.
anyway, here is some fluffy abuse- obedience training style

also he shits inside sometimes, but it is usually a lot. i cant exactly tell if he is shitting a lot because he is young or if it is a lot because he really had to go. i give him the benefit of the doubt. at least he knows it was bad.
i like to imagine that in this picture the fluffies are so desperate to push blame because the loser will die a painful and slow death.



>The fact that "poopy" babies would likely have a higher degree of survivability in the wild based on their colors (less eye catching to predators)
Realistically though birds of prey (and humans I guess) are the only significant predators that hunt primarily using sight. Scent and hearing are far, far stronger than vision in most mammals and reptiles. Color vision like what we have is quite rare in the animal kingdom, most vertebrates are only capable of seeing shades of grey and brown.

Though this is of course made up for in other senses, many animals have a directional sense of smell. You know how when you hear a sound you can determine the direction it came from, imagine being able to do that with a smell. Pinpointing prey aromas and following them to the source are primarily how canines hunt, for instance.

Being colored brown which blends in with a forest floor, vs bright pink which stands out to an extreme degree really wouldn't matter that much. Deer hunters frequently wear bright orange so they don't get accidentally shot by other hunters, they don't need to wear camouflage because the deer can't see in color.

You should try working a system for your dog to go to the door or something when they need to go. You sound like you also need to walk it more. It shouldn't be shitting in the house at that age. You can train it, but you gotta train yourself too. Develop a schedule, and try to not deviate

Oh! And if you notice that it poops/pees in a certain place over and over, then you need to clean that area really well. Dogs and cats tend to do this unless you essentially scrape clean the affected area. Something about the smell if I recall

it is really my parents dog, they are out of town.
i let him outside at like 11:30 the night before and it was there in the morning.
He is actually pretty well trained. im also learning his body language finally. my other dog just has to breathe a certain way and i know he want to go outside


when they smell dog urine somewhere they think that this place must be the litterbox

he poops in little areas that have debris.
like, there is a spot nearish his bed that has dog hair and bits of shredded cardboard that he got into. he recognizes that this stuff is trash and thinks that it is better to shit there than somewhere else i think.

My head cannon is this

Ferals/ poorly fed fluffy mares have 5-6 foals

Home kept/ regular diet 7-8 foals

Engorged fluffies/ unrestricted 10-11 foals,

I base this on cats that average 5-6 kittens. but can have enormous numbers like 11 at a time.

Clean those areas really well, and try either letting it out for a little at like mid-day, or walking it around that time. More work, but better than cleaning up shit in your house

my head cannon is that ferals will have 2-4 foals depending on how much they eat, but no more because there is too much stress. also if she is poorly fed she will have a few still-borns.
standard domestic fluffies will have 3-5. pretty straight forward.
if a fluffy eats constantly AND is dominant over a group, she will release extra eggs and have up to like 8 foals.
there are a lot of different canons because literally everything was made up by fans.

i let him out all the time.
i never fucking walk him though.
my other dog is still alive so i just let them out to do their own thing.

Good points . especially the stillborn thing.

There is also this
"While 101 dalmatians may be quite a stretch, the size of some dog’s litters can be upwards of 18 puppies. It also is possible for a dog to give birth to just one puppy, called a singleton. There are several factors that contribute to the size of a litter of puppies, not the least of which is the size of the breed of dog."

But your right of course. Its all fictional, like debating how thick dragon scales are.




D'aww, Wiwwy is so cute.

did everyone see my doubles?
i got them because i have talent.
im a member of anonmouse.
leat hacksaur.

i really need to organize my fluffy folder. note how that wasn't plural



Anybody got a copy of the greentext from a few months ago about an exterminator that used a big ass monitor lizard to track and kill fluffies

Is there any more comics with those albino flufies

Working on a story. Might be something big one, non green text. Sci-fi thriller anyone?


i wish i had a stupid, pointless class where i just needed to show up.
i would write fluffy stuff.
all of my classes are somewhat challenging though, except for one where i would have to stay hands-on and program garbage the whole time.

I remember that one, it starts out with the author misleading you into thinking he has a cannibal fluff but then reveals it as a lizard then he turns it loose on a yard invasion and it goes into a berserker rage