If you had a son would he get his foreskin snipped? Why or why not?

If you had a son would he get his foreskin snipped? Why or why not?

let him decide that when hes older and he can actually fucking speak.


Why go through an unnecessary procedure that sometimes goes wrong?


Jew here.

Absolutely not. I'm not a psychopath.

I would encourage him to consider it when he turns 13 as it is a part of our religion (a dumbass retarded one, but a part of it nonetheless).

What about if your wife was adamant that he get done, how would you approach it?

I'm so happy to see reasonable people still exist.
It's so comforting.

>openly admit it's a dumbass retarded part of your religion
>still encouraging an impressionable tween to do it

I thought you said you're not a psychopath.

I would hardly call Sup Forums reasonable at any time.

>son would you like to get part of your penis chopped off
>no dad

Tell her it's unethical. Maybe ask if she thought it would be ok if it was a daughter getting mutilated instead

>Have a son
>not a jew

She pulled the whole "you are and you turned out ok" line. I cant deny that I am happy. I don't think it is unethical, I just dont really like the idea of paying someone to do something that isn't absolutely necessary

Explain to her that the same group of Christians who brought circumcision into the mainstream in America also wanted to burn girls' clits away with acid and call it female circumcision. The idea behind all circumcision in the west has been to keep kids from masturbating. It only took off with boys because they had the biblical imagery to draw from, but people recognized the acid burning clits as the mutilation it is because that part wasnt in the bible. The for males it became "what was/looked normal," so it got passed down the generations.

It's all fucking stupid and should be punishable by law as child abuse.

>same guy
>wife doesn't care cause not a jew

Circumsized son-of-a-jew here, I've been told there are health benefits to getting your foreskin snipped. Any truth behind that? Or is my dad a liar?

We aren't American, we are australian. Why did they start doing it here? American influence? It never really took off in the UK...

>son would you like to get part of your penis chopped off
>no dad
>god will love you more if you do
>isn't he fake like Santa Claus, dad?
>no son, this one's real
>oh. I guess I don't want to go to hell then


how can you fucking idiots not understand why there is circumcision? It's an ancient procedure that probably started cause those ancient retards got phimosis and didn't know how to fix it. Then later it got mixed up with religion and shit. Most probably, the reason why the jews started doing that shit was cause some powerful fucker had to get it due to phimosis or shit and then he was like... "if i'm like this, everyone's gonna be!". Same goes with tonsurs and those chinese bald haircuts: one emperor was bald so he was like... "Ok now everyone bald!"

Why fuck with evolution? Yes, sometimes people get phimosis, but in general: IT'S SUPPOSED TO FUCKING BE THERE!

inb4: first you said they couldn't fix phimosis, then you said they did fix it. Maybe the fucker got a complication, how the fuck should i know. Still, you get my point.

tell her she better get her flap meat curtains cut at the same time.

You're less likely to get foreskin cancer I guess

(((Jew here.)))

played trumpet with a supernerd in highschool, we went to different colleges. nearly a decade after highschool theres a reunion, hes a doctor now. after chillin with the group and retreating to the close homies only, he drunkenly confessed about how toxic being uncircumcised is and how after witnessing it first hand it felt obligated to tell his closest friends how beneficial it is and to do it if it hasnt already been done. he seemed serious. i still chat with him to this day.

Another jew chiming in. I would rather him make the decision. There are little to no benefits in the clean modern day to get your foreskin removed unless it genetically looks awful, or some kind of deformation.
back to your board stormfag

I hate that I was circumcised. I hate that I was robbed of the actual pleasure that God intended my body to be capable of.

>American influence
Pretty much. Tell her if she's circumcising your son, you get to circumcise any daughters you have. With acid to the clit. Since it serves the same practical purpose.

All that scar tissue and dehydration and loss of nerve ending pleasure centers... why? Foreskin even helps protect against most stds (not HIV tho). It serves so many purposes. If there's no medical need to remove it, don't. The appendix is vestigial but we don't remove that unless it's necessary. Foreskin is more useful than the appendix. Literally what?

Not encouraging him to do it. Encouraging him to consider it.

Not enough Coincidence Detection. But should be: (((((((Jew here)))))))))))))))))))())

No, it should be his choice, not mine.

Is the reason given?
Assuming god made us in his image, it sounds like he thence did sendeth some errata...?

Such obvious bullshit. Fuck off.

>If you had a son would he get his foreskin snipped?
Honestly I'm about 30/70 for cut/uncut if I had a son.

>Why or why not?
Because I have had so many problems with my foreskin that I would wish no one to have to deal with.

I think it's stupid to automatically do it though. My Exwife was keen on it but current one is right about how I feel about it. I don't think so, but we're open to considering it.

No. I don't believe in mutilating other people until they deserve it.

Dude, are you fucking retarded? Just pull up some of the endless information about why it's fucking bad. If she can't be convinced that way, then why is she your wife. Fuck.

You're horribly injuring a babies penis, it bleeds and heals badly for a long period. During this period the baby pees in diapers and shit, it stings, hurts, the baby can't talk. It's traumatic and this influences the baby's development all the way into adulthood.

I'm just an uncut eurofag here, and I have no idea why amerifags keep circumsizing their boys, it's fucking psychotic and delusional.

Reasonable jew is reasonable.

You must not get out much. From my experience, nerds are an open book as soon as they get some booze in them. As a nerd myself, I am as well.

I'd cut off her clit

I would divorce her and call the police.

The reason I've always heard from j00s is that god made almost everything almost perfect. Wheat has to be baked into bread and men gotta be circumcised. So they say.

The baby usually passes out from shock during the procedure too, user. It's super fucked up.

No way unless it was required bc too tight foreskin. Who cares what American sluts think when it's not errect. All the benefits far outweigh pleasing what they find pleasing to the eye when you are not even fucking.

not a fucking nasty jew

Loss of nerve endings? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought major nerve endings were in the frenulum. Have I been missing out since I'm circumsized?


no, im not a jew or an ameritard

Foreskin haver here. What problems have you had with your foreskin? Legit curious as I've never had an issue.



No. Why in earth would I want to mutilate a penis?



There are shit tons of nerve endings in the entire penis. That includes the foreskin. When a girl circles her finger or tongue around the inside of my foreskin I feel like I'm gonna cum right there, but it's a totally different sensation too.

My foreskin is highly erogenous. So yes, you are missing out if it was cut off.

If he does get done (tomorrow its booked in for) what are the chances are that something will go wrong or they will accidentally remove something important or he will have a deformed penis? Its pretty rare isnt it?

Catholic make the same fuss about masturbating.

My assumption was that the religious organisations wanted the monopoly on sexual gratification as a means of control, etc - only available with our permission - "honest, god said so!" - and that fits nicely.

Ironic that the biggest religions may well be the greatest sources of everything they stand against.

Wow, you actually put some thought into this shit. Interesting take, can imagine there's truth to it.

Yea, these aren't exactly convincing to keep the foreskin...

Why would anybody become circumcised lmao
Unless you have medical reasons

I have foreskin and I wish my parents had cut me, my skin is very tight under my tip which caused it to grow banana shape over my childhood years

If you cut off part of the penis there is a 100% chance that the penis will be deformed.

Fuck, I guess I am missing out then...

No. I see no point in it at all. Thankfully my folks left a bit of foreskin on my circ du halfway.

from the thread on /soc/

">I'm super prone to infections both of the foreskin/glands and up the damn urethra. Sometimes making me fucking piss blood.
They'll give me antibiotics/antifungals when I have a flair up but only after. I use a preventative cream that has cut it down to maybe 4 times a year

>My ridged band is super tight... sometimes?
Doesn't seem to be a real rhyme or reason to that one. Tried steroids and stretching and doesn't seem to make much difference

>I had a pretty tight frenulum but it snapped a long time ago during sex.
But now the remnant is there and kinda... flappy.

Now my doctors recommend getting a circumcision to "help" with all those issues. They say it should reduce some of the issues if not solve them. I wouldn't wish either my issues or the surgery on anyone."

It COULD* be that I inherited all that or not. It's all up in the air.

hehe and they say that with a straight face?

women should not state their opinions because they are second class citizens

Nah, always been a little pissed I got cut, don't see a great reason for it. Be the parent you wish you had.

as straight as their crooked noses and beady off centre eyes allow.

Jesus, if there's a medical problem cut it off, if not just leave it!

I have a son, we didn't get him circumcised. I'm not either, and my wife just thought it just made sense for him to be "the same way" as me (not sure why).

If I wasn't circumcised, I'm not sure how I'd convince my wife to keep him uncirumcised, I'd probably tell her that we shouldn't make that kind of irreversible decision for him, it's not just something like a haircut... If he chooses to get it done later, whatever, he made that choice.

>ironic that structures designed to maintain power and order and only implemented a few ideas that made sense so people would buy into it is actually a source of great suffering

idk if there's a god, a bunch of them, or none, but I damn sure know humans would make shit up about them to benefit from it. Over 3000 deities written in and unironically believed in by man, but this one is the real one. Uh huh. You want me to tithe and attend weekly brainwashing sessions mixed with basic philosophy lessons? How convenient.

Snipped looks better end of that you sick ugly penis fucks

nah because I've heard how babies react to being circumcised and they sound fucking pissed.
Like, it's not crying. It's not even screaming.
It's like that point where you're screaming so hard that your voice breaks and you're actually less loud because of how strained you are.
>We do this to a human being that was born like 5 hours ago.

i would do him a favor n get it snipped as an infant, cant wait till he is older and ending up with infection and other UTI/sti(s)

I mean deformed as in not looking like a typical circumcised penis


Hail Satan.

Normally I'd feel bad for you and try to cheer you up, but honestly you should be mad, user. We need everyone to get mad about it. Read this whole thread. Circumcision is fucked in every way. We need to outlaw it, unless there's a medical need or the person consents to the procedure themself.

So I have another question (not OP): Is it okay to baptise babies or should we wait for that too?

I had a mild form of phimosis. Couldn't pull the foreskin back far enough until I was about 19. It hurt like hell to wash and "train" the foreskin to become more elastic.

At some point, after I had been with my first girlfriend for a few months. It worked to get the foreskin back far enough. I finally had sex with her, shit was cash. That was a major breakthrough.

So, I'm 27 now, and the problem has completely disappeared. It did pretty rapidly after it worked once when I was 19. Within a few months all my problems were gone.

I had some smegma issues when I was a little boy, because it was impossible to clean. it hurt and the pain scared me. Doctors told me to just keep trying till it would work, but as a kid you're afraid so you don;t really listen.

Anyway, I wouldn't trade my foreskin for ANYTHING. All this struggle was worth it. Circumsizing should always be an absolute last resort.

Exactly. And yet intelligent people do it.
Not only that, but they go on to indoctrinate their kids without a choice.
It's fucked up.

>Jew here
Alright lads, get the gas.

been dealing with the issues for almost 10 years. The shitty thing is, it's getting a little worse as I've gotten older even with the stretching and creams... we'll see though, still riding it out.

had a son and no I did not get him cut.. Circumcision is for kikes and muzzies.

Yes, because CUTTING the fucking PENIS SKIN off a fucking BABY is totally legit.

I had it too, all girlfriends think it cute and like it just the same.

I don't see the problem anymore. Worrying about your dick being crooked is like girls worrying about one boob being slightly bigger than the other. Nobody fucking cares.

Why would anyone want a dirty dry bellend?

Only if you don't frequently shower.

Im also a doctor, not currently drunk, and i say circumcision is religious bullshit people did back then because it reduces sexual pleasure so people wouldn't go around fucking. No need for that today, we got condoms and know god isn't real

i dont even have to argue
people with uncut cocks are proof why cutting exists and is 100% better

First off, it isnt the culturally accepted 'norm' here.
Secondly, I dont have any right to do that to my kid. If I get a daughter, should I get her ears pierced becuase it means she can wear aesthetically pleasing jewellery? Fuck no. That's something she can choose later, and if I did it to a baby people would condemn me.

And pierced ears can seal up again.
Foreskins dont grow back.


So why aren't we having our appendix removed too? Same logic.

You must have been feared in the debating circuit.


dont forget
i personally cum in my girlfriend multiple times a day
>reduces sexual pleasure
doesnt really exist
just another uncut excuse
the truth is
uncut/cut youll never know the difference
its what girls what that matters
if your girl digs your cock who the fuck cares what it is
all thats certain is uncut = problems
cut=absolutely no problems

Not sure how old you are, but I guess at some age you gotta start thinking about the alternative. I was pretty close to circumsizing when I was 19. Though I'm very glad I didn't. It's as if my body noticed "Shit, this fucker is about to get laid, quick, let's finally blow off this joke and fix his dick". Seriously it's how I felt about. The foreskin suddenly made huge progress, and within a few months I was completely fine.

If none of that happened, I wouldn't have waited another 2 years, that's for sure. Better to be cut and have sex, than to be uncut and have no sexual intimacy at all.

No idea if this helps, but good luck!



better just kill yourself because you're gonna die anyway.

No. Pic related. Kill me fam.

No. If he wants to butcher his bellend, that'll be HIS call, not mine.
